West Seattle, Washington
09 Sunday
Four reader reports and an update tonight:
BURGLARY: Michael’s home camera system caught that quick clip one week ago, on November 5th, when the two people in the video broke into his home in Upper Morgan. In the video, you see them running into and out of a glass door they broke to get in. The main loot, he says, was money that one of his children had been saving up – it appears they left fast because of Michael’s “ear-piercing alarm.” The telltale hat in the video helped him spot one of the suspects near 35th and Morgan two days later; police were called and while Michael says they didn’t have enough evidence to hold anyone at that time, the case is advancing and he’s hopeful of an eventual conviction.
CATALYTIC CONVERTER STOLEN: From Ray: “Just wanted to alert the neighborhood… The catalytic converter was removed from my truck (Toyota 4-Runner) early Monday morning. It was parked in front of my house but on the street. I was told that the thief used pipe cutters and it only takes a few minutes. We live on 40th/Dakota.”
CAR PROWLS IN ADMIRAL: From someone who wants to remain anonymous:
Monday morning (Nov. 11), when leaving for work, I discovered my car broken into. Incident occured on 2700 block of California Ave, right by Freshy’s Coffee. Note, this appears to be the fourth similar occurrence within a few blocks in just the last two weeks. Our GPS was stolen, loose change stolen, and all car compartments were emptied and strewn about. Our car was locked, it’s a 2004 Ford. This is also the second time our car’s been broken into while parked here. Police report was filed.
POSSIBLE PROWLER: Elizabeth noticed a car driving slowly back and forth along her street (SW Monroe in Gatewood) last night, light-colored boxy sedan, possibly early to mid-nineties Toyota or Honda: “The driver picked up speed pretty quickly when they saw me watching. This is a good reminder that we all need to keep a watch out for unusual activity to prevent crime in our neighborhoods.
OUT OF JAIL: Alan Polevia, the convicted burglar/thief sentenced to six months in jail back in September after serving three months, is out. His release on October 21st carries the note “sentence expiration.” We recorded video of his sentencing hearing September 27th (that report also recaps his lengthy backstory).
Two updates on West Seattle salmon:
FAUNTLEROY CREEK: Two weeks after this fall’s salmon watch began, volunteers report the first sighting. Creek/watershed steward Judy Pickens shared the word that Dennis Hinton had spotted one from the ferry dock, watching the creek mouth. He then elaborated:
Saw the single spawner from the dock at 2:30 pm. Went back down to the ladder with daughter’s dog, Blazer. We watched at the culvert until 4 pm to see if any fish had ventured up the creek. Saw no fish. But saw two river otters approaching the culvert about 4 pm. I’ll bet they can smell the coho coming. Blazer barked and scared the otters away. But bet they’ll be back to get the first pickings.
LONGFELLOW CREEK: We’ve reported twice on spawners spotted in the eastern West Seattle creek. “Diver Laura” James has gone in with a camera for a closer look – some of it was heartening, some not so much:
Laura leads the Tox-Ick.org program teaching people how to reduce polluting, potentially deadly runoff; tonight she is at The Whale Trail‘s Orca Talk on behalf of the program.
(Added: Seattle Times photo by Greg Gilbert, republished with permission)
4:23 PM: The newest ballot count is just in from King County Elections, and the race that has had the city on the edge of its election-watching seat has continued going the challenger’s way: Kshama Sawant now leads incumbent Richard Conlin in the Seattle City Council Position 2 race. Numbers here – 79,751 for Sawant, 79,710 for Conlin:
4:41 PM: If you haven’t been paying close attention, Sawant is a community-college economics teacher who ran as a Socialist. If she wins, she will be the first Socialist member of the Seattle City Council; she would be the fourth woman and second person of color on the current council. She would have to run again in 2015 because of Seattle Charter Amendment 19, which won in a landslide, setting up elections by district for seven of the council’s nine seats, including the creation of West Seattle’s District 1. (A Facebook group is already active for discussing ramifications – find it here.)
Meantime, the numbers from the next batch of ballots will be announced tomorrow around 4:30 pm. As our partners at The Seattle Times note, Sawant had 46 percent of the vote on Election Night, but has been closing the gap daily ever since.
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
One of West Seattle’s three state legislators, just back from the short special session in Olympia, shared insights today at a West Seattle Chamber of Commerce-sponsored brown-bag-lunch discussion.
As noted here on Saturday, the session led to approval for extending Boeing tax breaks but inaction on a transportation package that could save Metro from slashing service.
State Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon, a Burien Democrat who’s on the House Transportation Committee, told today’s “Lunch with LEO” (local elected official) gathering at ArtsWest that he didn’t think transportation “was ever likely to get resolved” in this special session: “We’re not close enough to a deal on a transportation package,” between the Democratic-led House and Republican-led Senate. “We have some philosophical differences on things. … The Senate does not believe transit, pedestrian (etc.) is a state responsibility.”
One of West Seattle’s longest-running Thanksgiving traditions is happening again this year – and the official announcement is just in from Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes:
Just wanted to get the word out about our Free Community Thanksgiving Community Meal at The Hall at Fauntleroy this Thanksgiving Day on Thursday November 28th from 12 noon until 3 PM.
All are welcome for a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings prepared by Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering Executive Chef Michael Chase. This is the 15th year that Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes owners Meg and David Haggerty and David Meckstroth have hosted this wonderful dinner. They are joined by a wonderful group of volunteers who help greet our welcome guests and serve dinner.
We will gladly accept donations for desserts. This year we are also asking for donations of gently used/clean or new warm clothing such as coats, jackets, scarves, gloves and hats. We are also asking for blankets or throw blankets to be given to our guests in need of them. Desserts and items can be dropped off at the Hall at Fauntleroy on Thanksgiving Day after 10 AM.
We are located at 9131 California Ave SW in the Fauntleroy Community School House across the street from the Fauntleroy YMCA.
If your business, organization, group, school, etc., has an event – including any kind of donation drive – happening this holiday season, please make sure we know about it, for our calendar and the annual WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, the first draft of which is going “live” within the next few days – thanks!
1:19 PM: That photo shared by Pam in Gatewood shows what she and her neighbors believe are aircraft parts – “metal frame, clear plex of a window” – that fell in their neighborhood within the past hour and a half. Some hit a roof, some turned up in a yard. They’re wondering if anyone else found something similar, and they’re contacting aviation authorities. An eastbound approach to Boeing Field does go over part of Gatewood, and Pam says they heard a plane just before this happened. No injuries reported.
2:27 PM: Per comments, the National Transportation Safety Board is investigating.
Busy night for meetings. Ready to get involved in your neighborhood, if you’re not already? From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, our first group of listings features who’s meeting tonight – public welcome, and, the groups will tell you, very much appreciated. These are all-volunteer groups led by your neighbors, and the more people involved, the stronger they are and the more they can do):
HIGH POINT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 6 pm, monthly meeting, Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way)
WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: 6:30 pm, Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. See the agenda here. (6400 Sylvan Way)
JUNCTION NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION: 6:30 pm, Senior Center of West Seattle. (California/Oregon)
ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, lower-level meeting room on south side of Admiral Congregational Church. (California/Hill)
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, conference room at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse. (9131 California SW)
Also happening tonight:
VOLUNTEER AT WESTSIDE BABY: 6-9 pm Tuesday nights, you are invited to come help WestSide Baby help thousands of local babies, children, and their families! Details here.
STORYTELLING/OPEN MIKE AT CHACO CANYON: 6 pm, details in our calendar listing. (3770 SW Alaska)
STUDENT STORYTELLERS: 6:30 pm at Dubsea Coffee in Greenbridge, students from on-the-rise White Center Heights Elementary School make their storytelling debut. (9910 8th SW)
DENNY INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA: 7 pm, with a featured presentation on how to help your middle-schooler get ready for success in high school; more info in the calendar listing. (2601 SW Kenyon)
SOLD-OUT ORCA TALK: Just a note in case you were hoping to get a ticket at the door – The Whale Trail‘s Orca Talk at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) tonight is sold out. (If you don’t already have a ticket, watch TWT’s site for video to follow.)
Even MORE of what’s up today/tonight can be found on our calendar.
(East-facing camera on the West Seattle Bridge; see other cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Back to post-holiday normalcy. We start with two reminders:
STREET-TREE PLANTING: Today’s the day the city plans to start planting new street trees along sections of California SW and Fauntleroy Way, as detailed here.
WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION TONIGHT: This all-volunteer group, determined to advocate for this area’s distinct transportation needs, can’t do it without you, so they’re inviting you to come find out tonight how you can help along some very specific lines. 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center, 6400 SW Sylvan Way.
Updates as the day goes…
5:45 PM: Crash reported on southbound I-5 just before the West Seattle Bridge exit.
Thanks to Angelique for sharing the photo of a coyote spotted in her neighbor’s yard near Delridge/Willow (map). Hard to tell from the photo, but from a video clip she also sent (see it here), it was seen in mid-meal, and the main course looked to Angelique like a raccoon.
The photo gives us another reason to remind you about Wednesday night’s event at Camp Long Environmental Learning Center – the first time in years that you have a chance to come learn (and ask) about coexisting with coyotes – safely for you and for them. Here’s the announcement again:
Living with Coyotes in Seattle
Coyotes live in our neighborhoods and we humans can learn to live with them. Camp Long and the WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife team up to give tips and insight into co-existing safely with these wild dogs. Learn how they live and how humans can avoid and resolve conflict with them.
Camp Long Lodge
Wednesday, November 13th
7 PM to 8:30 PM
Camp Long’s entrance is at 5200 35th SW.