Picnic at the Precinct isn’t just a chance to meet your local police – community reps are here too, like (from left) Cindi Barker, Karen Berge, and Deb Greer – they work together on West Seattle Be Prepared, and Deb and Karen founded the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network (you don’t have to be a blockwatch captain to be part of it). The West Seattle Crime Prevention Council is here too:

From left, president Richard Miller and board members Dot Beard and Betty Wiberg. (added) A while after our first photo, their table got a visit from two City Councilmembers, Tim Burgess and Sally Bagshaw:

(With all the precincts having these events today, the councilmembers divided up who went where.) Of course you can check out Seattle Police vehicles and equipment too – like Parking Enforcement:


Even the basics – the Aggressive Driver Response Team car and motorcycle, and a standard-issue squad car:

And the police too. At left, operations Lt. Pierre Davis, and at right, precinct commander Capt. Steve Paulsen, with Pete Spalding, who’s here on behalf of the West Seattle Food Bank, but is also on the Precinct Advisory Council:

Plus, a bouncy house, a barbecue, and entertainment – including live music with Maia Santell and House Blend:

This is happening in and around the Southwest Precinct, at Delridge and Webster (the latter street is blocked off for the occasion), till 4 pm.