TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday on the move

(East-facing camera on the West Seattle Bridge; see other cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Icy again today!

REMINDER: WEEKEND CLOSURE: One more reminder: Utility work related to the California/Alaska/42nd construction project will close SW Alaska 10 am-7 pm each day this weekend.

NEW SIGNS: Back on Tuesday, WSB’ers pointed out new stop signs on the 26th SW greenway in North Delridge, and conversation ensued. Yesterday, driving through Morgan Junction, we noticed new signs on California at Fauntleroy, both directions, aimed at drivers/riders intending to make right turns:

We don’t know if this is the only intersection where they went up – let us know if you’ve seen new signs elsewhere.

15 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Friday on the move"

  • miws November 22, 2013 (7:40 am)

    Glad to see a sign like that, in that spot in particular. The particular direction of auto traffic that it’s directed to, involves the crosswalk I used for years when I lived across the street from Thriftway, and would cross frequently to go there, or elsewhere.


    Although it can be an issue in many places, my major fear there was in regards to a large amount of bus, truck and other larger delivery/service type trucks that might be waiting for the red light, to continue northbound on California.


    Those larger vehicles, especially if longer, or more than one waiting there in line, would block the view of what becomes the defacto right turn lane. My fear was getting nailed by a car intending to take their free right turn on red, blasting into the crosswalk, as so often happens.


    My bigger fear, was that it wouldn’t be me that would be nailed, but a child in a stroller, or a dog on a leash.


    Personally, I would always take another look, while I could still see behind the large vehicle(s), and then again, as I was about to leave the “safe zone” of being in front of the truck, but that was not always easily possible, and the person with the stroller or dog, following that same procedure, would have a much more difficult time making that final check.


    So, yeah, I hope drivers heed these signs, and continue to do so, long after they get used to them being there….



  • Alki November 22, 2013 (9:23 am)

    Big pot hole on bridge. Left lane right past 1st ave exit. Couple inches deep. Chunks of concrete all around

  • dsa November 22, 2013 (9:41 am)

    This is good to know. Now I don’t have to wait for pedestrians at the rest of the intersections when I want to make a right on red because they don’t have that sign.

  • AG November 22, 2013 (9:51 am)

    Saw at LEAST 5 cars blow through California Alaska intersection during the walk signal the other day, all making a right turn on red in front of the huge “no turn on red” sign. It’s clear that signs only go so far. Some enforcement might be useful.

  • enough November 22, 2013 (10:00 am)

    I’ve noticed a lot of people turning left from CA to AK during the hours when it is illegal. Also the turns on red you mentioned. Also, I see a lot of people who do not wait for the walk always on walk. It’s not that hard peeps.

  • JAT November 22, 2013 (11:27 am)

    ditto on the pothole sighting on the bridge, Alki.

    here are my observations:
    1. they JUST rebuilt and repaved that bridge at great expense and inconvenience to all of us.
    2. they then had to cut out and repave some sections for whatever reason within months of completion.
    3a. localized areas of cracking in the tire path of the lanes have been visible for months now.
    3b. those areas of cracking have been identified with white spray paint for weeks now.
    4. GIANT POTHOLE in our brand new bridge.

    Are the trucks too heavy?

    Was the design inadequate?

    Are the contractors liable for their objectively inadequate work?

  • Genesee Hill November 22, 2013 (12:27 pm)

    I am confidant SDOT will get it fixed. The section that has the pothole is not a brand new bridge. You know there are some heavy trucks when the whole dang bridge shakes when they cross.

  • CMP November 22, 2013 (1:08 pm)

    If you need a reminder to watch for pedestrians and cyclists that are right in front of you, a sign located next to the light probably isn’t going to be effective.

    As for the Spokane St. Viaduct and that pothole going eastbound in the left lane…noticed it last night and it looked like a whopper! Glad I avoided something that big for once, my car usually gravitates to any problem spot on the road.

  • NW November 22, 2013 (3:57 pm)

    Now this is not directed to any of you nessecarily but I have observed alot of people driving at both slow and steady rates of speed and busy along texting or searching whatever on their smartpones. Great way to avoid the potholes which seem enevitable in this city is to put your smartphone away while behind the wheel and actually drive your vehicle instead of steering it along and thru stop on red intersections!!Thanks now follow thru and do it!

    • WSB November 22, 2013 (4:16 pm)

      SDOT’s reply (via communications director Rick Sheridan) re: the Spokane St. Viaduct problem (I will publish a separate story at some point but for now, since it’s been under discussion here):
      “SDOT is aware of the spot pavement issues on the old structure’s deck – the markings are from our inspection of it. This problem is isolated to the thin concrete overlay, which can be challenging to install on older structures, that our contractor applied to the deck.

      (The pothole appears to have been caused by some part of a heavy vehicle striking the deck’s surface.)

      As we want to deliver a high quality product, we are evaluating the overlay’s condition and working on the means to repair it. We will share our timeline with you once that is established.”

  • JAT November 22, 2013 (4:54 pm)

    IF the pothole appears to have been caused by some part of a heavy vehicle striking the deck’s surface,…

    (methinks that part of a heavy vehicle is called a tire…)

    quelle coincidence that they’ve been monitoring and marking with paint many many other areas of the decks surface… this parenthetical attribution of causation

    (which I presume is part of SDOT’s Rick Sheridan’s explanation and not an insertion by WSB)

    seems an awfully convenient way to let the engineers and contractor off the hook.

    I may seem to be harping on this too much but for goodness sake, we couldn’t foresee that a heavily used truck corridor might not be subject to heavy truck traffic and design and build accordingly?

    • WSB November 22, 2013 (4:59 pm)

      That is all a direct quote between quote marks.

  • Genesee Hill November 22, 2013 (5:18 pm)

    Methinks SDOT will get this corrected. Methinks the dang bridges are much improved. Methinks I will relax and let SDOT figure this out.

    Methinks I am not an engineer.

    Methinks, blah, blah, blah…

  • Liz November 23, 2013 (11:39 pm)

    There have been ped/vehicle accidents at this intersection. It’s a bad intersection, and there are also near misses all the time. The walk signals aren’t sinked with the red lights. I asked SDOT to review this a few months ago and now see the signs. I plan to follow up to see if that is all they’re able to do. I think the signs may help. They’re quite noticable. Folks turn right on green all the time without taking note that its a pedestrian walk signal.

  • Ray November 24, 2013 (1:12 pm)

    I am happy to see some sort of sign up at this intersection. Maybe if there were signs up a few years ago, life might be different for me…but everything happens for a reason! Thank you Liz for your advocation on this…there are AWESOME people out there!!

Sorry, comment time is over.