Two updates today from Firefly Café and Creperie (WSB sponsor) – first, proprietor Charell Estby announced today that an organic juice bar is in the works! She tells us she’s “hoping to have it operational by the end of May.” It’ll be incorporated into existing space – and, the reason for the photo above: Official outdoor seating is in the works, pending a city permit, too. (Charell also points out that she found a carpenter by posting a help-wanted ad in the WSB Forums‘ free-to-post “WS Jobs Offered” section.) Meantime, just yesterday, Charell drove a load of donations over to WestSide Baby …

She is continuing to accept car seats (in good shape) and diaper donations for WS Baby through the end of the month (Tuesday, April 30) – and she’s been matching each car-seat donation with a package of diapers herself! Haven’t been to Firefly yet? Northeast corner of California and Genesee on the north edge of The Junction.