day : 12/06/2014 12 results

‘Unified approach to public safety’: Mayor says it’s time to talk about it

Public safety isn’t just up to the police and fire departments, according to Mayor Murray, whose office sent this news release tonight announcing a plan to start talking about “a unified approach”:

In an unprecedented action, Mayor Ed Murray this morning sent a letter to members of the Seattle City Council, calling for a special meeting of the Full Council to begin the conversation of a unified approach to public safety.

“Public safety is our paramount duty and we must move forward together with a unified approach,” Murray wrote in the letter. “As elected representatives for the people of Seattle, we have a collective interest and urgency to translate vision into action for all of our residents.” Read the letter here.

Murray will address the Council and public in Council Chambers on Wednesday, June 25 at 1 p.m., joined by the executive cabinet and senior staff.

This discussion will take a holistic look at public safety in each community from the perspective of every city department, and will address public perceptions of public safety, changes that can be made to Seattle’s built environment to lessen the opportunity for crime, opportunities for activating streets, parks, community centers and public spaces, creating job opportunities and programs for youth employment, coordinating crisis intervention and mental health services, and cultivating a police model that keeps the community safe.

The Mayor is granted the authority to call a special Full Council meeting under Article 5, Section 6(c) of the Seattle City Charter. This authority has been invoked only three times in the past decade, but never used in this manner: McGinn sent his legal counsel Carl Marquardt to Council to discuss an emergency proclamation (4/3/2012), McGinn spoke in Chambers memorializing the victims of a fire in Fremont (6/14/2010), and Nickels addressed the Council through a pre-recorded video, welcoming everyone to the first meeting in the new Chambers (8/4/2003).

Update: Fire response at Jefferson Square Apartments; no fire

ORIGINAL REPORT, 7:12 PM: Big response for a “fire in building” call at 41st and Edmunds – our crew was nearby and reports that it’s at the Jefferson Square Apartments on the south side of the shopping center. No smoke or flames visible from outside, according to our crew. Per scanner, they’re checking out one specific unit. Avoid Edmunds/42nd/41st. More to come.

7:33 PM UPDATE: No fire found. Units are leaving. Area should be clear soon.

ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: See the comment from Quinn, with an important bottom line.

Happening now: West Seattle Art Walk, June 2014 edition

June 12, 2014 6:21 pm
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6:21 PM: Sun’s out and the West Seattle Art Walk is on – two dozen venues around West Seattle, welcoming you to come enjoy art and meet the artists, until 9 pm. See the map/list here; we’re out stopping at some of the venues – coverage to come.

(Added below over the ensuing two-plus hours, which also now have transitioned to drizzly weather post-8 pm…)


The party’s on the Hotwire (WSB sponsor) patio at 4410 California SW – among the guests, David Kelliher, who designed the T-shirt art for “Bridging the Gap” used for publication 30 years ago and gracing a commemorative T-shirt now:

Also there, Clay Eals, executive director of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society, which is presenting an exhibit of 19 historical photos spanning West Seattle bridges’ history – which dates back to the 1890s, as you’ll learn from an explanatory sign just inside Hotwire’s front doors. If you miss the chance to buy a T-shirt tonight – benefiting SWSHS – they’re also on sale at the museum (61st/Stevens, noon-4 pm Thursdays-Sundays) and at West 5 in The Junction.


Fritz Rud is at Click! (WSB sponsor) with his attention-grabbing creations:

Click! co-proprietor John Smersh says they’ll be on sale at least for the rest of the month, if not beyond – while they last; as explained on the Click! site, each of the no-power-supply-required creations is one of a kind.


The 20th annual West Seattle Garden Tour (co-sponsored by WSB) is coming up July 20th, and tonight, art from the WSGT poster contest is at Windermere in The Junction – as are many participating artists:

From left – this year’s winner Sue Madill, Gretchen Flickinger, Bonnie Bennedsen, Theresa Neinas, Sheila Lengle, Paul Illian, and Bob Tasler. Copies of the poster are on sale, as well as WSGT tickets. The tour raises money for local nonprofits; Sue’s contest-winning painting will be sold via silent auction on tour day, and the others’ work is available for purchase now.


Opening night tonight at Wallflower (WSB sponsor) in The Junction for Rodolfo Rios Garza‘s show “Arboles: Serenity, Beauty, and Mystery of Trees.” If you didn’t get there tonight, you can check it out at the gallery through July 8th.

Most if not all Art Walk venues continue displaying their highlighted exhibitions through the rest of the month, so you can continue Art Walk-ing around West Seattle in the days and nights ahead. Next Art Walk is an extra-special one – the annual West Seattle Summer Fest Eve edition, starting after the streets in the heart of The Junction close Thursday, July 10th, for festival setup – watch for more on that as July gets closer – and of course, there will be venues outside The Junction as well, as always.

Roadside raingardens in South Delridge: Door-to-door info

Design is under way for the third area of West Seattle to get roadside raingardens to help reduce runoff that contributes to combined-sewer overflows (CSO), and project team members are now going door-to-door to make sure residents are aware. As outlined at a meeting last November, the raingardens will be built in an area of South Delridge primarily involving several blocks of 17th SW – between SW Kenyon and SW Henderson – that’s also part of a future greenway. Seattle Public Utilities is the lead agency, and says:

Project design is happening through 2014 and into 2015. Throughout the upcoming months, SPU will continue to work with project area residents to finalize the design. During design and leading up to construction, pre-construction activities may include geotechnical and survey crews in the neighborhood, and utility relocation work prior to construction. Construction of the natural drainage system is scheduled to begin in summer of 2015.

The city’s project website is here; the project reps going door-to-door are distributing two infosheets, here and here. And if you have questions, be at the Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting next Wednesday (June 18th, 7 pm) at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center – an SPU rep will be there with an update on the project that’s officially known as “Delridge Natural Drainage Systems.”

Never mind the World Cup, here comes the West Seattle Cup

Almost five months after Alki Elementary teacher Terry Kegel announced the plan for the West Seattle Cup – a communitywide celebration of soccer at the same time as the global attention for the World Cup – it’s days away! His latest update (including the video above):

The West Seattle Cup is finally here this weekend! In addition to the 420 child and parent participants, we are hoping to get as many fans there as possible. Games are played 8:45 am to 6:15 pm and there will be a special midday ceremony 11:45 am-12:15 pm on both days. We also need a few more volunteers to sign up. The event is all about community-building, so let’s get everyone out there to celebrate soccer, culture, and community!

List of teams and schedule information – here
Sign up to volunteer – here
Make a monetary donation to support purchase of uniforms – here
Facebook page for the most up-to-date information – here

The games are at High Point’s Walt Hundley Playfield – 34th/Myrtle.

Followup: West Seattle DPD development-discussion details

June 12, 2014 2:31 pm
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When City Councilmember Mike O’Brien came to West Seattle to talk about development and land use last week (WSB coverage here), the meeting included early word of another conversation, one for which Department of Planning and Development officials would come to West Seattle later this month. Details weren’t quite set that night but now they are. Just in from DPD:

West Seattle: let’s talk! Encouraging civic engagement around development issues

The City of Seattle will host an event to provide information about development in West Seattle, and to provide opportunities for discussion. The event titled “West Seattle: Let’s Talk” will take place on Saturday, June 28 from 9:30-11:30 at the West Seattle Senior Center (4217 SW Oregon Street).

Usually, DPD reps just come here for meetings on specific projects – this time, you can ask about policies and other big-picture issues.

P.S. Speaking of development, we’re working right now on a roundup with news of several West Seattle projects, new and not-so-new, big and not-so-big. That’s coming up later this afternoon.

West Seattle low-tide sights: Sizable squid on Alki

12:01 PM: “Washington’s squid are generally less than a foot long,” says this state Department of Fish and Wildlife page. Well – not this one that Carrie Ann photographed during this morning’s low tide. She says, “Looks to have a bit of wear and tear from hitting rocks and scavengers pecking at it, but still impressive to see up close.” Humboldt squid? Reminiscent of this one five years ago.

2:46 PM UPDATE: In comments, Lynn says it’s believed to be a “robust clubhook squid.”

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 stolen Accords to watch for

We mention stolen cars here (among other stolen items) whenever we hear about them, in case that helps get them back (as happened with Paul‘s car, found by Barb the other night). So here are two more we just got word of – both ’92 Accords. first, from Jason:

My white 1992 Honda Accord was stolen at 3060 SW Avalon way on Monday afternoon, in between 2 pm and 5 pm. It’s a 4 door, it has a silver Superman sticker on the back window, and the plate is AEG2888 with a Western Washington University Alumni frame on the back. Please let me know if you have any information!!

And from Marshall:

Last Saturday night my 1992 dark blue Honda Accord 2 door LICENSE PLATE AGW2562 was stolen from the Lincoln Park neighborhood area. Generally between Solstice Park and Lincoln Park between Austin and Kenyon. Car is very dark blue with large areas of peeling paint on roof and trunk, some slight recent peeling paint on hood, slight dent in driver door noticeable from squished Black rub strip, grey interior. Usually the cars are abandoned by now but this car had a full tank of gas and some emergency money in the glove box so it may take longer for the crackheads to run out of use. If seen, please call 911 and/or take a picture with your phone of anyone you see in near or using the car, $200 reward if found. Thank you!

(Lincoln Park, by the way, is where you’ll find next Tuesday’s West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting.)

West Seattle schools: Lafayette Elementary says goodbye to Ms. Belfor and Ms. Rollins

For years, Lafayette Popcorns jump-rope performances have enthralled people around the peninsula – but student jump-ropers were onstage at the school last night for a bittersweet occasion: The PE teacher who kept the Popcorns hopping, Laurie Belfor, is retiring after 18 years. The Lafayette community threw a party last night for her and another longtime teacher who is saying goodbye, Sharon Rollins (below right) (31 years):

Good luck to Ms. Rollins and Ms. Belfor in their next adventures!

P.S. Anyone special leaving your school? Let us know!

West Seattle Thursday: Art Walk; story time with SFD; low tide; wine; World Cup-watching…

That’s the walking map for tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk, 6-9 pm at more than two dozen local venues. You’ll find art previews at, and we’ve heard directly from some of the venues/artists too:

‘BRIDGING THE GAP’ AT HOTWIRE: As previewed here last night – the first of several summertime events in honor of the 30th anniversary of the high-level West Seattle Bridge.

It’s at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) in collaboration with the Southwest Seattle Historical Society/Log House Museum, whose Bob Carney, exhibit volunteer, and Sarah Baylinson, museum manager, were at Hotwire last night to put up the exhibit. (4410 California SW)

CUSTOM iPHONE AMPLIFIERS: Stylish and West Seattle-made, amply explained on the Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) website – this is just one of the one-of-a-kind creations:

Creator Fritz Rud will “make his worldwide debut,” Click! says, at the shop during Art Walk tonight.

WEST SEATTLE GARDEN TOUR POSTER ARTIST: Sue Madill, whose design won this year’s WSGT poster-art contest, is the featured artist at Windermere West Seattle. (4526 California SW)

WINE PARTY AND ART … at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), with live music by Choro Tocando and art by Bill Reiswig, 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

ART WALK AT SHADOWLAND: Meet artist Bethany Alsin. (4458 California SW)

Also today/tonight:

LOW TIDE WITH BEACH NATURALISTS! Today, you’ll find Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists out right now, until 1:30 pm, at Constellation and Lincoln Parks. (Low tide, at 10:56 am, is -2.6 feet – that’s quite low, and the next three days will be lower still.)

FIREFIGHTER STORY TIME: 11 am, Southwest Library, one of the popular events with Seattle Fire Department members reading to little ones. (35th/Henderson)

WATCHING THE WORLD CUP: The international soccer championship series starts today, and West Seattle venues who’ve let us know they’re showing the games are The Bridge in Morgan Junction, Celtic Swell on Alki, and West Seattle Brewing in The Triangle. Anyone else? – let us know!

NORTHWEST WINE ACADEMY TURNS 10: It’s the 10th anniversary of the Northwest Wine Academy on the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus and the celebration coincides with the spring release of new wines, which you can taste and purchase during 2-7 pm events today, tomorrow, and Saturday. Details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)

MORE FOR TODAY/TONIGHT … on the calendar.

Trail-building project at Fairmount Playfield to close playground for the next three weeks

June 12, 2014 9:02 am
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As newly expanded Fairmount Park Elementary gets closer to its fall opening, three weeks of work on the south end of adjacent Fairmount Playfield starts next Monday. The work will close the playground for the next three weeks, the project team just confirmed. Here’s the official notice:

Seattle School District is constructing a path in Fairmount Playfield. This path will be built from Fauntleroy Way SW to Fairmount Park Elementary School. To facilitate construction, the south portion of Fairmount Playfield will be closed. However, the ball field will remain open.

The purpose of the path is to provide a safe walking surface from the new bus load zone on Fauntleroy Way SW to the school playground. It also provides a new paved, barrier-free access to Fairmount Playground at its southern boundary.

The Seattle School District is working with the contractor to minimize construction impacts that may include truck traffic and construction noise.

The district expects almost 300 students at Fairmount Park when it opens in September, seven years after it was mothballed in a districtwide round of closures.


(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:10 AM: No incidents reported in or on the major routes from West Seattle so far. In the road-work department, this is the final announced day of SDOT “seasonal maintenance of landscaping under the (low bridge) along the bike trail. Bicyclists will be required to dismount and walk through areas where the crews are working.”

10:28 AM: The eastbound bridge has been backed up, per several tipsters, and Lindsay explains via Twitter (thank you!) that a vehicle is stalled and blocking a lane under the 99 overpass.