Video: Harbor seal on the hunt in West Seattle waters

Thanks to Seal Sitters and local photographers, we’ve seen many awesome views of harbor seals, usually resting on local beaches and rafts. Today, something new – a view of how they look for food, moving beneath the surface of West Seattle waters. It’s courtesy of local photographer William Drumm (who’s on Facebook as “Barnacle Bill). He recorded that video near West Seattle’s Seacrest Park, and says it’s being used in the Seattle Aquarium‘s new harbor-seal exhibit, which opens to the public this weekend.

9 Replies to "Video: Harbor seal on the hunt in West Seattle waters"

  • Heather May 30, 2013 (1:33 pm)

    That’s great and I love the music. Nothing like a divers light to help in flushing out food :)

  • cjboffoli May 30, 2013 (1:47 pm)

    I’m curious if the Seal Sitters have an official opinion on the ethics involved with the Seattle Aquarium keeping pinnipeds in captivity and if that’s desirable or suitable for any marine mammals.

  • Rebecca May 30, 2013 (1:50 pm)

    That’s cool and everything, but are divers supposed to be that close? I couldn’t use the sound so maybe they explained that…

  • Bill May 30, 2013 (2:07 pm)

    Hi Rebecca, the harbor seals decide how close they want to get to the scuba divers. The seals are so fast underwater, that it would be impossible for a diver to approach a swimming seal. Thanks for asking though!

  • stb May 30, 2013 (3:33 pm)

    Thanks for posting that video. It’s a really great look at the seals in action.

  • L.A. May 30, 2013 (3:56 pm)

    I believe t he seattle aquarium, as most aquarium s do now, only keep those incapable of surviving in the wild for a specific reason, usually injury or defect or are being rehabilitated.

  • Noelle May 30, 2013 (5:48 pm)

    Very cool video!

  • Tony May 30, 2013 (10:15 pm)

    Nice, but I wish they had gotten a clear shot of the seal finding and eating something. Still, an awesome view of what we might normally consider awkward on land demonstrating why they are a near apex predator in the water.

  • Heather May 30, 2013 (11:04 pm)

    Actually Tony, the seal ate several fish. They look like slivers of light, as the flashlight reflects off their scales, right before the seal sucks then up.

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