UPDATE 9:45 PM: As detailed in comments below this story, Albert has been found – thanks to everyone who helped!
ORIGINAL REPORT, 1:58 PM: Albert is missing – and his brother asked us to get the word out:
My 33 year old brother is mentally unstable and likely in the West Seattle area. He was staying at Transitional Resources (2970 SW Avalon Way), but ran out early this morning (the staff thinks between 5-8 am). He does not have a car, cell phone, or wallet, so he is probably wandering around on foot. He is likely in a disoriented state from insomnia. He is of Asian descent, has some facial hair, and wears glasses. If anyone sees him, please contact me by phone (650-387-0738) or email (piwaisfafa@aol.com).
Or, call police.