West Seattle traffic alert: Taxicab hits building

At Glenn/Oregon on the west side of The Junction, a taxicab crashed into the corner of a building, in a collision that also involved a truck that wasn’t seriously damaged and has already left the scene (after talking with police), according to WSB’s Katie Meyer. Traffic is still getting by both ways. No injuries reported.

5 Replies to "West Seattle traffic alert: Taxicab hits building"

  • sam-c June 2, 2014 (2:00 pm)

    is that the big fire dept. response going up Delridge at the moment? nevermind, I guess the car thing was at 1:22. just saw

  • Vanessa June 2, 2014 (2:21 pm)

    I’ve seen many near accidents at this intersection, and have had to slam on my brakes in order to not be hit. People driving West on Oregon tend to not look very well at the cross traffic. I don’t think the speeders read the blog very much. But if you do, Please SLOW DOWN.
    …and eat your broccoli.

  • Lynn June 2, 2014 (3:24 pm)

    Stop signs are needed on Glenn Way AND Oregon Street at this intersection. Accidents are frequent and drivers habitually speed through the intersection. Also, sight lines are limited on Glenn Way driving from the north into the intersection. Nor can cars driving on Oregon St. going east see cars coming up on Glenn Way from the north.

  • sgs June 2, 2014 (6:00 pm)

    Also, now that cars are parking on the Oregon just west of Glenn Way, there is sometimes only one lane for both directions on Oregon.

    Oregon and 46th is another tough intersection with trees blocking and people speeding west down Oregon.

  • JTB June 2, 2014 (8:31 pm)

    At the stop sign when heading east on Oregon, one learns to look under the vehicles parked along the west side of Glenn Way to see if anything’s coming up the hill. The next intersection to the east (Oregon/44th SW) seems to have frequent accidents because northbound vehicles at the stop sign on 44th can’t see cars coming up the slope on Oregon and often pull into the intersection without taking a second look. It would be safer if the City moved that stop sign closer to the intersection.

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