Pop-up pond and first-time fishing with West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club and Hi-Yu

Just before the 8 am whistle blew and fishing began at the annual West Seattle Sportsmen’s Club Kids’ Fishing Pond, all eyes were on the collection of bamboo poles prepared for the young participants (14 and under). Then it was off to the trout-stocked temporary pond:

Good turnout right from the start in the morning sunshine, so if you’re going, don’t wait – it’s happening till 11 am, first 100 kids or as long as the fish last, at Seacrest (1660 Harbor Avenue SW). And while you’re there, say hi to Hi-Yu royalty:

Junior Court Princess Emily was the first one there. Hi-Yu would also love to see you at next Monday night’s general meeting, as they gear up for the heart of the summer event season – 6:30 pm June 3rd, St. John the Baptist Church Hall, California/Hanford.

3 Replies to " Pop-up pond and first-time fishing with West Seattle Sportsmen's Club and Hi-Yu"

  • Fishing June 1, 2013 (10:28 am)

    That was fun!

  • bedhead June 1, 2013 (12:22 pm)

    Sad we missed this!

  • Mke June 2, 2013 (12:01 am)

    Really great to have this event. My daughter had a blast and so did I. A great way to get kids into fishing, plus now Grandpa is talking about getting a new boat and motor so he can take her out to some lakes. :)

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