Followup: Still seeking witnesses with info about ‘Zipper’ the dog

After the case of Zipper the dog – rescued from a car in the Westwood Village parking lot – resurfaced in the WSB Forums, we checked today with Seattle Animal Shelter executive director Don Jordan to see if there’s anything new in the case. He reaffirms that, contrary to many headlines, they still don’t know for sure if Zipper was actually in that car alone the whole time the car was in the lot, and says they’d still like to hear from anyone with information to share:

At this time, I can’t offer too much information on the case around Zipper, as we are still conducting our investigation. I can tell you that we will continue to care for him at the Animal Shelter until the case is closed and we determine a course of action. As far as his condition, Zipper appears healthy, happy and energetic. While the police report indicated that the vehicle was parked in the lot for six days, one area of focus in our investigation, as you noted, is determining whether Zipper was actually in the vehicle during that time. We are still taking statements and would welcome any witnesses to contact us at 206-386-7387.

Police rescued Zipper on Sunday, April 21st, and reported the case via SPD Blotter three days later.

5 Replies to "Followup: Still seeking witnesses with info about 'Zipper' the dog"

  • Rainier May 2, 2013 (2:21 pm)

    Not a witness. I hope the Seattle Animal Shelter will put the welfare of Zipper above all else, and considering his exposed ribs and fearfulness, regardless of how long he was in the vehicle, something is lacking in his level of care. In this high-publicity case, if nothing comes of their investigation and the dog is returned, my faith in what happens in less exposed animal welfare cases will falter.

  • erin May 2, 2013 (10:08 pm)

    I agree w Rainier _ if they release a dog stuck, living in a car with these derelicts who obviously abused, neglected him and God knows if they fed him – then I lose faith in the system and humanity

  • Chris W May 3, 2013 (12:48 pm)

    @Erin, I believe a previous WSB post stated the culprit is a dog sitter, not the owner.

  • TheDreadedWoodenSpoon May 3, 2013 (1:07 pm)

    Well…the animal shelter could keep the dog and then try to bill back the owner for pet sitting. If they give the dog back to the (soon-to-be-ex-if-she-has-any-brains) boyfriend, who knows what’ll happen to the poor pup. It’s a tough situation for them to be in.

  • KD May 4, 2013 (10:17 am)

    The culprit is also the ‘owner’ for choice of ‘pet sitter’. Btw, where is loving owner now?? Doesn’t matter if dog was left in for only one day.. you don’t do that. SAC take control of dog, re-adopt out for loving rest of its life. Just by this blog, I’ll bet there are multiple responsible WSeattlites who would love Zipper. Stop the waiting game.

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