From the “kids, do NOT try this at home!” (or anywhere else) file … Craig Young photographed those three little raccoons atop a utility pole in Admiral one recent sunny day. Looks like we’ll see some sunshine today (though fog started drifting through as we wrote this!). From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WEST SEATTLE EAGLES’ GARAGE SALE: “Shopping, fun, food” are promised, 9 am-3 pm at the West Seattle Eagles‘ aerie in The Junction; here’s our calendar listing. (4426 California SW)
MORE GARAGE SALES: Find today’s (free to post!) listings in the WSB Forums, here.
PRAYERS FOR PEACE IN SYRIA (AND ELSEWHERE): 10 am-3 pm today at Holy Rosary in West Seattle; here’s our original preview with details. (42nd/Genesee)
SAN GENNARO FESTIVAL: As previewed here night before last, a West Seattle family is presenting Seattle’s first San Gennaro Festival this weekend – a celebration that’s famous in some other cities’ Italian-American communities, but somehow hadn’t happened here. It’s on South Angelo Street (no number necessary) in Georgetown, 10 am-10 pm today and 10 am-6 pm Sunday. (Map)
My daughters will be having a bake sale from 11 am-1 pm (today) to raise money for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation in memory of their grandpa. There will be signs pointing to the sale on 28th Ave SW and SW Myrtle.
BENEFIT BARBECUE, AND MORE: At West Seattle Thriftway, the traditional Saturday 11 am-4 pm benefit barbecue has special friends on hand – Roxbury Spine and Wellness Clinic (which like WST is a WSB sponsor).

(WSB photo, added 2:35 pm)
11 am-4 pm, offering free spinal-stress tests and 5-minute chair massages. Look for the tent outside the store’s southwest door. (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)
AUTHOR PAUL SCHMID AT WESTWOOD B&N: From Melissa at Westwood Village Barnes & Noble – word that a notable local kids-book author will be a special guest at 11 am storytime:
We have Paul Schmid, author of several wonderful children’s picture books, guest starring at story time with a talk and signing of his new book, “Oliver and His Alligator.” Mr. Schmid is well-known as the author of “A Pet for Petunia” and “Hugs from Pearl.” We’re very happy to be hosting a great local author with a fantastic back to school story!
The store is on the south/southeast side of the shopping center.(2800 SW Barton)
SEATTLE POLICE HORSES AT WESTWOOD: As previewed here earlier this week, the Seattle Police Mounted Patrol plans to bring horses/officers from its Highland Park HQ to Westwood, for a stop at Daystar Retirement Village (2615 SW Barton) 12:30-2:30 pm, and then a stop at Westwood Village shopping center (east side, near Starbucks), 2:45-4:15 pm. Public welcome to come meet them!
HARRY’S CHICKEN JOINT HALF-IVERSARY: The party’s not *at* Harry’s – which will be closed for the occasion – but instead at Beveridge Place Pub, 6-9 pm – free food from Harry’s Chicken Joint (WSB sponsor), celebrating six months in business. Details in our original preview. (BPP is at 6413 California SW)
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Tonight, Seattle Lutheran (photo below is from practice this week) starts its season:

The Saints host Evergreen Lutheran at West Seattle Stadium, 7 pm.
UNIFIED OUTREACH TALENT SHOW: See talented youth show what they can do, 7 pm tonight at Ginomai Art Center in The Junction – details here. (42nd/Genesee)
Even more events/activities for today/tonight – and beyond! – are listed on our calendar!