month : 10/2014 318 results

West Seattle post-windstorm Sunday: Junction Harvest Festival, Thriller-thon, salmon drumming, lots more…


As the live camera above looking north on California from Alaska shows, setup is under way for the third annual West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival (co-sponsored by WSB) – which tops our list of what’s up today (besides post-windstorm cleanup/power restoration, which we’re covering separately):

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION HARVEST FESTIVAL: 10 am-2 pm in the heart of The Junction, where California is closed between Oregon and Edmunds, and Alaska is closed between 44st and 42nd. Here are the basics:

*10 am-2 pm, free “harvest activities” at booths throughout the festival zone – details in last night’s preview
*10 am-2 pm, Farmers’ Market out in the middle of California SW
*11 am-1 pm, chili competition, 9 flights for $10 to benefit the West Seattle Food Bank (by KeyBank)
*11:30 am, costume parade led by WSHS Marching Band, starting from Junction Plaza Park (42nd/Alaska)
*noon-2 pm, trick-or-treating at Junction businesses (no earlybirds!)

Our booth is on the east side of California/Alaska – “Diver Laura” is scheduled to join us with iPhone microscope plankton-viewing, and for the grownups, we’re giving away the only tchotchkes we’ve ever offered (last seen at the WS Car Show two years ago), ice scrapers, while they last. See you there!

Also from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Halloween Guide today:

POP-UP PUMPKIN PATCH: 10 am-1 pm, Delridge Grocery‘s Pop-up Pumpkin Patch! Buy your “edible and decorative Halloween pumpkins from your friendly neighborhood co-op. Free coffee, cider, and treats will be offered. They’ll also take payments for member-owner shares at the event.” Same site as DG’s summer farmstand, south of the library. (5435 Delridge Way SW)

GEAR SWAP, DAY 2: 11 am-3 pm, it’s the second day of the annual Mountain to Sound Outfitters-presented gear swap at VFW Hall across the street. Details in our calendar listing. (3601 SW Alaska)

THRILLER-THON: 1-3 pm, Thriller-thon at West Seattle Christian Church Activity Center, benefiting Transitional Resources! (4400 42nd SW)

NERF WARS: 2-4 pm, special event for kids at Straight Blast Gym of Seattle (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing, including how to sign up; check ASAP to see if there’s still room! (5050 Delridge Way SW)

NEW SOUNDS NORTHWEST: Concert at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, 3 pm – details in our calendar listing. (4105 California SW)

ANIMAL REIKI DEMONSTRATION: 3 pm at Mud Bay in The Admiral District – details in our calendar listing. (2611 California SW)

‘DOGFIGHT’: 3 pm at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), it’s your next chance to see the musical “Dogfight,” described as “the romantic and heartbreaking story of three young Marines in 1963” before their deployment to Vietnam. Directed by AW’s new artistic director Mathew Wright. Tickets available online. (4711 California SW)

DRUMMING TO CALL THE SALMON HOME: The first coho are already arriving in Fauntleroy Creek, as shown here Saturday. At 5 pm tonight – provided it’s not raining – join the annual gathering at the overlook to encourage them to keep coming home. Details in our calendar listing. (Fauntleroy/Director, up the embankment across from the ferry dock)

EVEN MORE … on our calendar!

West Seattle windstorm: Sunday power outage, cleanup updates

(Added: WSB photo, trees blocking sidewalk, southbound Fauntleroy by The Kenney)
7:18 AM: As dawn breaks, hundreds of West Seattleites (including us) are among the 14,000 listed by Seattle City Light as still without power.

We’ll be updating that and cleanup – of trees and debris – as the day unfolds. Thanks to everyone who shared updates from their neighborhoods during as-it-happened coverage last night, and please let us know what you’re dealing with today. The forecast indicates the worst of the weather is past. Meantime, for those wondering, the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival is still on as scheduled, 10 am-2 pm. We’ll have the daily “what’s happening” list up by 8:30 am, and it leads the way.

8:14 AM UPDATE: If you’re without power and/or cable/internet service, please be sure you’ve reported it (again, if necessary) – things are still in flux; we’ve noticed the City Light map jumped from 14,000 out to 18,000 out in the past hour or so (service-area-wide) – and please note that even if there is an estimate listed for restoration, it’s just a guesstimate, and SCL will be the first to tell you that; ours, for example, originally was guesstimated at 2 am-ish, and now that’s pushed back to 2 pm-ish. If you’re looking to watch the Seahawks game – most affected by the outage are residential, not business, so there’s LOTS of places to watch. WSB sponsor Feedback Lounge, for one.

8:35 AM UPDATE: Via Twitter, Comcast acknowledges outages and says they’re deploying generators “where it will help.”

10:13 AM UPDATE: Be careful when you’re out there – trees are still blocking roads and sidewalks, like the ones that came down in front of The Kenney (WSB sponsor) – we added a photo atop this story – in the 7100 block of Fauntleroy. The wind did other damage – this photo is via Twitter:

That building’s been undergoing renovations.

11:14 AM: City Light still lists 2,100 without power in its service area. Parts of Gatewood and Upper Fauntleroy (including our HQ) are among the last big pockets in West Seattle. And while the wind has mostly passed – the rain hasn’t (big shower right now while the Harvest Festival continues in The Junction).

12:13 PM: Important reminder from Stephanie:

REMINDER!!! When the lights are out you must treat like a 4-way stop. People are blowing through the light out at 35th and Webster on 35th. I fear an accident (although I guess the fire station is super close).

Also, we heard earlier today from Samantha in the 6000 block of 46th SW, looking to get some help dismantling a big tree that came down.

If you have a chainsaw, she said, you can have some of the firewood, and lunch. Caveat: It’s been a while since we first heard from her and our mention of this was delayed but if you’re in the neighborhood, maybe go check!

1:37 PM: Samantha posted an update in comments – the tree’s been cut up but there’s still some firewood to be had. Meantime, branches are still falling from trees – look what this dashcam caught:

We hear power is back in a few more neighborhoods including ours – we’ll be heading home from the Harvest Festival shortly and will report back. City Light tweeted earlier that some in the service area might not be back until early tomorrow.

2:40 PM: Back from the Harvest Festival and can verify that the map is accurate as least so far as our neighborhood goes.

West Seattle weather: Thousands lose power in Saturday night windstorm


(One of several photos @Naurthon tweeted showing tree blocking part of Delridge near Home Depot)
7:55 PM: Minutes before the National Weather Service‘s “high wind warning” for our area was originally to officially take effect, the wind is already gusting big time, at least where we are, and lights have flickered numerous times. We’re already seeing the first West Seattle power outage – about 120 people along Beach Drive. We’ll be covering this throughout the night – please let us know of any problems where you are –, text or voice at 206-293-6302.

8:10 PM: Tree reported to have fallen on a house in the 5600 block of SW Admiral Way – no one hurt. We’re en route. (Update: Couldn’t find it.) Also, a power outage is reported in Gatewood, but not on the map yet – the map grab above still just shows the one on Beach Drive, which is blamed on a tree (not sure where that one is).

8:30 PM: Thanks to everyone who’s commented/messaged with information on other spot outages – from Bonair to Puget Ridge to Highland Park. Remember that if you have to be out driving and happen onto a non-working signal – that’s a 4-way stop intersection. (added) Annie sends this photo of a tree down on 24th between Barton and Cambridge:

8:44 PM: Just heard a scanner report of a tree down on Delridge at 21st SW, blocking southbound lanes. And we have this photo via Twitter:

Jeff tweets that a tree is down on Roxbury at 34th. Thanks again to everyone sharing info and photos.

9 PM: 55 outages are now reported around the city, affecting more than 22,000 homes and businesses. Several are now mapped in West Seattle – see here for the latest. If you lose/find a pet during the storm – or any other time – remember that for six years, WSB has had the only West Seattle-specific lost/found pets page –; just added a dog found tonight. Meantime, in comments, flynlo has noted 48 mph gusts on Gatewood Hill.

(Added: SFD at wires-down site on SW Ida – WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
9:20 PM: Now, add outages in Arbor Heights – we saw the 35th/Roxbury signal go out as that happened – and Morgan Junction; Arroyos, too, per comments. The tree down on Roxbury, meantime, is at 32nd – we’ll have a photo shortly (update: tree photo courtesy Dustin Smith).

If you have to go out, slow down – our photographer said people were coming up on the tree way too fast for safety. Meantime, every gust seems to take more people out – some now out in Fauntleroy. Also, trees down in two spots in Highland Park, Andrea e-mails: “One heading down Highland Park (Way) just after Holden and the other on 9th right side northbound.”

9:45 PM: Power outage finally hit us in Upper Fauntleroy. We’re continuing to report with backup power and Internet. Wind still strong. Re: Roxbury tree, Joe Szilagyi shows us via Instagram that the Roxbury tree is being towed. Meantime, you’re probably wondering how long the power will be out. Even the “guesstimates” you might see on the City Light map are not reliable (and SCL acknowledges that). 52,000 homes and businesses are now out citywide, according to the map. *Or it could be sooner rather than later – commenter Petertut says power’s BACK in the 5900 block of Beach Drive.

10:21 PM: Minutes after @naurthon tweeted that photo, he reported that the tree is clear and Delridge is open again in the SW Orchard vicinity. The weather *sounds* as if it’s calming a bit – we’re looking around to see if forecasters have any insight. This was only supposed to last until the early-morning hours, and we’re still counting on “all systems go” for the Harvest Festival in The Junction 10-2 tomorrow.

10:48 PM: Chet says a tree and wires are down on Fauntleroy Way north of Lincoln Park. Also a new report from Sharryn of a tree down by 35th/Roxbury. And Shane sent photos of two trees down along the street in the 2100 block of California SW.

We’re also adding the newest screengrab from the City Light map, showing the many outages on the peninsula – looks like more than 10,000 homes/businesses. Far more of the former than the latter – it appears The Junction has kept power, for example (“live” traffic cam image added, to prove it):

So if you need food/beverages, there’s one direction to head in.

(Added: Fauntleroy ferry dock – WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
11:15 PM: WSB’s Christopher Boffoli has been roving to see what’s happening where. He reports, “Pitch black from Morgan Junction all the way down past Lincoln Park. Ferry dock is still without power and is waiting for generators to arrive. They somehow still have one terminal open and they’re able to check people in (right side ticket booth). Ferry traffic is very light.” SCL has done some restoring – the total citywide is now down to 50,000. Meantime, trees aren’t just out in roads – Dianne in Admiral e-mailed, “My neighbor’s tree fell in 3 or 4 spots, and they are on top of my house, and hanging next to it. My Willow tree is badly damaged and I think my Maple is down. I’ll know more tomorrow morning. Very frightening.” Then a bit later:

Likely going to be much to clean up – branches and leaves in the streets and on the sidewalks … in the morning.

1:26 AM: City Light is making progress – the outage map now shows 38,000 customers (homes/businesses) without power around its coverage area, down from a peak past 52,000. We’re still out in Upper Fauntleroy after almost four hours.

Adding several photos from Christopher Boffoli’s travels checking out storm damage, including the one above, a fence knocked down on 37th SW.

5:10 AM UPDATE: Many are back on. Not us, yet.

7:07 AM: Same as above. We will launch a new story shortly. Meantime, the Harvest Festival is ON – The Junction didn’t even lose power last night.

7:32 AM: That new story is here.

West Seattle (Athletic) Club ‘is no longer operational’ – it’s becoming West Seattle Health Club


7:52 PM: The fitness club at 2629 SW Andover – closed since Thursday – has a new name: West Seattle Health Club.

And we’ve just found out a lot more from the man who says property owner John Pietromonaco has hired him to run it, Dan Lehr.

He expects it to remain closed at least until the end of the week.

(added) First, from an e-mail Lehr sent just before our conversation, this is what he says has happened, and what he says is being planned:

As you are well aware Sam vacated the premises Friday night and left the club in a state of disarray. Even stooping so low as to sabotage many of the clubs systems and equipment – most seriously of which is the pool, threw employee shirts and toilet paper into the pool filters and drained the pool of water.

He removed most of the cardio equipment and anything that was left was either in a state of disrepair or already out of order. Most of the free weights have been removed as well as most anything else that wasn’t nailed down, including computers, phones, sound systems and all membership records. Fortunately most of the selectorized weight machines (have weight stacks & pins) were left behind and are in good working order. In short most anything that could be easily removed was taken.

HRP Properties has a vested interest in the property which was designed solely to be an Athletic Club. We fully intend to continue to operate the property as a full service athletic facility and are committed to restoring the club to its former “fully operational state”.

Some of the items that will be addressed immediately will include the following:
Club HVAC systems will be repaired – this is to begin Monday of this coming week.
The entire club will be deep cleaned from top to bottom – locker rooms, carpets, shower areas – everything.
Cardio equipment will be either repaired or replaced with new
Free Weights will be replaced with new
Stereos and TV’S – replaced with new
Numerous other miscellaneous fitness and operations items replaced with new
Grounds will be cleaned
Pool areas will be renovated as needed

Our phone conversation went a lot further, including where West Seattle (Athletic) Club memberships stand, and more, including Lehr’s background. Adding that shortly.

ADDED 9:31 PM: Lehr says he’s “been in the health and fitness industry for 25 years as a club owner,” including “Redmond Athletic Club, which I designed and built from the ground up.” Again, he says property owner Pietromonaco is now the owner – and that, he says, is rare, for a club operator to own the land and building – and he has been hired to manage and basically rebuild it. He says he generally operates with a “relaxed culture” and wants to “build up morale, get a new culture in there, that starts to emanate to the members – the past two operators have left the members high and dry.”

About the members: Where do they stand?

Lehr says they are “trying to get the membership information, it’s hosted on a cloud site, we’re working to obtain all that. If we can get that, we can start crediting people, extending (their) information because of downtime, but without that, we can’t take care of those folks. But what we will do is start up another club they can come and join for no startup fees. We’re going to try to come up with a dues structure. We’re still gathering information on what (the previous operation) had been selling. We’re going to come up with one that is competitive and still viable to make the club profitable.”

Lehr says he is not entirely sure what the status was as Adams left – was he formally evicted? did he officially hand over the business? Just one thing: “(Adams’ club) is no longer operational. State law requires him to find a comparable facility (to keep members) within 10 miles and he has not done that, so he cannot bill members again.” He says Adams is using “nearby” storage for what he removed from the club.

“We’re going to do the right thing. I’m not sure what that is yet. My past experience, I’ve taken over clubs before. We want everyone to stay. We want the chance to show them (what we can do). … If I can get membership and dues information, then I’m in a seamless situation. If I don’t have that, I can’t.”

He said they hope “to be operational sometime near the end of next week.” (The pool could take up to 4 weeks, since he says they will take the opportunity for some HVAC improvements, repainting, etc., in that part of the club.) “But we have to have a lot in place – a point of sale system, new member contracts,” and they will be meeting with staff. He says they want to be completely “transparent” as they move through the process of opening the “new” club and promises daily updates.

SUNDAY NIGHT: Since it’s been a busy day with windstorm aftermath, Harvest Festival, etc., we don’t have a new standalone story, but did note that the new manager has posted this in comments tonight.

West Seattle Harvest Festival tomorrow: The big preview

Despite tonight’s storminess, the forecast is still looking relatively promising for the third annual West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival, 10 am-2 pm tomorrow. It’s on, rain or shine – activity booths are covered, so are Farmers’ Market stands, and of course local businesses are happy to welcome you for shopping/dining – so we hope it’s on your schedule already. As a co-sponsor and activity host, we’ll be reporting live starting around 9 am, so check in here in the morning. (And remember that California will be closed to traffic between Edmunds and Oregon, with Alaska closed between 42nd and 44th)

Meantime, one last roundup of festival info! The basics, again, are:
*10 am-2 pm, activities
*10 am-2 pm, Farmers’ Market in the street
*11 am-1 pm, chili competition on southwest corner of California/Alaska
*11:30 am, costume parade from Junction Plaza Park at 42nd/Alaska, led by the West Seattle High School Marching Band
*Noon-2 pm, trick-or-treating at participating storefronts

We’ve already previewed several of the activities (including ours!) and here’s a more comprehensive list (apologies if we’ve missed yours – this is a compilation of info provided by the Junction Association and sent by those answering a call for info) – read ahead!

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West Seattle salmon: Spawners arrive at Fauntleroy Creek

October 25, 2014 4:53 pm
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(Seen at the Fauntleroy Creek overlook late today)
4:53 PM: One day after Judy Pickens sent a reminder of tomorrow’s drumming-the-salmon-home event, with a promise that she’d let us know as soon as there was a Fauntleroy Creek coho sighting, she has an update: “Elizabeth Butler and Chris Kim win the prize for spotting the season’s first spawners near the beach. All this rain, plus 11-foot tides, have brought them in ahead of tomorrow evening’s drumming!”

If you are on the volunteer salmon-watch roster, that means it’s time to sign up for specific shifts. Otherwise, they should be in view soon from the overlook at Fauntleroy and Director (map), across the street from the ferry dock (and up the embankment), where the drumming/singing is set for 5 pm Sunday.

6:32 PM: We stopped by the overlook before dark. It’s not a good viewing spot – lots of overgrowth – but when watchers are on duty, you can walk to the creek from Director St. just east of there. Judy was just there with Dennis Hinton and says that while coho #1 was eaten by a river otter, #2 and #3 were spotted under a bridge on the creek. She adds, “I’ll be spending most of my afternoon tomorrow down at the creek for any folk who wish to visit.”

11:57 PM: Dennis sent photos! Added the one you see above.

Remembering Loni McIntosh: Memorial walk on November 1st

Two and a half years ago, we noted local fitness instructor Loni McIntosh‘s cancer battle, as friends organized a fundraiser. Today, we have word that Ms. McIntosh’s long fight is over, and that everyone who knew her is invited to gather for a memorial walk next Saturday:

Beloved fitness instructor and longtime member of the West Seattle community, Loni McIntosh, passed away from brain cancer Wednesday 10/15. Please join us to celebrate Loni as we do a walk and gathering in her memory on Alki Beach next Saturday, November 1st at 10 am. We will meet outside the Alki Bathhouse for a few words and walk as a group. Rain or shine. Let’s remember Loni with fun stories and memories of the tough, kind, loving person she was. Please wear blue/teal if you can.

Ms. McIntosh was 57 years old.

VIDEO/PHOTOS: West Seattle Monster Dash 2014 in the forest!

Rain or shine, it was time for the West Seattle Monster Dash this morning – and as our video shows, off they went, despite breezy, showery conditions. The Lincoln Park run/walk is a benefit for Cooperative Preschools. Organizer Milyssa Daigle (below) cheered on the (mostly) costumed participants:

…including ones young enough to be currently using the aforementioned preschools!

The littlest participants had their own “monster dashes” right after the main race.

Some spooky sights in the throng:

By the way, race results are online – see them here.

West Seattle Halloween helpers: Girl Scouts’ candy drive Sunday

Coming to the West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival tomorrow? First, take a quick detour, if you can, to help make Halloween happier for others. From West Seattle Girl Scout Troop 45172:

On Halloween night from 6-8 pm, Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission hosts an annual festival in the Youth Reach Out Center for kids and teens. They earn candy and other treats through fun games and competitions. To help make this fun and safe event a success, West Seattle Girl Scout Troop #45172 is holding a candy drive at The Junction QFC this Sunday from 9:30-11:30 during the Harvest Festival. Bring or buy a bag of wrapped candy to donate.

The store is at 42nd/Alaska, right across from Junction Plaza Park, where the costume parade will start at 11:30 during tomorrow’s festival.

West Seattle Saturday: See what’s up today and tonight

(Osprey, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Halloween Guide:

WEST SEATTLE MONSTER DASH: 9 am in south Lincoln Park, near the zipline, it’s the annual 5K – costumes encouraged (but not mandatory) – benefiting Co-Op Preschools. Followed by the Little Monster dashes at 10 am, preceded by last-minute signups ($40) at 8:30 am, full race-day schedule here. (Fauntleroy/Cloverdale)

DECORATE A PUMPKIN: Kids’ pumpkin-decorating at PCC Natural Markets-West Seattle (WSB sponsor), 9-noon. “Come decorate your very own pumpkin to take home. PCC will supply free pumpkins and decorating supplies. There also will be healthy snacks to stir those scary, creative juices. Free for kids 12 and younger.” (California/Stevens)

BEAUTIFY NORTH DELRIDGE: 10 am-noon, just two hours of your time can make a major difference. Join North Delridge Neighborhood Council‘s beautification chair Lisa Taylor Whitley and neighborhood volunteers, starting at Delridge Community Center and fanning out to pick up trash and clear storm drains along Delridge Way SW. Bags/pickers provided! (4501 Delridge Way SW)

GEAR SWAP: 10 am-6 pm, it’s the annual Mountain to Sound Outfitters-presented gear swap at VFW Hall across the street. Details in our calendar listing. (3601 SW Alaska)

THRIFTWAY HALLOWEEN PARTY: Annual kids’ Halloween party at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), 11 am-1 pm. (Fauntleroy/Morgan/California)

DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE HALLOWEEN PARTY: 1-3 pm, with games, prizes, refreshments. Details in our calendar listing. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: 1 pm, Chief Sealth International High School plays Cleveland HS at Memorial Stadium downtown.

DIA DE LOS MUERTOS @ THE LIBRARY: Dia de los Muertos event for ages 5-up at Southwest Branch Library, 2-3:30 pm. Details here. (35th/Henderson)

ORGAN BENEFIT: 3 pm at Admiral Church, an all-star musical lineup to help raise money to renovate the church’s 52-year-old pipe organ – read about it here. (California/Hill)

HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: 4-8 pm, Halloween Carnival at Our Lady of Guadalupe School. Details on the school website. (34th/Myrtle)

OKTOBERFEST: The West Seattle Lions Club‘s Oktoberfest celebration starts at 5:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle – details in our calendar listing. (Oregon/California)

‘DOGFIGHT’: 7:30 pm at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), it’s your next chance to see the musical “Dogfight,” described as “the romantic and heartbreaking story of three young marines in 1963 on the eve of the deployment to the small but growing conflict in Vietnam.” Directed by AW’s new artistic director Mathew Wright. (4711 California SW)

LOTS OF NIGHTLIFE: Live music and more – see the venues/listings on the calendar.

West Seattle Weather Watch update: ‘High wind warning’

FIRST REPORT, 6:58 AM: First, the National Weather Service canceled the “special weather statement” that had been up for our area. But now, early this morning, a new weather alert was announced, a “wind advisory” from 3 pm today until 6 am Sunday. See it here. The NWS says the strongest winds are expected this evening, out of the southwest, with gusts possibly up to 45-50 mph.

10 AM UPDATE: The time frame is moved back a bit: 6 pm tonight to 6 am tomorrow. Charge everything now, just in case!

1:13 PM UPDATE: Thanks to the commenters who point out that this is now a “high wind warning,” in effect for 8 pm tonight until 2 am tomorrow. Gusts could be as high as 60 mph. As longtime readers know, weather coverage is a specialty here, so you can count on updates here, whatever happens; please let us know what happens where you are, too. (Get our hotline in your phone for texting/calling – 206-293-6302 – thank you.)

West Seattle weekend scene: Halloween Rainbow Bingo

October 25, 2014 3:56 am
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(WSB photos by Katie Meyer)
More early Halloween fun in West Seattle on Friday night, this time in The Junction, as the Halloween edition of Rainbow Bingo filled the big hall upstairs at the Senior Center of West Seattle. Hostess Sylvia O’Stayformore had more than a few costumed guests to admire:

Calendar shows she’ll be back at the West Seattle center with the Holidazzle edition of Rainbow Bingo on December 5th – and tickets are already on sale online.

Hearing a helicopter? Not law enforcement, SPD says

11:08 PM: We’ve received multiple reports of a helicopter heard in the Seaview and Arbor Heights areas. We’ve checked with Seattle Police, and Lt. Alan Williams says it’s not Guardian One – quiet night for SPD. Still checking, but it’s a mystery for now.

12:08 AM: Just back from tracking it for a while. As noted in comments, it was flying too high for a search. Too dark, of course, to have any idea what it looked like. Not sure if we’ll be able to figure this one out, but we’re still trying.

West Seattle Halloween scene: Swimming with pumpkins

October 24, 2014 9:48 pm
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With Halloween/harvest events aplenty in West Seattle for the next week-plus, tonight was the big night for local Seattle Parks facilities, including Southwest Pool, scene of an annual free family swim. Lifeguards were in costume, lights and decorations added to the atmosphere, and swimmers could play with floating pumpkins as well as the usual pool toys.

P.S. This was featured in our Halloween Guide, where you’ll find dozens more events from tomorrow through early November – and we’re adding more tonight (thanks to everyone sending theirs in).

Vehicle flips in High Point, one person hurt

(Photo courtesy Michelle)
One person was taken to the hospital after that flipped-vehicle crash near 30th/Graham in High Point about an hour ago. Thanks to Michelle for the top photo. She reports that, “My husband and I heard a loud crash and then the sound of a car speeding away at a very high speed. We came out and found a car flipped in the intersection, with 1 man inside. The man seems to have some injuries, but was able to climb out of the car with some assistance.” At least one parked car was damaged (at right in the photo). This was originally dispatched as a “heavy rescue,” but the response was scaled back when it was determined the person in the vehicle got out OK.

(WSB photo)
Officers at the scene told us the man did not have life-threatening injuries.

More Seattle City Light work ahead: North of Morgan Junction

(Click map to see it full-size)
More Seattle City Light modernization work is on the way between The Junction and Morgan Junction. If this affects you, SCL says, you should have received a flyer. In case you didn’t – or otherwise missed it – we’re sharing the news too:

Seattle City Light is continuing to make electrical improvements in portions of West Seattle by increasing capacity from 4 kV to 26kV. The attached flyer was mailed recently and explained the details to affected customers. …

· What is the work? Conversion of service from 4 to 26kV will improve the electrical capacity in a neighborhood north of Morgan Junction. This modernization has been ongoing in different portions of West Seattle since 2008. The work involves replacing old poles with new ones and adding new cross arms, insulators, transformers and wires.

· What is the schedule? Beginning of November for approximately two months. See flyer for details.

· What are the impacts? Affected customers will experience a maximum of three outages during this work. Crews will place a door hanger or make personal contact 48-72 hours in advance of outages. The notification will specify the date, time and duration of the outage.

· Point of Contact? Michael Gabrielson, Electrical Service Representative, at 206-386-4245 or , or visit

This is separate from the other West Seattle work that City Light announced earlier this month, cable maintenance via silicon injection in Fauntlee Hills and Sunrise Heights.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Mountain snow; storm alert canceled

Look what’s back! Gary Jones shares the photo of snow on the Olympic Mountains, first major sighting from West Seattle this fall. Other weather news: The “special weather statement” suggesting possibly strong wind tomorrow has been dropped. Areas east of Seattle are under a wind advisory for tonight/tomorrow, but the forecast for our area is now back down to just rainy and breezy through Saturday night. For Sunday’s West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival (next big preview later tonight), things still look calmer still – cloudy with only a chance of showers.

West Seattle (Athletic) Club update: Closure continues

(SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE: Club has yet to reopen)

What appears to be a transition at West Seattle (Athletic) Club continues, with the fitness center closed again today, as announced in e-mail Wednesday and posted on the doors Thursday, both saying it will reopen tomorrow. We went by after a tip that police were called there at midday. No officers there when we arrived, but we did see the truck shown above and exercise equipment sitting outside.

SPD told us the call was about “a disturbance,” but did not lead to arrests. Today was the court-ordered deadline for club owner Sam Adams to pay property owner John Pietromonaco $1.1 million or face eviction; when contacted earlier this week, Pietromonaco told WSB that he had “a plan” if that didn’t happen. We asked the King County Sheriff’s Office if it had or was planning to serve eviction papers; spokesperson Sgt. DB Gates said the “writ of restitution” issued October 6th in the unlawful-detainer (eviction) case has been assigned to a detective, but they don’t comment further on specific plans for serving paperwork (or not).

ADDED 9:33 PM: Commenter John sent a photo of the drained pool, visible from the sidewalk:

If you plan on going there first thing tomorrow morning, please let us know (comment, e-mail, phone/text, whatever works) what you find – open, closed, etc. Thank you!

SAT. MORNING, 8:43 AM: We won’t be able to go look for a while longer but as of a short time ago, a caller says, closed and locked, same sign.

Followup: New information, as West Seattle’s Senior Center mulls going independent

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The Senior Center of West Seattle has gone through one big change and is contemplating another. And today, we have more context for both.

One week ago, we published the announcement of a meeting at which center supporters hope to hear what you think about its relationship with the citywide nonprofit Senior Services, as they ask “Should We Stay or Should We Go?” – with “go” meaning, breaking off and operating independently.

This follows months of behind-the-scenes uncertainty that followed Senior Services’ firing in July of the West Seattle center’s longtime executive director Karen Sisson. (While SS does not own the center, it provides staffing and other services.)

SS has not commented on the reason for Sisson’s firing, but she has said it was about an e-mail she mistakenly circulated more widely than she intended, expressing concerns about a possible change in its relationship with West Seattle and other centers.

She has asked us to share that e-mail with you. And we have talked with a Senior Services spokesperson to find out what they are considering and why.

Read More

Crime Watch followup: Christopher A. Brown pleads guilty in Roxbury rape/beating attack

Just discovered this in the court files:

The man charged in last March’s rape and beating of a 58-year-old woman near 22nd/Roxbury has pleaded guilty. The attack drew regional-media attention as deputies went door to door searching for clues to solve the exceptionally violent attack. 25-year-old Christopher Anthony Brown was found via a DNA match, arrested in Oklahoma in June, charged with rape and assault, and extradited. Investigators said Brown had been visiting this area when he attacked the victim as she waited for a bus – asking her for a cigarette, then offering her money for sex, and when she declined, dragging her into nearby shrubbery, choking her until she was nearly unconscious, beating her, raping her, robbing her, and threatening to kill her and her family if she reported it.

According to documents in the online files, prosecutors will recommend a sentence that would put Brown in prison for 171 months – just over 14 years. Brown pleaded guilty last week to one count each of rape, assault, and robbery. King County Superior Court Judge Julie Spector is scheduled to sentence him on November 14th.

West Seattle Friday: Halloweekend #1; Ye Olde Curiosity Shop @ Log House Museum; Fall Falcon Fest; Highland Park square dance…

(Thanks to Bradi for the photo of Johnnie the cat admiring Thursday’s rainbow!)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – first event, actually, was just announced last night and never even made it into the calendar:

YE OLDE CURIOSITY SHOP AT LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: With part of the downtown waterfront closed for seawall work, one of its iconic businesses, Ye Olde Curiosity Shop, is getting a special spotlight at the Log House Museum. That starts with an opening reception this afternoon, 2 pm, featuring members of its founding family – full details on the LHM website. (61st/Stevens)

Next, this is definitely Halloweekend #1; though October 31st is a week away, the biggest fun starts this afternoon/evening, and it’s in our West Seattle Halloween Guide, including:

RAINBOW BINGO: 6 pm, doors open for Halloween Rainbow Bingo at the Senior Center of West Seattle. Fun, food, cash prizes! Wear your costume! Must be 18 or older. Featuring Sylvia O’Stayformore and guest bingo callers. Follow the link to check ASAP if reservations are still available. (California/Oregon)

ALKI HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: Carnival at Alki Community Center, 6:30-8:30 pm. $.25 per game or $7 per unlimited bracelet. (5817 SW Stevens)

HIAWATHA HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: Carnival at Hiawatha Community Center, 6-8 pm. 25 cents a ticket. (2700 California SW)

SOUTHWEST POOL SPOOKY SWIM: Free Halloween Family Swim at Southwest Pool, 7-8 pm. “Bring your little ghosts and goblins to the pool and take a dip with the pumpkins! Join in with a penny dive, bobbing for apples and other activities. Anyone under 18 yrs old must be accompanied in the water by an adult or guardian.” (2801 SW Thistle)

‘GHOST GAME’: The Cabiri in ‘Ghost Game VIII: 13 Witches’ at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 8 pm. Tickets and details here. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

Back to the regular calendar – some of tonight’s other highlights:

FALL FALCON FEST: 5-8 pm, the first festival at newly reopened Fairmount Park Elementary School – alumni are encouraged to come, too, and special tours are part of the plan. Details in our preview from earlier in the month. (38th/Findlay)

HIGHLAND PARK ELEMENTARY SQUARE DANCE: 6 pm, dinner (free!), 7-9 pm, square dancing with live music, and more – including free pumpkins to take home, while they last! – presented by the Highland Park Elementary PTA. (1012 SW Trenton)

PEACE ON THE BEACH: As part of Seattle Parks’ Week Without Violence, teens are invited to the Alki Bathhouse at 6 tonight for pizza, discussions, and s’more-making. (2701 Alki SW)

SWEET, SWEET MUSIC, FEATURING ALICE STUART: 7:30 pm at Fauntleroy Church, the high-energy blues artistry of Alice Stuart is spotlighted in the latest edition of Sweet, Sweet Music.

TOTAL EXPERIENCE GOSPEL CHOIR’S MICHAEL JACKSON TRIBUTE: 7:30 pm at Kenyon Hallread about it here! (7904 35th SW)

Fauntleroy salmon: Drumming on Sunday; watch starts Monday

(WSB photo from last year’s Fauntleroy Creek gathering to call the salmon home)
Last year, they were a no-show; the year before, a record run. What will this year bring for coho salmon in Fauntleroy Creek? Steward Judy Pickens says would-be salmon spectators are already showing up at the creek but should know, no one’s seen any yet, and the official volunteer-powered salmon watch won’t start until Monday. Once they see one, she’ll share the news with us, and you’ll be welcome to come down and try to get a glimpse any time a salmon-watcher is on duty. Meantime, the symbolic start to the season is this Sunday, 5 pm, when you are invited to join in the annual “calling the salmon home” gathering at the Fauntleroy fish ladder (Fauntleroy/Director, across the street from the ferry dock, up the embankment) – bring something to drum with if you can, but not mandatory.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday updates; weekend (& beyond) previews

October 24, 2014 6:21 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle traffic alerts

(WS bridge and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Happy Friday! Traffic watch is on. And so are our previews for the weekend and beyond:

LOTS OF HALLOWEEN: This weekend is arguably bigger for Halloween events than October 31st. Preview them in our West Seattle Halloween Guide. And take extra care out there tonight and tomorrow night.

WEEKEND TRAFFIC ALERTS, CITYWIDE: See SDOT’s roundup for this weekend here.

HARVEST FESTIVAL ON SUNDAY: Junction streets are closed and buses are on reroute for Sunday’s 10 am-2 pm festival – the closure starts first thing in the morning, as participants (including us!) will be loading in, as will Farmers’ Market vendors.

WATER TAXI SCHEDULE CHANGE ON MONDAY: The 7-day-a-week, all-day West Seattle Water Taxi schedule ends Sunday. Then on Monday, the 5-day fall/winter schedule begins – preview it here.