Six years after Seattle Public Schools closed Fairmount Park Elementary (map), there’s news in what you DON’T see in that photo (shared by Deborah) – the old portables that had remained on the closed campus were demolished by district laborers following asbestos abatement by district maintenance,” district spokesperson Teresa Wippel confirms to WSB. She says they “had been vandalized and were beyond repair.” And this is also a sign that renovation and addition work on the Fairmount Park campus is getting closer. According to Wippel, the district will advertise for bids starting Monday, will open them in mid-April, and expects construction to start “sometime in mid-May. Construction activities will last until mid-July, 2014, with move-in immediately following.” The work includes a wing of new classrooms so that it would be able to handle to 500 students. The district has yet to announce whether it plans to reopen Fairmount Park as a neighborhood school or something else (such as home to K-5 STEM, which is in its first year of operation and temporarily housed at the Boren campus).