Close call at Cone Central! Husky Deli freezer fixed

With an official “heat warning” still in effect, news of possible trouble in ice-cream paradise was truly alarming. So WSB’s Katie Meyer went over to Husky Deli to check out a report of freezer trouble. GOOD NEWS – it was only affecting the freezer you see in Katie’s photo, the display case by the front door, and a new replacement motor is already in – Husky’s Jack Miller told Katie it should be cold enough to re-fill within an hour or so. AND they are still scooping cones and cups from ice-cream stock in a different freezer.

3 Replies to "Close call at Cone Central! Husky Deli freezer fixed"

  • cj July 1, 2013 (4:19 pm)

    Cheers! Husky Deli ice cream shortage would be a tragedy of epic proportions.

  • scout15 July 1, 2013 (4:25 pm)

    It is a sad day when they are out of chocolate ice-cream for my cone!

  • Silly Goose July 2, 2013 (12:14 am)

    Jack where did you get that tan, summer is just starting in West Seattle!!

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