West Seattle scene: Fly Moon Royalty rules Hiawatha crowd

Some in the crowd at Hiawatha for Thursday night’s Fly Moon Royalty concert might not realize they were lucky – they were there for what the duo had described earlier as their last live show in this area for quite a while. Here’s a quick snip of video from Instagram:

With Action Jackson providing the beats and background as DJ/producer, Adra Boo is the voice of Fly Moon Royalty:

There’s often something extra at the concerts, and this time around, it was free face painting:


Next Thursday at 6:30 pm, it’s this year’s finale for the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series, featuring Strong Suit.

2 Replies to "West Seattle scene: Fly Moon Royalty rules Hiawatha crowd"

  • Lindsey August 23, 2013 (6:11 am)

    So sorry to have missed this! Also, I’m pretty sure her name is Adra Boo.

    • WSB August 23, 2013 (6:14 am)

      Typo fixed; thanks.

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