West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
(WSB photos by Christopher Boffoli)
11:30 PM: Police and fire are rushing to a report of a 20-year-old man stabbed at/near 61st/Alki. That’s all we know so far.
11:38 PM UPDATE: From the scanner (our crew is still en route), the victim is reported to have been stabbed in the thigh.
11:44 PM UPDATE: In medical communications, the wound is described as to the “right flank” and the victim is now described as 23 years old.
12:08 AM UPDATE: Police at the scene told us the stabbing happened when two groups of people started fighting/arguing. One person is being held for questioning.
8:59 PM UPDATE: The comment discussion has included reports that 911 was called even before the stabbing and told that trouble was brewing, and concerns about the response time. We inquired this morning with SPD and received a response this evening from Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Steve Wilske, who has spoken at multiple community meetings recently (including the Block Watch Captains’ Network this past Tuesday) about the precinct’s Alki plan.
“We dispatched the call pretty quickly, but between travel time and getting the officers together to go in as a team it took about 8-10 minutes to get there and exert control over the event. They wanted to go in as a team due to the number of people involved in the fight. There was one subject who was stabbed in the abdomen; we did some interviews but we do not have a suspect in custody yet.
We did not have foot officers on scene [before the event]; they are currently working 1400 to 2200 Friday and Saturday [at Alki] as that is when we have experienced the largest crowds.”
No word on the condition of the victim in last night’s stabbing; without a name, the hospital won’t release information to the media.
Quick break for pretty views of tonight’s sunset – on the eve of what’s forecast as clouds and showers. Above, from Don Brubeck; below, from Myrtle.
Thanks for sharing!
Two cases in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight – first, a warrant arrest in a very public place:
ARREST AT IN MORGAN JUNCTION: A reader sent that photo, asking if we knew why police “swooped in” on a car by the Morgan Junction McDonald’s and arrested a man who was one of two people inside. We have confirmed it was 43-year-old Bryan Tiedeman, a repeat offender whose case came up briefly at last night’s West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting. Court records show a warrant out for his arrest since last Monday for failing to appear for a hearing that day. It’s the same case reported here last December, involving stolen-car-related charges; court documents said at the time that Tiedeman had been booked into the King County Jail 34 times, for 59 warrants, in 20 years. He also has been charged in another case since then, involving a car stolen in SeaTac and found in May near the house where the police report says Tiedeman lives, near Lincoln Park; after 17 days in jail related to that, court documents show, he was released to the day-reporting program known as CCAP. The warrant sets his bail at $75,075.
ALKI INCIDENT: An Alki-area woman wanted to sound the alarm about an incident that happened to someone she knows late last Thursday night. She says the victim, in her twenties, was walking on Alki Avenue by 61st SW around 11 pm when a man “lunged” at her and “chased her three blocks … yelling obscenities at her and telling her he was going to ‘get her’,” until she found a restaurant open near 59th/Alki and ducked inside for safety. The man is described only as 5-10, early 30s, African-American, shoulder-length black dreadlocks, and the victim thought she had seen him before in the area. She was not harmed but did file a report with police. Side note from the victim’s friend: “She tried to wave down two different cars that passed her in the street and neither car stopped, or even slowed to help.”
As promised, Mayor Murray convened the City Council this afternoon for a speech about public safety, and declared his intent for this to be a “Summer of Safety.” You can see video of his speech above, and read the full text (as prepared) here. The mayor acknowledged, “After years of fragmentation and disorganization, our city today faces a crisis of confidence in public safety,” while also asserting that “public safety is not something provided to the community by the government.” Among the action steps he promised were “creation of a joint enforcement team to ensure that across City departments we have a coordinated response to chronic nuisance businesses and property owners who create hotspots for crime and disorderly behavior – and who disrupt the quality of life in our neighborhoods.” He also announced plans for community walks to identify specific problems in such hotspots and get them fixed, starting in Central/Southeast Seattle. This document lists other points of the “Community Safety Strategy” he outlined, such as directing new Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole “to deliver a Community Safety Plan for every neighborhood.”
WEDNESDAY NIGHT UPDATE: According to scanner traffic, Vincent has been found in North Delridge, and is with police. *Added*: His mom called us to verify this and also said he was found with an orange bicycle, so if anyone is missing one, let police know.
Nine days until West Seattle’s 4th of July Kids’ Parade … 20th annual parade, this time! And it’s the second year for current coordinators Jackie Clough and Allyson Schreck; Jackie shares the new flyer with everything you need to know, embedded atop this story (if you don’t see it there, please click here), and says they have a very specific volunteer request for parade day (one week from Friday):
We could use 4-6 adults to help us at the beginning of the parade, helping us get started.
Can you help? Once the parade gets going, Jackie promises, you’ll be able to move on and join in with the morning’s events. E-mail her at jackie@alkipartytreasures.com. Meantime, for the pre-parade ceremonies, she adds: “We have a fantastic National Anthem singer this year: Leilani Nitkey, a 6th grader at Madison Middle School this fall.” Haven’t been to the parade before and wondering what it’s like? Here’s our coverage from last year.
(ADDED TO END OF STORY: How Metro service will change when bridge opens Monday)
Ever been inside a drawbridge as it opens? That’s what our video shows, as recorded during the new South Park Bridge‘s behind-the-scenes media tour on Tuesday afternoon, looking ahead to its dedication on Sunday and opening on Monday, which will be four years to the day since the old bridge’s shutdown. While photographers were inside during the bridge opening, your editor here recorded the next clip from the top deck (much quieter!):
Engineers are proud of how fast the new drawbridge moves – as little as 6 1/2 minutes for a full opening/closing (of course, the time will be variable depending on the marine craft moving along the Duwamish below). It’s operated by two 75-horsepower motors:
But the story of the new bridge (located here) is also in what surrounds it, and in reused pieces of the old bridge, on and below the new one. Read ahead to find out about that and to see a dozen more photos (plus another video clip):
(Click image for larger view)
Thanks to West Seattle pilot/photographer Long Bach Nguyen for the West Seattle view from 5,000 feet (on Monday). As for what’s happening today/tonight, six notes:
2 MORE WADING POOLS OPEN: It’s the first day of the season for Seattle Parks’ Hiawatha and EC Hughes wading pools, both opening at noon, per the citywide schedule (which includes addresses).
SUPPORT FOR NEW PARENTS: Wednesdays, noon-2 pm, are the drop-in meeting times for The Early Days support group – details here – at Nurturing Expressions (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. (4746 44th SW)
MAYOR’S PUBLIC-SAFETY SPEECH: What do you hope to hear Mayor Murray say to the City Council about public safety? 1 pm today is the time set for the council meeting he’s convening to talk with them. It’s at City Hall downtown, but you’ll be able to see it live online or on TV via the Seattle Channel. (seattlechannel.org)
PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNCTION ASSOCIATION CHANGE: Last month, we reported on a long-in-the-works tweak to the West Seattle Junction Association‘s boundaries, as the business district grows to the east with more mixed-use properties, and a change in the longtime “phasing in” plan of what businesses pay to cover the costs of the “free parking” lots WSJA offers. The City Council Finance and Culture Committee‘s official public hearing on the plan is at 2 pm today, also at City Hall downtown (and also viewable via Seattle Channel). Read the council memo here.
NEED MORE TIME? The West Seattle Timebank might be the way to make it happen. Tonight’s the next meeting and orientation, 7 pm after a 6:30 pm potluck (bring something to share!), at the Senior Center of West Seattle. (California/Oregon)
POETRY AND STORYTELLING: Poetrybridge‘s monthly gathering at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) is tonight, with open-microphone readings as well as featured reader Mike Hickey. 7 pm. (5612 California SW)
DISCOVER EVEN MORE … on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar.
(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
So far, nothing out of the ordinary on the major routes through and from West Seattle. Looking ahead, now that the weekend is in sight:
CALIFORNIA/FAUNTLEROY WORK SATURDAY: 7 am-7 pm, paving at this major intersection, as announced just yesterday.
AND LOOKING WAY AHEAD … we reported on Tuesday that WSDOT’s big repair closure of the Alaskan Way Viaduct is set for the weekend of August 23rd.