One more day to get in on WSHS Music’s fruit fundraiser

Music Boosters supporting the West Seattle High School music department sent word of this – tomorrow (Wednesday) is the last day to get in on it – and note that if you don’t need all that fruit, you can still help the students while donating your donation to feed those in need!

The WSHS Music Department is currently selling 20-pound boxes of oranges or grapefruits, for $28.00 each. Funds raised will help offset student costs as both the orchestra and band will be traveling to perform in Disneyland this next May. Fruit can be purchased from any WSHS music student, or contact by 11/26, for more information. Boxes can also be purchased for direct donation to the West Seattle Food Bank. The fruit will be delivered around December 5th.

1 Reply to "One more day to get in on WSHS Music's fruit fundraiser"

  • 2 Much Whine November 26, 2014 (9:00 am)

    I thought beans were the musical fruit, not citrus. Go Wildcats!

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