West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
You might have heard by now about the 6.9-magnitude earthquake off the far-northern California coast a little more than an hour ago. It could be seen on at least two official seismographs in West Seattle that are part of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network – above, the online display from the detector at the Alki stormwater-treatment plant; below, the one at Holy Rosary (which is a bit busier):
So far, no word of notable damage from the 10:18 pm quake 50 miles west of Eureka, California, according to former WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams, who lives and works there now. For us, yet another wakeup call – do you have your go bag? Know where your communication hub is? Browse westseattlebeprepared.org next time you can spare a few minutes.
P.S. Thanks to Skies Over West Seattle correspondent Alice Enevoldsen for the tip about the local seismographs,
(Photo courtesy Seattle Audubon)
Love the natural world that’s all around us? Volunteer to teach local elementary-school students about it! West Seattle’s own Sanislo Elementary is one of two schools where Seattle Audubon will place volunteers – provided they step up to help!
Want hands-on experience teaching science to kids? Seattle Audubon is looking for volunteers for its environmental education program at Sanislo and Graham Hill Elementary Schools!
Seattle Audubon’s Finding Urban Nature (FUN) is an environmental education program for Seattle Public Schools students. It introduces 3rd and 4th graders to the natural world in their own schoolyard habitats. FUN students participate in 4, one-hour lessons, over the course of 4 weeks during the month of April. Each lesson takes about one hour per classroom (usually 2 classrooms per school), and volunteers work with small groups of 5-7 students at a time. Training is provided and a background check is required.
Seattle Audubon provides environmental education at no cost to the district, so it relies on volunteers. Can you help? Please respond by 3/14/2014.
If you’re interested, please e-mail Marieke – mariekes@seattleaudubon.org.
Seattle Police say somebody fired a gun during a street fight overnight in Gatewood. 911 calls reported up to 100 teenagers fighting near 36th and Othello (map) around midnight; just as officers were getting there, other calls reported a possible shot fired. Police say they saw about 30 teens as they arrived, all of whom fled. They also found a shell casing on the street and what the SPD Blotter report describes as “two intoxicated adult male victims,” one of whom told them that several male suspects wearing black clothing and black ski masks got out of a black car and tried to fight him, with one pulling out a gun and firing it into the air. No injuries, no arrests.
Shared by his family, here’s the “larger than life” life story of Frank Novito, whose memorial service is planned for next Saturday at Holy Rosary Church:
Frank Novito, a lifelong resident of West Seattle, died peacefully at Providence Mt. St. Vincent on March 7, 2014.
Frank was born to Joseph and Mary Novito, who had immigrated from Italy, and true to the American Dream, owned several successful dry-cleaning businesses in the West Seattle and Morgan Street Junctions. Frank attended Lafayette, James Madison, and West Seattle High School.
While still a student, Frank would ride his bike down to Alki to work at Lloyd’s Boathouse before school every morning, and then back up Fairmount Avenue to WSHS for his classes. He quickly became known among Lloyd’s customers for his fishing prowess out in Elliott Bay, and became a favorite of those who wanted to know where the “prime” fishing spots were. He had many stories to tell of near-misses with ferries in the dense fog.
After high school, Frank went to work as a riveter at Boeing, and just like in the movies, he met his bride-to-be, Helen Gembolis, who was his “bucker.” They married in 1944 and had three children, Wanda, Gail and Ralph, all who attended Holy Rosary School. He served in the Army until the war ended, when “Old Mr. Fiedler” took a shine to Frank and offered him a sales job at Gene Fiedler Chevrolet, where Frank sold cars for over 40 years, often ranking as the top salesman in the entire Pacific Northwest. Frank had enduring friendships with many return customers.
West Seattle Lions president Jimie Martin says everybody’s invited – and that means you! One week from tomorrow, Monday, March 17th On March 15th, the Lions are hosting their annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at the Senior Center of West Seattle in The Junction: “Festivities start at 5:30, dinner served at 6.” $15/person for corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, salad, bread, desserts, music, fun, and, they promise, “surprises.” Get your green on and go.
Two West Seattle Junction development notes:
CALIFORNIA/ALASKA/42ND CRANE UP: No, you weren’t seeing double. Two cranes are now up in one square block. The newest – in the foreground of the photo above – is for Equity Residential‘s two-building project at California/Alaska/42nd. That’s just a bit north of the one that’s been up since September for 4730 California. The new crane is rooted just east of the alley that splits its site:
The Equity project will total ~200 apartments with ~270 underground parking spaces. In all, there are now four cranes up in West Seattle – these two, the one over Spruce (formerly “The Hole”) at Fauntleroy/Alaska/39th, and the one for The Blake at 5020 California, which likely won’t be up much longer, as the building has topped out.
TRAFFIC ALERT: Back to the 4730 California project, next Friday (March 14th) its “Level 2” concrete slab will be poured, and the general contractor Compass Construction says that means a lane closure:
Northbound California Avenue SW will be closed during the pour from SW Edmunds Street to SW Alaska St. Uniformed police officers will direct traffic around the closure. The pour starts at 7:00 am and should last about 6 hours. We have the 17th reserved as a backup day. The midblock crosswalk will remain open during the pour.
This project is owned by The Wolff Company.
The 4800 block of 21st SW on Puget Ridge (map) is open again now that Seattle Fire units have cleared that crash scene. The driver of the car that hit the tree (which is atop a sloping stretch of West Duwamish Greenbelt open-space) was taken to Harborview Medical Center; her injuries were not major, according to emergency-radio information. A tow truck just arrived as we were leaving the scene, so the car will be gone soon too.
Three reader reports this morning in West Seattle Crime Watch:
STOLEN SUV: Tony reports from Gatewood this morning, “A 2000 tan Chevy Blazer was stolen on the corner of 39th and Willow. Be watchful, the car was taken from the driveway of the homeowner around 3:00 am.” Plate: ANJ1117. (Side note – the SPD crime-reports map shows 8 other auto-theft cases in the past week, a lower rate than last time we checked the big picture.)
HIT-AND-RUN #1: From Randy – this happened early Saturday on Genesee Hill:
About 3 am, the police were heard knocking on our front door. They informed me that our car was hit by an apparent hit-and-run driver. Our Saab was spun 180 degrees and came to rest against a utility pole. We had owned the car since new, 1988, and would save it if we could, but it is beyond repair. It can be utilized as an organ donor. The car was parked on SW Genesee outside our home kitty-corner from Genesee (Hill) Elementary School. The hit-and-run driver has not surfaced.
HIT-AND-RUN #2: Christine reported this via the WSB Facebook page:
(Friday) night around 7 just north of the post office on California, my visiting parents’ rental car was struck in a hit and run. There were some people out walking dogs and 1 nice women thought she saw the women who hit the car and them apparently a boyfriend came to help get the car and took off!
Contact police with info on any of the above – or any other crime. P.S. The next community crime-fighting meeting is a week from Tuesday; the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets March 18th, 7 pm, at the Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster).
(Eagle at Alki, photographed by Danny McMillin, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
Good morning – are your timekeeping devices all caught up? Here are the time-pegged highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm in The Junction. Market managers tell us a new vendor from West Seattle debuts today – Flight to Lebanon Foods, based in Delridge, offering Lebanese food. Go say hi to proprietor Arze Wehbe and the other vendors you’ll find at the market today. (44th/Alaska)
WEST SEATTLE ULTIMATE FAMILY FRISBEE: 11 am at Walt Hundley Playfield in High Point. Find out more about the league via its Facebook page. (31st/Myrtle)
DEMOCRATIC CAUCUSES: As previewed again last night, the 34th District Democrats invite you to the district caucuses today at 1 pm at the Evergreen Campus – if you’re a Democrat, be there to start the road toward 2016. (830 SW 116th, White Center)
WEST SEATTLE GREEN SPACE COALITION: Six pieces of long-idle public property – will they become private property, or is there a way to keep some or all of them as community open space? The group working on that, the West Seattle Green Space Coalition, invites you to its 3 pm meeting today at Delridge Branch Library. Here’s an update published here Saturday. (5401 Delridge Way SW)
FOLK MUSIC AT C & P: 3-5 pm at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), live folk music with Stefanie Robbins & The Straight Shooters and Cynthia Marie. (5612 California SW)
LADIES MUSICAL CLUB: Free concert at West Seattle (Admiral) Branch Library, with works for piano plus a Bach cantata. 3 pm. (2306 42nd SW)
‘THIRD’: First matinee performance of ArtsWest‘s current production “Third,” by Wendy Wasserstein. 3 pm. (4711 California SW)
BOOZE, BALLS, AND BINGO = BENEFIT! Camp Ten Trees is the beneficiary for tonight’s edition of drag bingo at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 5:30 pm, hosted by Tru St. James. (6451 California SW)