Comment time for the city’s upcoming CSO plan, including Delridge options to reduce Longfellow Creek pollution

May 29, 2014 1:15 pm
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 |   Delridge | Environment | West Seattle news

Also from today’s city Land Use Information Bulletin – another big proposal that is now ready for review and comments: The city’s draft Environmental Impact Statement for the plan to reduce combined-sewer overflows (aka “The Plan to Protect Seattle’s Waterways”). Here’s the formal notice. This is similar to, but NOT part of, the county CSO-reduction plan that has led to two major projects in our area (storage tank at Lowman Beach and roadside raingardens in Sunrise Heights and Westwood). The city is accountable for different areas, including, in West Seattle, Longfellow Creek and the Duwamish River, and is exploring alternatives including the possibility of more underground storage in the Delridge area. Lots of documents related to this – for the shortest version, the executive summary, go here. You’ll find an overview, and how to comment, by going here – June 30th is the commenting deadline, and there’s one public hearing planned (June 24th in North Seattle, details at that same link).

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