month : 04/2013 341 results

Video: Major League Ultimate comes to West Seattle with Rainmakers’ first home game

(Video and photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
Never seen a Major League Ultimate (disc) game before? Neither had we. So we put a bit of last night’s Seattle Rainmakers vs. Vancouver Nighthawks game on video. As reported here earlier this month, the Rainmakers are playing their home games at Southwest Athletic Complex this spring, and last night was the home opener. Hundreds of fans were there:

The crowd included Nighthawks fans who drove down from Vancouver, judging by the British Columbia license plates we noted in the parking lot. And for the Rainmakers’ side, there was superfan Karlito:

From right across SW Thistle Street, Chief Sealth International High School Band musicians came to play:

Back to the game:

By the way, Seattle’s in white:

The Rainmakers won 14-12, as noted on the team’s official Twitter feed, which was full of play-by-play as well as photos. Next Saturday (April 27), the Rainmakers host the Portland Stags, 7 pm at SWAC – here’s the full schedule, which also features two West Seattle games in May and two in June. If you can’t make it to the stadium, check for a free live stream, here. Last but not least, if you want to learn about the game – MLU’s rules are still evolving, but the latest set is here.

6 highlights for the rest of your West Seattle Sunday

April 21, 2013 10:46 am
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Tulips and daffodils

(North Delridge flowers photographed by Flickr member “old desolate,” shared via WSB Flickr group)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar – some of your options in the hours ahead:

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Under way now, continuing till 2 pm, if you haven’t gone already! In addition to your market shopping, say hi to the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, scheduled to be back at the market today after a winter break. (44th/Alaska)

EARTH DAY STORIES: Tomorrow is the official Earth Day but celebrations and commemorations have been under way all weekend; today you can listen to Native storytelling at the Duwamish Longhouse, 2-4 pm, details here. (4505 West Marginal Way)

LIVE MUSIC THIS AFTERNOON AND EVENING: Check the calendar for multiple listings starting at 1 pm – afternoon and evening performances!

HEELS FOR HOUNDS: Music, wine, appetizers, and … shoes! The silent-auction event benefiting Furry Faces Foundation‘s animal-advocacy work is 3-6 pm at Ola Salon in Luna Park. (2942 SW Avalon Way)

‘CHARLIE BROWN’ FINALE: 3 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, last chance to see Twelfth Night Productions present “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown.” (4408 Delridge Way SW)

HIGHLINE PREMIER FC FAMILY INFO NIGHT: In Burien, but this Highline FC advanced-development programs serve players in West Seattle and vicinity too, 6-8 pm at Burien Community Center. (14700 6th SW, Burien)

Tomorrow at West Seattle Runner: ‘Run for Boston,’ 1 week later

Coast to coast tomorrow night, runners are showing solidarity while paying tribute to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, and one of those runs is planned here. Lori and Tim McConnell of West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor), who led an impromptu run hours after last Monday’s attack, invite anyone interested to join them at 6 pm tomorrow (Monday). Their store is on the northwest corner of California/Charlestown. RSVP by joining the Facebook event page.

Roxhill officially opens: ‘There’s nothing like this Castle Park that you have built’

Story by Tracy Record, West Seattle Blog editor
Kids-at-play photos by Nick Adams, WSB contributing photojournalist
Stage/podium photos/video by Patrick Sand, WSB co-publisher

Today’s celebration at Roxhill Park, formally opening its renovated play area and brand-new skatepark, was a blossom that’s been budding for five long years, though that’s all ancient history to those who couldn’t wait to get their hands (and feet) on it today:

In June 2008 – before the Parks and Green Spaces Levy even went to Seattle voters – we noted that its West Seattle proposals included money to improve the Roxhill Park playground, which now includes a climbing dome as well as a castle:

But as city leaders noted in paying tribute to the community effort that followed, it became so much more than what was originally envisioned: A splendid new community-built “castle” to replace the beloved-but-deteriorating one that another group of neighbors had put up in the ’90s; a skatepark for the south end of West Seattle, to complement the year-and-a-half-old predecessor in North Delridge – a skatepark that today drew 5-year-old Merek Jackson, who’s been skating for a year and a half, according to his dad:

Merek was a toddler when this all started to take shape through community discussions – starting with an August 2011 meeting to talk about both the skatepark and playground, including some angst about losing the old castle, continuing afterward with separate meetings.

By the end of 2011, the concept of a new castle, community-built as specified by Leathers and Associates – which also created the old one – had taken shape; community advocate Mat McBride spoke in a comment here about the person-power that would be needed. Today, he stood at the podium and recounted with pride how the new castle became reality.

The community build required a massive amount of planning and repeated calls for volunteer help. The old castle started coming down in September; its successor started going up in November.

The process – the hard work, the fun, the accomplishment, the donations, the volunteers – was part of what was recounted at today’s ceremony; here it is in its entirety, 24 minutes ending with the ribboncutting:

Also praised today, the special touch that evolved after the castle construction began: The ceramic turret art by Mike Henderson. “Nothing like that in the city,” as praised during today’s event. Henderson spoke with pride about most of the tiles having been salvaged from “a Dumpster.”

And did we mention the extra grant from the Department of Neighborhoods, and the synergy with the West Seattle Tool Library, whose red mobile unit was visible at the site throughout, and which benefited from grant-bought tools afterward? “The spirit of sustainability” was how City Councilmember Sally Bagshaw, who chairs the Parks and Neighborhoods Committee, phrased it. She also declared, “There is nothing (in the city) like this Castle Park you have built.” Like the old castle, it has many facets to be discovered – including a tube slide:

Parks Superintendent Christopher Williams gushed warm words too, including reminiscing about Roxhill Park visits during his senior year at blocks-away Chief Sealth. He mentioned Parks’ commitment to taking care of the new features, noting a rapid response to a recent round of graffiti/tagging vandalism at the park’s comfort station, just south of the play area. And those features are many:

“What else would you like in West Seattle?” asked Councilmember Bagshaw, pointing out that the Parks and Green Spaces levy expires this year.

She and others are putting together a potential replacement – though she also reiterated what’s already been said, that this one will make more than a gesture toward funding park maintenance, currently sorely underfunded, so that existing parks can stay open for future super-users like 21-month-old Hershel Robinson:

As the Roxhill team – volunteers and Parks project managers (Kelly Goold succeeded Kelly Davidson) showed the rest of the city, you might as well dream big – but be ready to put your skin in the game, too. That’s what made it possible for a whole new generation of West Seattle kids to enjoy Roxhill …

… and, like Angie Hardy‘s 5-year-old son Elliott, generate a whole new generation of smiles.

Roxhill Skatepark and Playground face 29th SW, just south of SW Barton, across from the southwest edge of Westwood Village.

(9-year-old Brooklyn Arnold, upside down)

West Seattle weekend scene: Young volunteers @ Dakota Place

April 20, 2013 7:51 pm
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Among the many events in this morning’s West Seattle Saturday roundup of calendar highlights, a work party at Dakota Place Park. Thanks to Meredith for sharing this photo of two young volunteers – Addie and Grayson, students from nearby Tilden School.

3 weeks till 9th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day!

April 20, 2013 5:35 pm
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190 sales ready to go so far for West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, Saturday, May 11th, 9 am-3 pm … and no matter where you are, you will probably find yourself within walking distance of at least a few sales! Just sifted through the registrations we have so far, and it’s another spectacular lineup – 20 schools, organizations, and businesses already, including the two group sites at Hotwire Online Coffeehouse and C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsors). Neighborhoods with sales so far include Admiral, Alki, Arbor Heights, the Arroyos, Beach Drive, Belvidere, Fairmount, Fairmount Springs, Fauntleroy, Gatewood, Genesee, Harbor Drive, Highland Park, High Point, the Junction, Luna Park, Marine View Drive, Morgan Junction, North Admiral, North Delridge, Puget Ridge, Seaview, South Admiral, Sunrise Heights, the Triangle, Westwood … If you’re planning on a sale, you have until this Wednesday to register, here. And watch for updates here, on the official WSCGSD site, and on the WSCGSD Facebook page.

West Seattle Thriftway shopping spree becomes a giving spree

The West Seattle Thriftway silver-anniversary shopping-spree raffle became a double gift to the West Seattle Food Bank. Not only did the store donate the $2,200 in ticket sales, the man whose ticket was drawn for the spree donated most of his take, too. Rob Dent managed to load up with $425 worth of Western Family products during his 4-minute spree this morning – here’s a bit of video as he went after the frozen food:

Before his four-minute spree, Rob got to go through the store with assistant manager Steve Kamphaus:

Rob sought out some specific items the Food Bank needed, after conferring with them to see what was most in demand – those items included bags of sugar; note them on the checkout counter here:

Of the few things he kept … one was a new stuffed friend for his daughter Sofia, who was guarding it closely while in the arms of mom Naomi:

P.S. In addition to food and money donations like today’s double gift – which counts extra since the Feinstein Challenge is still on till month’s end – Food Bank executive director Fran Yeatts (in the group photo, helping hold the check, along with board members and Thriftway team members) tells us they need VOLUNTEER HELP! Here’s how (and when) you can get involved.

Happening now: Shop The Junction during Tax-Free Day

More than 40 of your friendly neighborhood Junction merchants have smiles and deals for you today – the West Seattle Junction Association‘s annual 10-percent-off “Tax-Free Day.” For example – in the mood for flowers, or indoor-garden items? Go see proprietor Sam and assistant Devon at Fleurt (4536 California SW; WSB sponsor). As mentioned here on Friday, Fleurt is celebrating Earth Day this weekend too; bring in a planter or vase to recycle and you’ll get a mini-plant in exchange. Across the street, we stopped by Jan’s Beauty Supply:

Alissa, Sheri, and Melanie are there to help you have a beautiful Tax-Free Day – Jan’s merchandise includes jewelry and other items beyond their many lines of personal-care products. Head for The Junction, look for red balloons outside participants’ storefronts (they’re listed here too), and have fun while supporting your local independent businesses (including some food/drink establishments with deals, too).

Happening now: Record Store Day 2013 at Easy Street

Coast to coast, it’s Record Store Day. Above, we found Seamus Dolan at West Seattle’s Easy Street Records, explaining that while its Queen Anne sister store is gone, it’s not forgotten – he is making and selling record crates made from its old fixtures (as explained on the official ESR Record Store Day preview). Inside Easy Street, lots of music fans:

While we were there, people weren’t just lined up for the only-on-RSD specials, they also were lined up for autographs during a one-hour Mad Season signing session this morning with Mike McCready and Barrett Martin:

Find more of what’s happening now – and has happened already today – on Easy Street’s Twitter feed.

Seal Sitters’ youngest volunteers become a national cover story

More than half a million classrooms around the country are reading about West Seattle’s seal pups and young Seal Sitters volunteers who help watch out for them. They’re the cover story of the Earth Day edition of Scholastic News, as Seal SittersRobin Lindsey reports on Blubberblog. As she points out, Seal Sitters is “one of the few marine-mammal stranding networks that encourage children to join …”; a third-grader volunteer named Noemi is shown in the Scholastic News story. Robin tells WSB, “Noemi and our kid Seal Sitters inspire us all!” (To find out how to volunteer – and how to reach Seal Sitters if you spot a marine mammal on a local beach – go here.)

West Seattle Saturday: Roxhill celebration; Junction sales; Duwamish Alive!; Eagles’ cancer-fighting dinner; more

April 20, 2013 6:03 am
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(Photo by Val, from Roxhill playground’s “soft open” Tuesday)
Another day/night with lots of options – highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar include these (and follow that link to the calendar for even more):

DAKOTA PLACE PARK CLEANUP: Rain or shine, 9 am-noon, California/Dakota. What should you bring? Details here.

BAKE SALE FOR PUGET SOUNDKEEPER ALLIANCE: Shanti Salon and Spa (2138 California SW; WSB sponsor) opens at 9 am, and it’s the second of three days for its benefit bake sale to assist Puget Soundkeeper Alliancehere’s our preview.

JUNCTION TAX-FREE DAY: Support your friendly neighborhood independent local businesses – more than 40 places to find a discount and/or deal starting at 10 am today – look for merchants sporting one or more red balloons outside! Or – check the list here on the West Seattle Junction Association website, to see who’s picking up the tax bill with a 10 percent discount and who’s offering specials (including food and drink).

RECORD-STORE DAY: It’s the national day to celebrate independent record stores – and West Seattle is home to the legendary Easy Street Records, which has deals and sales planned throughout the day – check them out here.

DUWAMISH ALIVE! Work parties from Pigeon Point Park to Tukwila, 10 am-2 pm, as part of the twice-yearly event to care for the Duwamish River and its watershed. Here’s the map:

View Duwamish Alive! April 20th, 2013 in a larger map

Events include a noon program at Herring’s House Park/T-107 in West Seattle, with speakers to include Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen.

LINCOLN PARK BEACH CLEANUP: Puget Sound’s shore needs some TLC too, and this work party is planned to help with that, 10 am-12:30 pm – details here.

SHOPPING-SPREE WINNER GOES FOR IT: Be at West Seattle Thriftway (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan; WSB sponsor) at 10 am to cheer for Rob Dent, who won the big prize Thriftway gave away as part of its 25th anniversary celebration raffle to raise money for the West Seattle Food Bank, a four-minute, up-to-$500 Western Family shopping spree. More info in our preview.

ROXHILL CASTLE, SKATEPARK DEDICATION: 11 am-2 pm, join the party at Roxhill Park (29th/Barton), as the newly renovated playground and newly built skatepark are both dedicated and formally opened. Ceremony at 12:30 pm, but lots of other fun before and after, as explained by Seattle Parks and Rec here.

YOUTH CELEBRATION: For teens and tweens, at Southwest Teen Life Center, noon-4 pm – details here.

TRIVIA CRAWL: Starting at 3 pm, in The Admiral District – details here (including how to sign up).

ART EHRMANN CANCER BENEFIT @ EAGLES: 4th annual fundraising event, with dinner, music, and an auction, and the public is welcome to come help raise money to fight cancer, 5:30 pm at the West Seattle Eagles‘ HQ in The Junction – details on this flyer, via Facebook.

SEATTLE RAINMAKERS’ DEBUT: West Seattle is now home to the Seattle Rainmakers professional Ultimate (Frisbee) team, with the season’s first home game tonight at 7 at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle) – details here.

‘CHARLIE BROWN’: Second-to-last show for Twelfth Night Productions‘ “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” at 7:30 tonight:

Tickets are available online.

Looking for a preschool for next year? Room at Bright Beginnings

April 20, 2013 3:39 am
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Preschool options in West Seattle include community-center-based programs, like the one Wendy wants you to know about:

Bright Beginnings Preschool is operated by the Associated Recreational Council in partnership with the Seattle Parks and Recreation. We are located in the Hiawatha Community Center and serve children ages 3 through 5 years of age, with a teacher-child ratio of 1:8. We provide a safe, happy, healthy, learning environment that fosters a love of learning for all the children in the program. Our program meets the developmental needs of young children, focusing on emotional, social, physical, and cognitive skills. The children in the program are provided with rich environments with fun-filled learning areas, consistent schedules and routines, large and small group times, and outdoor play.

Bright Beginnings Preschool is currently accepting enrollment for the Fall 2013/2014 school year. Please contact the Preschool Director with any questions, or to set up a tour of the program – 206-321-3187 or

‘The Mama-logues’: Comedy, charity in West Seattle next weekend

(Clip from last year’s edition of ‘The Mama-logues’)
It’s a good time and a good deed – your ticket to “The Mama-logues: A Comedy about Motherhood,” next Friday and Saturday (April 26-27), 7 pm each night, at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in North Delridge. Here’s what it’s all about:

Now in its second raucous year, The Mama-logues: A comedy about motherhood, is two hours of spit-your-beer-out-funny in celebration of motherhood! Local actors will be doing staged readings from mom-tastic blogs, books and articles including Ellen Degeneres, Moms Who Drink and Swear, The Bloggess, Samantha Bee, Rants from Mommyland, Haiku Mama and many others! And oh yes, the dance pieces! Stand aside, Lady GaGa! Here comes ‘Bad Mom Pants.’ Oldies Queen fans may also be treated to a reprise of ‘Mommy Rhapsody.’

Beer, wine, non-alcoholic drinks and a wide array of desserts and swag will be offered for sale at the event. Bring your girlfriends, be they mamas or not! Heck, you can bring your man-friends! There is a little something for everyone to laugh at in this show.

New for 2013: The SHOUT-OUT!

Want to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to a mom you know and love? For $50, we will include a photo of your mom pal and a message to her in the video portion of the show. For $100, we’ll include her photo and message in the video and strategically insert her name as a character in the performance! Send an electronic photo of the mom (or moms – you can include yourself!), the message exactly as you would like it to appear in the show, and the evening your ‘Shout Out’ Mom will be attending, to Laurie Levy at

All proceeds benefit WestSide Baby and Open Arms Perinatal Services; get your $15 tickets online right now by going here.

P.S. While it’s about motherhood, it’s not for the littlest members of your family – it’s recommended for ages 13 and up.

Another school-volunteering opportunity: Tutors needed this fall

If you like to plan ahead – Our Lady of Guadalupe School is looking right now for adult volunteer tutors who can help out starting this fall. Here’s the request:

Adult volunteer tutors are needed in the fall for OLG School’s after-school tutoring program. The program meets on most Wednesdays of the school year from 2:15-3pm and pairs tutors with 1-2 students in grades 1-5. Tutors help students with reading, math, and/or writing skills.

The school has a strong need for math tutors for grades 4 and 5, but needs other grades and subjects as well.

Previous experience helpful but not required. Training is provided. Called to Protect and background check are both required.

For more information please contact Katie Bucy, Early Intervention Specialist, , 206-935-0651 extension 127 or visit this website.

The program has been in existence since the fall of 2000, and serves approximately 50 students each year.

Update: Police activity at 34th and Kenyon

April 19, 2013 6:01 pm
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6:01 PM: Seattle Police are checking out what’s described as an unattended briefcase at 34th and Kenyon. This comes a short time after a suspicious item was checked out downtown – SPD tweeted about that one – and turned out to be nothing.

6:29 PM: Same thing here – while we had sidetracked to check out a car crash reported to be blocking traffic nearby, this scene cleared, uneventfully.

Celebrate ‘Tax-Free’ Day, Earth Day, Record Store Day in The Junction tomorrow

April 19, 2013 4:59 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

BIG day on Saturday in The Junction:

TAX-FREE DAY: It’s an April tradition – big day of discounts, with participating businesses pledging 10 percent off, to, in effect, pick up the tax bill. The updated list of participants is here – note that along with 10%-off retailers, the list includes food and drink establishments that are offering special deals.

EARTH DAY: Both tomorrow and Sunday, Fleurt (WSB sponsor) is celebrating Earth Day (weekend) by giving you a free mini-plant if you recycle a vase or planter.

RECORD STORE DAY: Always a big day at Easy Street Records, but even bigger this year because their original West Seattle store is now their one and only. Lots of special features during the day – here’s the update they just e-mailed.

Delridge Grocery: Meeting on Monday – and part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day on May 11th!

April 19, 2013 3:16 pm
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A two-part announcement from Delridge Grocery – first, it’s their regular monthly meeting on Monday (April 22nd), 6:30 pm at Delridge Library (5423 Delridge Way SW), with a call for volunteers – people to help at a community event, talk with their neighbors, and otherwise help as the DG team works toward its future storefront. They’re also putting out a call for donated items to sell at their benefit sale on West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, which is three weeks from tomorrow. You can arrange for pickup or dropoff by contacting them at (and/or, go to Monday’s meeting and connect with DG leadership there).

West Seattle traffic alert: Why a Fauntleroy lane has gone green

2:02 PM: If you’ve driven Fauntleroy Way north of Lincoln Park this afternoon, you might have wondered what this green spot is about. It traces back a few hours to a report of a possible sinkhole in the road; police had the southbound lane blocked for a while till it could be checked out. The green is from a test that road/utility crews have done to try to trace the problem and see what needs to be done next. Safe for now, they said while we were there, but we’ll be checking back at the scene and with SDOT as the afternoon goes on.

3:03 PM UPDATE: From Marybeth Turner at SDOT: “Our Street Maintenance staff have determined this is not a sink hole, but more of a surface defect, and the street can be open to traffic for now. We plan to repair the pavement when the weather and the pavement are dry.”

Help those who help our waterways and their residents: Shanti’s benefit bake sale for Puget Soundkeeper Alliance

Sea lions on a buoy in the bay are among the sights Puget Soundkeeper Alliance volunteers (like Tom Foley, who shared the top photo) see when they go out on patrol. Often, the sights are less pleasant – pollution pouring from an outfall, litter floating on the water (though Tom reported a little less of that during the recent patrol). Even if you can’t get out on the water and take action, you can support the Soundkeepers’ work today through Sunday by stopping by Shanti Salon and Spa (WSB sponsor) for their benefit bake sale – with treats like these, made by members of the Shanti team:

Shanti is on the north end of The Admiral District, at 2138 California SW, open until 7 pm today, 9 am-7 pm on Saturday, 10 am-6 pm on Sunday.

Spring-cleaning time: A chance to recycle clothes you don’t want

We’ve already featured upcoming opportunities for shredding and non-routine recycling – If you’re planning (or doing) spring cleaning, here’s a chance to recycle clothes! West Seattle Brownie Troop 43779 invites you to drop off donations for its clothing drive; they’re getting the word out now so you can save up items you might otherwise dispose of:

Clothing Drive – Week of April 29th through May 4th

Please bring your gently used clothes to the collection box out in front of the Gatewood Elementary office.

Spring cleaning? Brownie Troop #43779 community service project is collecting used clothes for the Northwest Center!

Saturday, May 4th: General public clothing drop off in Gatewood’s back parking lot (California Ave SW and SW Frontenac) from 11 am – 1 pm

West Seattle Crime Watch: 2 reader reports & a reunion

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports to share this morning, plus a followup with some good news, and a chance to get educated about crime prevention. First, a burglary reported by Sharon:

There was a break-in on the 6300 block of 50th Av SW (Thursday). A dark green or dark blue car that looks like a older-model Toyota Camry was seen canvassing the neighborhood earlier in the week and (Thursday) morning. The same description of a vehicle was seen in Arbor Heights the day a recent (burglary) took place. Please ask neighbors to make sure to lock their doors, windows, & remove belongings from their cars. And, importantly, to note the license plate number of any suspicious vehicles hanging around their street.

Next, a car prowl reported by Michael:

Just want to give my neighbors a heads-up: I’m in the 50xx block of Waite Street and sometime between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, my Honda Odyssey minivan was broken into. The car was parked directly in front of my house and there were no signs of forced entry. My fear is that I left the doors unlocked. Not sure what they were looking for, but they made off with a few music cd’s, video dvd’s, a set of Rosetta Stone Italian Language disks, and the car’s owners manual folder. This last item is the most concerning as I had my car insurance and registration forms inside that folder too. They were discerning thieves though. I found a few of the dvd’s they didn’t want to keep thrown in my bushes a few yards away. I assume they don’t have children, because they didn’t keep the Magic School Bus or Saigwa dvd’s.

And we have some good news – Miranda and her husband have their moped back, and want to say a big public THANK YOU to the person who found it in the Alki area, not far from where it was stolen (as reported here Tuesday); after the finder matched it to the photo published here, a moped reunion ensued.

P.S. Want to find out simple ways to prevent/reduce crime around your home/apartment? Come to the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting next Tuesday (April 23rd), 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct meeting room (off Webster just west of Delridge) to see Officer Jon Kiehn‘s renowned presentation on CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design). Here’s more info on the WSBWCN website.

West Seattle Friday: 4 calendar notes for tonight

April 19, 2013 9:00 am
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From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

‘OUR STORIES, OUR VOICES’: The monthly storytelling event sponsored by Trusted Advocates features Mohamed Ali from the Somali community. It’s at the White Center Community Cultural Center in South Delridge (9421 18th SW), starting with a light meal at 6 pm, storytelling at 6:30 pm, details here.

HIGHLAND PARK MOVIE NIGHT: See “The Sound of Music” for free at Highland Park Improvement Club (12th/Holden); doors open at 6:30 pm, movie at 7, no admission charge but concessions will be sold.

‘YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN’: Second and final weekend for the Twelfth Night Productions presentation starts with a 7:30 pm show tonight at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).

LIVE MUSIC: Venues on the calendar for tonight include C & P Coffee Company, Feedback Lounge (both WSB sponsors), Kenyon Hall, The Cask, Skylark Café and Club, OutWest Bar, and The Benbow Room – individual listings are all here.


(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
Sorry for the late start here. This past hour, there was a car-fire call on the westbound Spokane Street Viaduct – someone sent this photo:

The 911 log shows fire units have cleared, though we don’t know if there’s still a blockage in the area. We’ll be checking with Seattle Fire to confirm what the log also suggests, no serious injuries, since no medic unit was dispatched.

Otherwise, it’s a rainy commute; last day of spring break for Seattle Public Schools, so traffic will be back to the usual levels on Monday.

10:12 AM UPDATE: WSDOT reports a three-vehicle crash on southbound 99 just north of downtown that might close the Battery Street Tunnel.