West Seattle schools: Denny musicians’ Disneyland success

Young musicians from West Seattle are showing their stuff at Disneyland this weekend, and gaining recognition for it, reports Denny International Middle School principal Jeff Clark:

It is an honor to share with you that the Denny International Middle School senior band, senior orchestra, and jazz band musicians are performing this weekend at the Disney Magic Music Days in Anaheim, California. Mr. Pimpleton, Ms. Shaffer, and other Denny staff and volunteers are with nearly 100 students as they perform. Our scholars are having a great time and earning some prestigious awards. So far, we have been presented with a 1st place and overall top Jazz Band, 2nd place Middle School Orchestra, and 3rd place Middle School Concert Band awards! Congratulations, Dolphins! Thank you to our staff and volunteers!

P.S. After they return, the orchestra’s final concert of the year, along with Denny singers, is this Wednesday night.

SIDE NOTE: Thanks to ALL local school staffers, volunteers, parents, and others who have helped us update tens of thousands of people in the West Seattle community and beyond with news of many local schools/students’ activities, honors, open-to-the-public events and more, again this year. We appreciate hearing from any and all schools in the area! Whether it’s an upcoming event announcement, an invitation to cover something at/involving your school, or photos/info on something that’s already happened, editor@westseattleblog.com is the place to send it (and if you have questions on how or what to send, same address – thanks!).

3 Replies to "West Seattle schools: Denny musicians' Disneyland success"

  • Pauline Aldrich June 2, 2013 (1:16 pm)

    couldn’t be more proud of our students and their teachers thank you

  • Bill & Bea Williams June 3, 2013 (8:42 am)

    Wow! We’re proud of our granddaughter, Zhen, and all of the talented musicians in the band. They’re looking great,

  • Norma June 3, 2013 (11:06 am)

    Music has been a blessing to me all of my life. I’m so glad this program is available to these talented young people. Keep up the great work!!

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