
West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car, needed by bus rider

Out of the WSB inbox, from Mary:

Our 1988 burgundy Toyota Camry station wagon was stolen from where it was parked on Barton by the Fauntleroy Church. I park it there for my husband because he is a staunch bus rider of >30 years. The #21 no longer goes to Arbor Heights at the time of night so he catches the C line to the Church. He has health issues and walking the remainder home causes his problems to worsen. Unfortunately, someone decided to take it Friday night for their own purposes. The police were notified.

We are lucky that we’re self-reliant – we’ll figure something but gosh, our old dog loved that car, as we made the entire back of it his comfy ride as we went about errands.

If anyone spots it (has a small Honeywell Security card in back window – maybe no longer, a slight ding on the right rear passenger side door, and the driver’s seat is torn so there’s a fleece seat cover), please call it in to the police.

4 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen car, needed by bus rider"

  • justme May 28, 2013 (5:39 pm)

    So sorry to hear about this. We often walk those trails behind the church in the evenings and I think about these things all the time. I hope your car is recovered quickly and you can get your lives back in order very soon.

  • David May 28, 2013 (5:51 pm)

    Tow truck on scene right now.

  • a WS chef May 28, 2013 (8:22 pm)

    Last night, a backpack and chef’s knife kit donated by my SSCC instructors (to replace a kit stolen by someone there) was taken from in front of Easy Records in the WS Junction. My journal, songs, stories and the knives that are my livelihood in the culinary field . . . literally everything that is either sentimentally or materialistically relevant to me — all gone (along with other recent thefts of a bike, laptop, iPod and more). All taken by people who are low enough to steal from just another person trying to get by. Oh, and whoever got the journal, I hope you feel really good about yourself. You stole from an Iraq vet on Memorial day. You’re a winner.

    The backpack is old, orange and beat-up; the journal is leather-covered. The knife kit is similarly beat-up looking, with a blue cover and mismatched knives. Reward for either/both.

  • G May 29, 2013 (10:23 pm)

    Hope you recover the car. The good news is that they are usually abandoned and found by police. My’s neighbor’s car was stolen in broad daylight near PCC, and police found it on Magnolia.

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