month : 02/2014 308 results


(More cameras, and other info, on the WSB Traffic page)
Another quiet start to the morning commute. And another reminder about this weekend’s Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct inspection closures – details here.

IN CASE YOU MISSED THE METRO NEWS: Two stories on Monday – first, news that the state will extend Highway 99-related “mitigation” money for at least a year and a half, which holds off June cuts that would have hit our area the hardest; second, the tax measure to hold off even-more-drastic cuts countywide is officially going to the April 22nd ballot.

TEMPORARY COMMUTER REPORT: Continuing our temporary commuter status, going downtown Mondays-Thursdays while the Morgan Junction murder trial continues – took the bridge to 4th Avenue once again. This time, reverse of the day before – the bridge was sluggish but 4th moved fast. Left at 8:15 am, ten minutes later than the day before, but it still was just under half an hour to our courthouse-vicinity, earlybird-discount parking garage. Hoping to try an alternate commute before the week’s out, but it requires extra planning and time; catching a bus from here to The Junction will require walking out the door around 7:30 am.

Morgan Junction murder trial: 5 more witnesses on the stand

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

More challenges with witness-wrangling logistics led to a short Monday in the trial of Lovett “Cid” Chambers, the Gatewood man charged with second-degree murder in the deadly Morgan Junction shooting two years ago.

The trial technically is in its second month, having started weeks of motion hearings in early January, followed by jury selection, but presentations did not begin until last Wednesday, after the jury was seated, so Monday was the second day of witness testimony.

Today’s five witnesses included three Seattle Police officers with various roles in the police operation after Chambers, now 69, shot 35-year-old Travis Hood (photo at right). The shooting itself is not in dispute; jurors are being asked to decide if it was a crime, or, as the defense contends, self-defense.

But the day began with another former member of the staff at Feedback Lounge, where Chambers and Hood (accompanied that night by friend Jamie Vause, expected to testify later this week) had both been drinking – though nowhere near each other – before the shooting up the block.

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West Seattle scene: Painting your pet at Mind Unwind

Why just have photos of your pet when you can have a painting – one done with love, because you did it yourself? When Krystal Kelley at Mind Unwind in The Admiral District mentioned a new class just launched there, we couldn’t resist asking for a photo. Krystal says “Paint Your Pet” is for all skill levels – bring a photo for inspiration, paint an 11×14 canvas, with instructors guiding you through a “grid process and basic acrylic painting techniques to ensure you have a recognizable painting.” Supplies included. 2 hours, $30, voila. Dates/times here.

SODO Sears closure means changes for West Seattle Rotary Club’s annual Children’s Shopping Spree

(WSB photo from December 2012 Rotary Children’s Shopping Spree)
The impending closure of the historic Sears store in SODO (reported by The Seattle Times [WSB partner] Friday) has a West Seattle effect: The Rotary Club of West Seattle suddenly finds itself trying to figure out the future of its Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree, the club’s signature project for more than 40 years. Every year on the first Saturday in December, Rotarians and a volunteer force of hundreds have brought ~100 local kids to the store for a practical-yet-fun shopping event that also includes breakfast and lunch in the same building, as well as Santa photos and holiday songs. So when we heard about the closure news over the weekend, we sought out Rotary reaction; today, club spokesperson Dave Nichols tells WSB, “Our leadership was informed by the folks at Sears. We are gathering facts and options; our goal is to figure out a way to continue to serve our community as we always have.” According to the Times story, 79 people will lose their jobs when the store and the nearby Sears Auto Center close in June. There’s no word yet of another tenant for the space in the building, which is owned by Nitze-Stagen & Co.

It’s on: April 22nd countywide vote set for Metro, roads money

Acting as the board of the newly created Transportation District, King County Councilmembers have officially voted to call an April 22nd vote on Proposition 1 – a car-tab fee ($40 more than what is charged now, since $20 of it replaces an expiring $20 fee) and sales-tax increase (1/10th of a percent) to raise money to cover the rest of Metro‘s funding gap and the cost of road repair/projects. Read the full text of what they approved here; for all the numbers, go here. Here’s how a county news release sums up what the measure will do if approved by voters:

·Increase the King County sales tax by 0.1 of a percent for ten years;

·Establish a $60 vehicle fee;

·Distribute 60 percent of the net revenues of the ballot measure to provide funding to maintain Metro transit service hours at current levels. If any funds remain after maintaining transit service hours, evenly split the remaining funds 50/50 between transit and unincorporated road purposes;

·40 percent would go to cities for transportation improvements and the county for unincorporated area road purposes allocated based on population;

·Specify that the funds must be used for transportation improvement projects contained in the County’s, Cities’ or Puget Sound Regional Council’s approved transportation plans (as updated by the individual jurisdictions);

·Establish a low-income rebate program that rebates $20 of vehicle fee for vehicle owners whose household income is less than 45 percent of the county’s median household income.

Not registered to vote? Here’s how; see the deadlines for the April election here.

West Seattle businesses: U-Frame-It seeking new location after losing lease because of development plan

After 20 years, the U-Frame-It shop at 3239 California SW is looking for a new location in West Seattle. Back in December, we reported a residential-development proposal for the site that has been home to the framing shop all these years; now, U-Frame-It proprietor Tom Sweeney confirms to WSB that they were just given notice last week that they’ll have to clear out: “February 18, we were given a Notice to Terminate Tenancy, effective March 31, 2014.” The site has both a demolition permit and a lot/parcel-split application under review. It was rezoned to NC2-40 along with the rest of the block during the 2007-2010 upzone that also paved the way for the 3210 California SW mixed-use project across the street, but this particular part of the block is proposed for single-family homes/live-work units. The site also includes Amante Pizza, but we haven’t reached them yet to find out their plans.

Ace pitcher can be a catcher in your kitchen: Freebie Wednesday

Though the city has scrapped the plan to try to increase recycling (among other goals) by decreasing trash pickups, as our story last Friday noted, they still hope to urge residents to try other means. One would be increasing the number of people who recycle food scraps. Seattle Public Utilities is offering a freebie if you’re still reluctant:

Last year, Seattle residents helped divert more than 125,000 tons of food scraps and yard debris from the landfill through composting. Fans at Safeco Field helped recycle or compost more than 90 percent of their waste. To recognize their efforts, Seattle Public Utilities and the Seattle Mariners are offering free kitchen compost containers to Seattle residents to help store and carry kitchen scraps to their food and yard waste carts.

On Wednesday, February 26, from 11 am to 3 pm, Seattle residents who pledge to recycle and compost will receive a collector’s edition Felix Hernandez Kitchen Caddy.

This is happening at five locations in the city during that four-hour span – among them, the Southwest Neighborhood Service Center at 2801 SW Thistle (co-housed with Southwest Pool and Southwest Teen Life Center). In case you’re off-peninsula at that time and interested in checking out another location, they’re all listed here. One container per household.

The WSBeat: Kicked out; store stalker; singer smacked…

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

This edition of The WSBeat contains summaries written from reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers – generally cases that (usually) have not already appeared here in breaking-news coverage or West Seattle Crime Watch reports, but that might at least answer the question “what WERE all those police doing on my block?” Or on the bridge, or the beach, or …

*A father and adult son got into an argument on the 13th: Son claimed that dad had kicked him 15 times and tried kicking him down a flight of stairs. Officers found no marks or injuries on the young man (who declined medics). Dad admitted he was upset to discover his son had sold a bicycle (the son’s transportation to work) and gotten a $300 loan from a local business. His dismay grew when he found $300 worth of lottery scratch tickets littering the floor. The young man decided to collect some of his belongings and leave.

Three more summaries ahead:

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Speaking of transit money: Water Taxi fares increase in March

(WSB photo from early February)
Water Taxi fares are going up this Saturday (March 1st), the King County Ferry District has just announced. Here’s what the new fares will be:

For the West Seattle route, that’s 75 cents more if you pay cash, 50 cents more pre-paid, 25 cents more for seniors/disabled people and youth 6-18 (prepaid). Kids 5 and under remain free. The Ferry District’s announcement also says West Seattle Water Taxi ridership for last year was up almost 3 percent over the year before.

ADDED: It should be noted that since the Water Taxi doesn’t run on weekends during the winter, the fares technically go up Monday (March 3rd).

Partial reprieve for Metro: 1st round of West Seattle cuts averted by extended ‘mitigation’ money

11:25 AM: King County Executive Dow Constantine calls it “great news for everyone who commutes on the SR99 corridor, especially those coming from West Seattle and Burien.” His office has just shared a letter from WSDOT (read it here), saying the state has agreed to extend “mitigation” money – funding bus service covering effects from Highway 99 construction – through the end of next year. That money was to expire in the middle of this year, leading to one round of Metro cuts in June. This does NOT affect the larger round of cuts expected to ensue systemwide when other funding expires, and that’s the funding that would be replaced by what’s in a ballot measure that’s expected to go to voters in April – depending on the outcome of a vote this afternoon. More to come.

ADDED 11:52 AM: In case the PDF link above doesn’t work for you, here’s the letter from WSDOT, embedded via Scribd:

Our area’s County Councilmember Joe McDermott says, “This wildly successful mitigation service has moved more people through the Alaskan Way Viaduct while reducing the vehicles using it. As a C Line commuter, I am pleased the state is continuing the funding as the project continues.â€

And he reiterates the earlier point that this is only a partial reprieve – while it extends funding for the service hours added to make up for the 99 construction’s effects, there’s still a gap that would require cutting up to 17 percent of Metro’s service systemwide.

McDermott and the rest of the council, sitting as the Transportation Benefit District board, will take public comments at 3 pm today in council chambers at the county courthouse downtown before potentially voting to send a measure to the ballot asking voters to approve a car-tab fee and sales-tax increase to cover that gap and raise money for roads. Later in the day, the Move King County Now advocacy group plans a kickoff of its campaign for the ballot measure (5:30 pm at the pub Fado, 1st/Columbia downtown). The extension follows the county’s ongoing lobbying efforts to get the state to agree to one, as Executive Constantine’s transportation adviser Chris Arkills told the West Seattle Transportation Coalition at its meeting earlier this month (WSB coverage here).

MORE BACKSTORY: For an explanation of the “mitigation” money, its history (dating back to the 2008 announcement), and the cuts that Metro planned if it wasn’t extended, see this WSB story from December.

Followup: Luna Girls now in permanent home on West Seattle shore

A little over two weeks after we reported installation under way on the east end of Seacrest Park, just west of Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), the Luna Girls sculpture is installed and out from under its protective tarp. That’s artist Lezlie Jane with her privately funded 15-foot-long, nine-foot-wide creation, which she describes as “flame-cut from slab steel”; thanks to Mark Jaroslaw for sending the first photo. Jane’s website for the sculpture includes and explains their names – from left, Emily, Gunvor Katja, and Lorna.

P.S. There’s more, including video from the installation, on the Southwest Seattle Historical Society website.

Kids can help a West Seattle artist design playground for entire city

(Judith Caldwell, left, with husband Daniel, pouring bronze at their Top Hat studio)
West Seattle artist Judith Caldwell – whose work includes the trolley-car art atop Junction bus shelters – has a big new project. Though it’s not in this area, it’s a high-profile citywide project that will be created with lots of help and input, including, she hopes, other West Seattleites. She’s been chosen to be part of the design team creating a new playground at Seattle Center – between the Armory (former Center House) and EMP – here’s the concept/schematic:

Caldwell explains, “We are trying to connect with young people all over the city to help us generate the text, images, and other ideas that will guide the design of the playground.” There’s a kickoff event this Saturday, and after that, Caldwell says, “we will be holding workshops around the city in the coming months, at libraries, community centers, and other venues, to get kids involved.” Read on for the official news release:

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West Seattle Monday: Dance; trivia; enrollment; Kierkegaard …

February 24, 2014 8:59 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Seal pup watched this weekend by Seal Sitters near Jack Block Park; thanks to Cormac for the photo!)
As a brand-new week begins, here are highlights for today and tonight from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, as well as previews published recently:

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPEN ENROLLMENT: If you “want to request a different school or program assignment for the 2014-15 school year,” as the district describes it, or if you didn’t register your incoming kindergartener or otherwise new student, the two-week Open Enrollment period starting today is for you, and you should submit a “choice application†by 4 pm March 7th. If you already have an assignment for next year, you should have received a letter confirming it, and you do NOT need to take any action now. If you DO need to apply – all the info’s here.

KIERKEGAARD BOOK CONFERENCE: 9 am-1 pm at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, all are welcome at a conference discussing Rev. Ron Marshall‘s new book “Kierkegaard for the Church” – backstory in our video-anchored preview over the weekend. (4105 California SW)

TRANSPORTATION BENEFIT DISTRICT: Will the King County Council, sitting as the board of the newly created Transportation Benefit District, vote today to put the Metro/roads money proposal on the ballot for an April vote? The meeting’s at 3 pm, council chambers in the downtown courthouse, background details here. (3rd/James)

FAMILY STORY TIME: 6:30 pm, free as always, High Point Branch Library. (35th/Raymond)

FREE MODERN-DANCE CLASS: Adults are invited to a free modern-dance class for beginners, taught by Adrienne Krieger, 7 pm at Gildenfire Dance in White Center. Details in our listing. (10011 13th SW)

YMCA CAMPAIGN TRIVIA NIGHT: 7 pm, it’s trivia at The Bridge benefiting the annual fundraising campaign for the Y (WSB sponsor) – details in our listing, including how to register in advance. (California/Graham)

YET MORE TRIVIA: 7 pm at Christo’s on Alki, 7:30 pm at Outwest Bar.

LIVE MUSIC: Singer/songwriter/guitarist Carl Tosten performs 7:30-10 pm at Locöl Barley & Vine. (7902 35th SW)

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Back-to-school Monday updates

(More cameras, and other info, on the WSB Traffic page)
6:55 AM: Soggy but nothing else to report so far on routes through/from West Seattle. It’s back-to-school day for Seattle Public Schools after the week-long mid-winter break, so take note of that. And remember that this weekend will bring the semi-annual Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct inspection closures – as explained here, the shutdown is happening in phases, including parts of 99 north of downtown, NOT a wall-to-wall all-weekend closure.

7:47 AM: First complication of the morning – a multi-car crash reported at Fauntleroy/Hudson (map). So if you’re headed toward the bridge from Fairmount Park or southward, we’d advise California or 35th until we hear more about this.

7:55 AM: Per scanner, sounds like this is NOT a big blocking crash. (But if you pass it and find out otherwise – let us know – 206-293-6302, text or voice, provided you are not at the wheel … thank you!)

‘TEMPORARY COMMUTER’ NOTE DU JOUR, 8:56 AM: Commute note – since we’re headed downtown almost daily when covering the Morgan Junction murder trial, thought we’d add notes here (and try some alternate commutes when we can). Today, regular old (sorry for adding to traffic) single-occupancy-vehicle commute. Upper Fauntleroy to parking garage near King County Courthouse, 28 minutes, 8:08 to 8:36. It was 12 minutes to the 4th Avenue exit off the Spokane Street Viaduct, and then 16 more minutes along 4th – took a few light cycles to get off the offramp, and then things got sluggish around the stadiums. (We took the same route last Thursday, 20 minutes, but some families vacationed during the school district’s midwinter break, so we didn’t count that as regular traffic volumes.)

West Seattle generosity: Three food-drive successes!

Three more examples of West Seattle generosity – all to help fight hunger:

‘100TH DAY OF SCHOOL’ DRIVE: The photo is from Lynne Crockett at Holy Rosary, who says the kindergarteners participated in a “100th Day of School” food drive and will be donating the cans they collected to the White Center Food Bank.

On to a big gift from Arbor Heights Elementary:

‘BACKPACK’ PROGRAM GETS BOOST: In the photo are Arbor Heights counselor Rosslyn Shea and West Seattle Food Bank operations director Steven Curry. WS Food Bank’s Judi Yazzolino explains:

During Random Acts of Kindness Week, which was February 10th – 14th, the staff and families of Arbor Heights Elementary participated in a week-long food drive that brought in 350 pounds, to support the West Seattle Food Bank’s new “Backpack†Program. Our “Backpack†program, in its infancy, assists school-age children who are at risk of being hungry throughout the weekend by assembling grocery bags of kid-friendly healthy and nutritious food and distributing them through their school, one of which is Arbor Heights Elementary.

The West Seattle Food Bank wants to thank Rosslyn Shea at Arbor Heights for organizing this wonderful food drive and to remind any family participating in (food drives) at their school to check in with their organizer and get our wishlist to support the “Backpack†program.

Judi also shares news of WS Food Bank gratitude for a local business:

That photo is from Straight Blast Gym (5050 Delridge Way SW), whose proprietors Jei and Sonia and their members get WS Food Bank props for “an amazing food drive that brought in more than 1,500 pounds of food to help those in need in our West Seattle community.”

You can help local food banks any time, not just during special drives – WS Food Bank donation information is here; WC Food Bank donation information is here.

West Seattle schools: Student musicians back from ‘phenomenal’ event

That’s the Jazz Band from Denny International Middle School, whose principal Jeff Clark reports that they’re one of three local student jazz bands just back from a big trip:

I am very pleased to share that this morning the Chief Sealth International High School Jazz Combo, the Denny International Middle School Jazz Band, and the West Seattle High School Jazz Band returned home from what has been a phenomenal weekend of music and workshops at the University of Idaho. This is the second year that ensembles from the three schools have traveled together for this festival.

The middle school band performed Thursday afternoon at the LDS Student Stake Center in Moscow, with the high school ensembles performed on Saturday. All three groups received critiques from well-respected jazz educators and had the opportunity to participate in numerous workshops touching upon issues from leadership development, to improvisation, to instrument fundamentals.

On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights the students attended star-studded concerts featuring a host of national recording artists and touring professionals including three National Endowment of the Arts Jazz Masters – Benny Golson, Eddie Palmieri, and Sheila Jordan.

The Denny International Middle School Jazz Band was awarded a Noteworthy Performance commendation on the festivals Outstanding Young Artists site for their performance Thursday night.

Congratulations to all of these outstanding musicians!

Before school’s out for the year, you’ll have more chances to see local student musicians perform in the area – next one on our calendar is this coming Friday night at the West Seattle High School Big Band Dinner Dance; details here.

Followup: Memorial service March 1st for alpinist Chad Kellogg

One week after news started circulating about the death of 42-year-old Chad Kellogg, the well-known alpinist and former West Seattleite hit by a falling rock while climbing in Argentina, memorial plans have been announced: 11 am next Saturday (March 1st) at the First Free Methodist Church on Queen Anne (3200 3rd Ave. W.), followed by a 1-5 pm reception at the Seattle Bouldering Project in the Central District (900 Poplar Place S.). Updates are promised on this page of a memorial website set up at; its moderators also invite those who knew Mr. Kellogg to send their photos and stories, and have already published more than a dozen, including some with breathtaking photos like these.

3210 California SW gets another Design Review Board date: April 3

February 23, 2014 4:41 pm
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 |   Development | West Seattle news

(NK Architects‘ rendering of 3210 California SW from 2/6/14 meeting; click image to see larger view)
If you’re among the many tracking the biggest project on the boards for north West Seattle right now, the block-long mixed-use 3210 California SW, here’s the next date for your calendar: April 3rd (6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle). That’s when the city schedule now says the Southwest Design Review Board is tentatively set for its fifth look at the five-story, ~150-unit, ~170-parking-space proposal, after deciding at its February 6th meeting (WSB coverage here) that the plan just wasn’t ready for final design approval.

Love puppies? Love being helpful? This one’s for you

Look, it’s a puppy with an invitation for you!

I’m Sagan, the newest puppy to join the West Seattle See Dogs. I’m curious, affectionate and playful (Just a little sleepy in this photo.)

My new raisers, Judy and Fred Brown, are going to help me grow up to be the best dog I can be with fun techniques.

West Seattle See Dogs are looking for other volunteers who can usher a puppy down the path to becoming a guide dog.

We’ll provide a community of support to allow you to give back while being paid in unconditional love. It is a job that is both warm and fuzzy!

Join us Tuesday, February 25th, at 6:30 pm at The Kenney and meet Sagan and other volunteers and learn how you might become involved.

Can’t make it? Call Ruth Oldham at 206-953-0268 – and learn more at

Thanks to Ruth for forwarding Sagan’s invite. The Kenney is at 7125 Fauntleroy Way SW.

West Seattle development: Community meeting for church’s zoning-change 6-townhouse project

That’s an animated rendering by architect David Neiman, taking the viewer around the six townhouses proposed for land that’s owned by and next to the West Seattle Church of the Nazarene (42nd/Juneau). The Morgan Community Association‘s newest e-mail bulletin included the video link along with word of a community meeting about the development this coming Tuesday night (February 25th). The project – first reported here in September – is seeking a “contract rezone” (specific to details of this plan), which ultimately requires City Council approval. The church says its future depends on the revenue the project will generate. Tuesday’s community meeting is at the church, 7 pm.

Sealth swimmer Carlos Morgan Montemayor finishes 2nd @ state

Congratulations to Chief Sealth International High School swimmer Carlos Morgan Montemayor for finishing #2 in the 100 backstroke at the state meet last night in Federal Way. Trisha Montemayor, who has been sharing Sealth swimming results with us this season, reports that Carlos’s 50.35 “is the 8th fastest time in 3A history in this event and an All American Consideration time. This is also the highest placement at State for a Sealth swimmer in school history.” AAC, she adds, is a recognition of both athletic and academic achievement, for high-school-student athletes with GPA’s of 3.5 or higher plus times that meet or exceed a preset time standard in their sport.

Congratulations are also due to Sealth’s Michael Stewart, also swimming in the final day of the state meet; Trisha reports that Michael “finished in 16th place in the 50 free event with a time of 22:58.” You can see full results by scrolling down the left-side window on this page.

Looking toward 2016, area Democrats to caucus in two weeks

February 23, 2014 10:31 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

“This is truly the first step in the journey toward the all-important 2016 election,” says the announcement of the 34th (Legislative) District Democrats’ caucuses, two weeks from today. Specific tasks include electing delegates and alternates to the June 21st statewide Democratic convention, registering voters, collecting resolutions and platform issues for the countywide convention in April, and bringing donations for local food banks. The announcement linked above explains how to participate. Local Republicans are not scheduled for caucuses this year; the state Republican Party decided last year not to have a 2014 convention.

West Seattle Sunday: 8 possibilities, from Market to music

February 23, 2014 7:40 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous


(Beach volleyball in winter! February 2014 photo by “Alki Pete,” from the WSB Flickr group)

FARMERS’ MARKET: Even here in the season before the spring and summer produce is ready to harvest, you’ll find a variety of food and drink to check out, from cheese to cider to soup to nuts to meat. 10 am-2 pm. (44th/Alaska)

POTTER CONSTRUCTION AT HOME SHOW: If you’re going to the Seattle Home Show today (its final day) downtown, look for West Seattle’s Potter Construction (WSB sponsor) in booth 1341:

It’s open 10 am-6 pm at the CenturyLink Field Event Center (lots more info here).

LAST CHANCE AT LOG HOUSE MUSEUM FOR A WHILE: After today, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society’s Log House Museum will close for three weeks to get a new exhibit up and running, so this is the perfect day to visit. Noon-4 pm. (61st/Stevens)

SEATTLE PRIDE TRYOUTS CONTINUE: More tryouts this afternoon/evening for Seattle Pride Basketball – see the groups and times here, all happening at Seattle Lutheran High School. (40th/Genesee)

West Seattle youth sports: Seattle Pride basketball tryouts about to start

BURGUNDY PEARL AT C & P COFFEE: Described on the C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) calendar as “Peggy Sullivan and Ron Dalton perform a mix of mongrel Americana music as an acoustic duo.” 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)

GET CRABBY AT THE MASONIC HALL: As previewed here on Friday, the annual crab feast raising money for student programs is 4-7 pm today at the Masonic Hall. Follow the preview link for details on food and tickets (kids free!). All welcome. (40th/Edmunds)

ALL AGES OPEN MIKE @ SKYLARK: Signups at 4, music at 5, during Skylark Café and Club‘s famous all-ages Sunday open-microphone session. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

MUSIC AND DINNER AT COMPANY: Make a night of it at Company in White Center as the Casey Macgill Trio plays (no cover) at 7 pm. Details here. (9608 16th SW)

P.S. – No snow.