West Seattle scene: Watch for this seal again tomorrow

Michelle e-mailed to say Seal Sitters spent the day watching that little harbor seal on the Beach Drive shoreline near Harbor West Condos (about two blocks south of Alki Point), and she wanted to send out “a heads-up so folks who walk their dogs off leash on the beach don’t end up in a bad situation for both the dog and the seal.”

Michelle got her photos via a 200mm lens, so though it looks close up, she was quite some distance away. P.S. Thanks also to Carrie Ann for heads-up about a pup at Don Armeni on Monday – we didn’t get a chance to write about it, but she said Seal Sitters were on that case too.

8 Replies to "West Seattle scene: Watch for this seal again tomorrow"

  • ON_Leash_Dog_Lover March 12, 2014 (9:16 pm)

    Go Seal Sitters! What a great organization.
    We should note that “folks who walk their dogs off leash on the beach” are violating not one but two Seattle laws: dogs are prohibited on beaches, and dogs are prohibited from being off-leash except in designated off-leash areas. And if those dogs approach a resting seal, make that a violation of three laws, including the federal law against harassing marine mammals.

  • Sammy Seal March 12, 2014 (9:17 pm)

    Precisely why we leash our lovely pooches whilst walking Alkii and Harbor ave.

  • Mookie March 12, 2014 (9:22 pm)

    I wish the selfish people who “who walk their dogs off leash on the beach” would get hefty fines from officials enforcing the city’s own municipal code.

  • TrueBlue March 12, 2014 (11:13 pm)

    Kind of weird to make mention of it on this thread though isn’t it?

  • bestbets March 13, 2014 (7:40 am)

    I love Seattle and the majority of people are caring and considerate and appreciative of local wildlife, especially my West Seattle neighbors – yet as a Seal Sitter it is a constant battle with a small group of people with a sense of entitlement that it is “their” beach for “their” use as they define it (because I have a dog, I am above the law) and it never ceases to amaze and disappoint me.

  • rene lambie March 13, 2014 (8:03 am)

    It’s only illegal to walk dogs on public beaches (tickets in increasing amounts are issued for each offense) As it happens this seal is in my dogs back yard. We show the same care about keeping the dogs from seals that folks do about raccoons (except we do not shoo them away). This is not the first seal is on my beach. Each time we have one my dogs stay on the fenced patio. When this seal is gone my dogs will be back to fetching driftwood from the sound and digging in the sand. (yes I do a scan for people, otters, seals and loose dogs before I open my seawall gate)

  • Mary March 14, 2014 (8:10 pm)

    Hey, if you want to protect the seals, then maybe you should stop advertising their presence and encouraging people to go out and watch them, thus creating a making even more people aware of their presence.

    Ten years ago it wasn’t this way and I saw plenty of seals unmolested.

    • WSB March 14, 2014 (8:19 pm)

      “Watch” as in be watchful. We usually don’t write about them while they are being guarded during daylight hours for exactly the reason you point out. Thanks! – TR

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