(Horned grebes, photographed by Trileigh Tucker)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, here’s some of what’s up today/tonight:
WEST SEATTLE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN: Midday meeting today – starting with a discussion of “political correctness” at 10:30 am, registration at 11:30, lunch at 11:45, presentations on the West Seattle Timebank, the Delridge Grocery Co-op, and the upcoming legislative session. More details in our calendar listing. P.S. Whether you go to this meeting or not, WSDW invites you to its kickoff Saturday of a human-trafficking-awareness campaign. (4470 35th SW)
QUESTIONS ABOUT POTENTIAL METRO CUTS? Since nothing is settled yet either in Olympia or regarding a King County ballot measure, Metro is proceeding with plans for possible cuts to kick in as soon as June, and has another community outreach event today, 11 am-2 pm at Greenbridge. Spanish, Somali interpretation available. (9720 8th SW)
DOCUMENT-DROPOFF NIGHT FOR WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE: 6-8 pm tonight in the library at Alki Elementary: “For everyone who has registered for West Seattle Little League, this is your opportunity to turn in your registration documentation. There is also still time to register for the 2014 season.” If you can’t make it tonight, you can send it in via postal mail – full details at westseattlelittleleague.com. (3010 59th SW)
PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING FOR BARTON GREEN-STORMWATER-INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT: Residents of Sunrise Heights and Westwood are the focus – though anyone interested is welcome – at tonight’s pre-construction meeting for the Barton Basin Combined Sewer Overflow project, installing roadside raingardens, aka Green Stormwater Infrastructure, to reduce the amount of stormwater going into the system that feeds the Barton Pump Station in Fauntleroy. 6:30 pm, Westside School (WSB sponsor), and there’s a Saturday meeting too if you can’t make this one. (7740 34th SW)
HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL INFORMATION NIGHT: Holy Rosary School, which just joined the WSB sponsor team, invites parents thinking about HRS to come to an Information Night (no students, but they are welcome at Sunday’s 10:30 am-1 pm Open House) tonight, 7-8:30 pm. (42nd/Genesee)
‘LITTLE DOG LAUGHED’ @ ARTSWEST: Second night for “The Little Dog Laughed,” the new production at ArtsWest in The Junction. Showtime 7:30 pm. (4711 California SW)
THERE’S MORE! Go review the calendar … click the right side of any line to expand the listing.
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