West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary arrest; stabbing followup

West Seattle Crime Watch notes this morning: We heard overnight from an Alki burglary victim who requested anonymity:

Please let everyone know a guy walked into my gate, up the stairs, across my deck, into my home – meeting me and my dog upon entering … police arrested him in the alley near Alki Ave SW, between 63rd and 62nd. This happened around 10 pm. We need to start looking out for our community and getting to know our neighbors.

We checked with Seattle Police this morning; they confirm a suspect was arrested and booked into jail for investigation of residential burglary.

We also followed up on the High Point stabbing reported here early yesterday – a woman taken to the hospital after suffering multiple stab wounds in what was described by police as a fight. No word on the victim’s condition, but police do say they arrested a suspect at the scene, a 44-year-old woman who lives at the same address, and found the suspected weapon – a kitchen knife. The suspect is still in jail, booked for investigation of domestic-violence assault.

Side note – Another round of mystery booms last night (we heard them over Lincoln Park, and also heard via Twitter and e-mail from others in Morgan Junction and Gatewood), around midnight. No related incidents (damage, injury, fire, etc.) reported so far, so like many others, at this point, a mystery.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary arrest; stabbing followup"

  • coffee August 27, 2012 (11:32 am)

    We had booms in the east end of Arbor Heights, about 11. I assumed it was some moron shooting off fireworks.

  • WS Parent August 27, 2012 (12:14 pm)

    We heard the booms in Arbor Heights last night as well. They really did sound like fireworks. We thought they were coming from 34th and 108th as they sounded close and we heard a lot of outdoor rukus from over there at that time.

  • Gawdger August 27, 2012 (12:39 pm)

    I saw those fireworks from my house last night. They were loud and impressive; just not on a Sunday night with the whole family sleeping.

    • WSB August 27, 2012 (12:43 pm)

      Thanks, Gawdger, what did you see – and was it Lincoln Park or some other area? Always interested in verification of these things.

  • evergreen August 27, 2012 (12:46 pm)

    Super scary that someone would walk into a stranger’s home with the intention of causing harm (robbery or worse). Thanks for reminding me to keep the doors and windows locked. How much is an effective home alarm system?

  • JanS August 27, 2012 (3:24 pm)

    one of the women at my bank told me a little while ago that her mom and dad’s house was burglarized this morning…near 15th SW and SW Holden…so pay attention in that neighborhood, HP people :)

  • ~~HockeyWitch~~ August 27, 2012 (8:07 pm)

    There was a loud BOOM a few nights ago that I heard at the corner of 35th and Morgan. It was so LOUD and shook the apartment bldg. My cat ran and hid. I stepped out on the balcony to see if I could see anything.. all my neighbors were outside looking around as well. I totally expected to hear sirens, but nothing. An old roommate, now living in Las Vegas found a news report about a vault fire in the U District where there may have been an explosion.. That wasn’t it… Never found out what the BOOM! was.

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