Thanks to the Posey Family for that photo of a snowy owl they saw in Pigeon Point about two weeks ago, sharing it after they saw our Sunday night wildlife report mentioning another (albeit photoless) West Seattle sighting. Can’t schedule wildlife encounters, but here are some highlights that ARE scheduled for today/tonight:
LAST DAY FOR MATCHING DONATIONS AT HPIC’s FOOD DRIVE: Through today at Highland Park Improvement Club (12th/Holden), Nucor Steel is giving $2 for every pound donated at events and $2 for every dollar donated for the West Seattle Food Bank. (Put $ donations in the mail slot on Holden with “for Food Bank” on the envelope.)
(For more holiday-season giving opportunities, see the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide!)
TIDAL EXTREMES: As noted here Monday morning, it’ll be a week of very high (“king”) and very low tides. Today, the tide chart says 1:55 pm will bring a 12.2-foot high tide, and 9:08 pm will bring a -2.7 low tide.
WESTSIDE BABY BENEFIT/JEWELRY TRUNK SHOW: 5-8 pm at Umpqua Bank in The Admiral District, Stella & Dot Jewelry trunk show, proceeds benefiting WestSide Baby: “Sip a glass of bubbly while you socialize, have fun holiday shopping, and enjoy the generous hospitality of our local Umpqua Bank. (Donations are welcome toward Umpqua Bank’s Diaper Drive, too.)”
WEST SEATTLE ORCHESTRAS, ENDOLYNE CHOIR PERFORM: Tonight is the West Seattle Community Orchestras‘ second holiday concert, 6:30 pm at the Chief Sealth IHS Auditorium (2600 SW Thistle) – as previewed here. No set admission fee – donation suggested/encouraged.
CASPAR BABYPANTS AT EASY STREET RECORDS: And the night’s other musical highlight – Caspar Babypants performing in-store, free, at Easy Street Records in The Junction, 6:30 pm – details in our calendar listing.
DESIGN GROUP MEETING FOR SEWER-OVERFLOW PROJECT: Days after the city’s land-use decision for the Murray Combined Sewer Overflow Control Project storage tank across from Lowman Beach, the project’s community Design Advisory Group is meeting tonight, 6:30 pm, Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW).
KINDERGARTENERS AT BOREN? 5TH GRADERS AT MADISON? MORE PORTABLES? … and other options to relieve Seattle Public Schools crowding, up for discussion at the district’s ONLY community meeting on the topic before a board vote next month – 7 pm tonight at SPS HQ in SODO.
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING: Topics for the FCA board include planning the Lincoln Park celebration for early next year, and the Fauntleroy Schoolhouse’s ongoing improvements. 7 pm at the schoolhouse (9131 California SW). Public welcome.
GET FIT, WEST SEATTLE! Information night tonight, at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor; upstairs at 3727 California SW):
West Seattle Runner is doing another couch to half marathon training group. This is for beginners, runners or walkers, of all ages. In the previous 4 groups, we have had over 50 people cross the finish line – it’s easier than you think! We want people who have always wanted to start running or walking but didn’t know where to begin. Meet other local people, get in shape for the new year, and get your first finisher’s medal at the Seattle Rock and Roll half marathon, June 22nd, 2013.
This meeting is just to discuss the training plan and answer questions; you don’t have to start running until 2013! The first actual run/walk is on January 6th – we will be going a whole mile. But don’t worry, you don’t have to run the whole way, or at all. It’s all about covering the distance, not about how fast you are. If you are currently running more then 3 miles at a time, this group may not be for you; it is a real beginners’ group. For those looking to get in shape for 2013, you couldn’t ask for a better way!
FREE SKI-TUNING CLINIC: Tonight at Mountain to Sound Outfitters (3602 SW Alaska in The Triangle), 7 pm – details in our calendar listing.
OPEN-MICROPHONE NIGHT AT THE CASK: Starting at 8 pm at The Cask in The Admiral District (east side of California just north of Admiral Way).
FIVE MONTHS TILL GARAGE SALE DAY! If you are looking for reasons to look forward to spring – we are exactly five months away from West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, Saturday, May 11, 2013 (it’s always the second Saturday in May), 9 am-3 pm. No action requested now but just a friendly reminder … when it’s closer, you’ll find information at westseattlegaragesale.com and on Facebook here. Next year will mark the sixth year of WSCGSD being presented by WSB.