West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
The new West Seattle Water Taxi vessel Spirit of Kingston has arrived on the downtown waterfront and is docked alongside the county’s new maintenance barge. (We noticed it late Friday via MarineTraffic.com, though it’s now listed as “out of range.”) This is the only view we could get today, but you’ll surely see it out and about soon, since it’s scheduled to take over the West Seattle-downtown run by the time the 7-day-a-week schedule kicks in on Monday, April 8th. Spirit of Kingston’s capacity is slightly less than the run’s current vessel, Rachel Marie, but based on ridership averages, that won’t be an issue till the heart of summer, if then. The 8-year-old catamaran was originally purchased for its namesake town with the help of federal grants, and that’s why it could be transferred here basically for free, since Kingston cut its passenger-ferry service and didn’t need it any more. King County, meantime, will use federal grants to pay for two brand-new boats that will start construction soon.
Today was gloriously similar to summer – minus ten degrees or so – all the way down to the photo just shared by Debra Salazar Herbst, sunset traffic along the beach. P.S. Debra is co-founder of the Facebook page Alki Beach Daily Sunsets, and with the sunsets headed back north, the views there keep getting better.
(WSB photo of fire scene, 2/13/13)
Six weeks ago, we reported on an early-morning arson at that home at 25th and Roxbury – on the county side, but affecting drivers from both West Seattle and White Center as the investigation continued into the morning commute. Today, we have learned that 43-year-old Hung Minh Pham (right) is charged with domestic-violence arson – and that KKing County Sheriff’s Office is seeking him with a $1 million arrest warrant (that’s the amount his bail will be set at when he’s caught). Word of the search comes from KCSO spokesperson Sgt. Cindi West, who also says that Minh is believed to be homeless and known to hang around the White Center area.
Since we first published word of the search on partner site White Center Now earlier this afternoon, we have learned more about the case from court documents obtained online: Pham is charged with first-degree arson/domestic violence, third-degree assault, and second-degree assault/domestic violence. The court documents say the victim is a 20-year-old woman described as having been in a “dating relationship” with Pham for two years. The information about the fire – said to have started when he set the victim’s clothes on fire – apparently emerged after an incident in West Seattle, in the 9000 block of 16th SW, a week ago, detailed in the second paragraph of this excerpt from charging papers:
(The victim) has been assaulted by the defendant throughout their two-year dating relationship. As recently as January 2013, the defendant attacked the victim with a baseball bat while she slept sending her to the hospital. In early February 2013, the defendant held a knife to her throat and struck her in the head. On February 13, 2013, the defendant was angry because he could not locate the (victim) at the house she was staying. After searching the home, he gathered her belongings in her bedroom, poured paint thinner on the items and essentially attempted to burn the house on down. The fire spread through the lower structure and rendered the home unsafe and uninhabitable.
On March 22, 2013, the defendant pummeled another victim … in her own bedroom with a detachable wooden wall shelf just because she asked him to be quiet one late night. During the same incident, the defendant went on to attack (his girlfriend, the first victim) as she came out of the bathroom, knocking her to the floor, climbing on top of her punching her repeatedly in the face then finally strangling her to the point of unconsciousness. (She) awoke to the defendant kicking her repeatedly as she laid on the floor. The victim was only able to escape when (the second victim) intervened. (Both women) were both later treated by SFD and taken to Harborview for treatment.
If you see Pham, call 911.
(Earlier egg-hunt coverage: Thriftway photos here; Delridge CC video here)
During our first 2013 round of egg-hunt coverage this morning, we also checked out the scene at Hiawatha Community Center – photographing the youngest hunters as they swarmed the tennis court. This egg-hunt site featured royalty:
From this year’s West Seattle Hi-Yu Junior Court, that’s Princess Olivia, Queen Madison, and Princess Emily – by the way, Hi-Yu still could use more volunteer help with this year’s float and events, and would love to see you at their meeting this Monday night (April 1st; details here). Ahead – four more scenes from Hiawatha’s hunt:
It’s a first-of-its-kind benefit and celebration at Seattle Lutheran High School – and it’s exactly two weeks away. Have your ticket(s) yet? Here’s the official announcement:
Alumni, students, families and friends are invited to attend the Seattle Lutheran High School Booster Club’s inaugural Ring of Honor Award Dinner & Celebration on Saturday, April 13, 2013 at 5:30 pm at the SLHS Menashe Gymnasium in West Seattle. Dinner ticket proceeds will raise additional funds to promote and enhance the school’s athletic programs.
Current funding needs include: investments in a new sound system; scoreboard and timer equipment for the gymnasium; renovated locker rooms; and portable bleachers.
(Photos by Nick Adams for WSB)
It’s West Seattle Thriftway‘s (WSB sponsor) silver-anniversary year – but the annual Easter-egg hunt was pure gold once again – from the smiles to the prizes, and beyond:
The many young egg hunters included 4-year-old Aiden Sol:
Ten more photos from WSB contributing photojournalist Nick Adams, ahead:
12:19 PM: Out of the WSB inbox, from Cathy in the 39th/Morgan vicinity:
Shortly after 11:00 AM this morning I saw a guy in my neighbors yard, looking towards my window with some kind of binocular. As he was leaving the neighbors’ yard I yelled out to him asking him what he was doing. He said reading my electrical meter. He did have on a Seattle City Light shirt or vest, and a yellow hard hat. It didn’t seem right and I called the police (they still aren’t here 11:42). I called Seattle City Light and they confirmed, they DO NOT have anyone working in West Seattle today. They also had a similar call from someone on Ambaum earlier. I did not see a City Light truck in the alley or on the street. Keep your eyes open for this (person) and call 911. Black guy, early 30s, 6 ft or so, fit.
1:01 PM: See the comments, in which it’s noted that regardless of what the city said, there IS apparently meter-reading going on today …
After West Seattle’s city-run community centers tried one big regional egg-hunt and spring-festival event last year, it was back to individual egg hunts for 2013, and this morning at 10, they happened simultaneously at four centers. We visited two, and this is our first report – two and a half continuous minutes during the egg-hunting festivities at Delridge Community Center. The littlest kids were sent out first, onto the tennis court; then three subsequent groups got their chance to search specific areas of the big grassy park as well as the wading pool.
APRIL 16TH BENEFIT: Big season thus far for West Seattle High School baseball fans, cheering on a winning team. Kim Gearon sends word that fans can take the next step – helping raise money during the first annual West Seattle Baseball Night at Christo’s on Alki, April 16th. A percentage of any purchase from 5 pm-closing, food or beverages, will go to the West Seattle Baseball Booster Club to help cover operating expenses. Christo’s is at 2508 Alki SW.
BIG FRIDAY WIN: The second straight shutout victory over Ingraham, and first game of the year at Hiawatha:
The final score: WSHS 16, Ingraham 0. The photos and report are courtesy of Greg Slader (thank you!):
The season opener @ Hiawatha was a beautiful day for baseball. The student-filled stands were not disappointed by the offensive output of the Varsity Baseball team. Spencer Elder hit the team’s first home run and Bobby Swamy added the Big Blast with another home run in the First Inning (top photo). Rex Lackey (photo below) pitched very well (three innings, no hits) as West Seattle cruised to its fourth league win.
West Seattle’s next game is Wednesday, 3:30 pm @ Nathan Hale.
(Added 9:04 am: Easter Bunny and friends just before West Seattle Thriftway egg hunt)
Happy Saturday! It’s the start of what forecasters promise will be a weekend full of sunshine. (And one traffic alert: lane closures on northbound I-5 just south of the West Seattle Bridge.) Here are the highlights, starting with the egg-hunt info (from our updated list):
WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY EGG HUNT: 9 am Saturday, Fauntleroy/California/Morgan, ages 1-10 – indoor hunt but the line forms outdoors.
SEATTLE PARKS AND REC COMMUNITY CENTERS’ EGG HUNTS: 10 am at Alki, Delridge, Hiawatha, High Point, South Park Community Centers (addresses in calendar listing), ages 3-11
EGG HUNT @ LINCOLN PARK: 10 am; this is presented by Eastridge Church but it’s open to the entire community.
BARNES & NOBLE EGG HUNT: 11 am, first-ever egg hunt in the Kids’ Department, in conjunction with the regular weekly storytime. “Little ones are encouraged to bring Easter baskets to hold their goodies,” says Melissa from B&N. (Westwood Village Shopping Center)
Also today/tonight:
PIONEER COFFEE’S LAST DAY: The Alki coffee shop is closing after losing its lease, as first reported here in January; per Facebook, it’s an all-day goodbye party.
FRIENDS OF SCHMITZ PRESERVE: 9 am, join them at the Admiral/Stevens entrance for the monthly work party – details in our calendar listing.
WEST SEATTLE FIGHT AND FITNESS OPEN HOUSE: This new WSB sponsor welcomes you to come check out its facilities at 5050 Delridge Way SW – just drop by any time between 11 am and 3 pm.
CENTER FOR MOVEMENT AND HEALING OPEN HOUSE: This new business is on the second floor of 7901 35th SW, right next to Swedish Automotive (WSB sponsor), and you’re welcome to stop by 4-6:30 pm (street parking only, they ask). Performances and mini-classes of tai chi, nia, yoga, dance.
LIVE MUSIC: C & P Coffee, La Romanza, Feedback Lounge (all WSB sponsors), Kenyon Hall, Benbow Room ALL have individual listings on the calendar for tonight!
WESTSIDE BURLESQUE REVUE: 9:30 pm at Skylark Café and Club (3803 Delridge Way SW) – see the lineup in our calendar listing.
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