West Seattle weather: Sights in the sky, and what’s ahead

In case you missed them … some of the Wednesday end-of-day cloud formations appeared to have been brushed across the sky. Thanks to Karen White for the top photo; Michele Smith took the next one from Shorewood:

End result at sunset time, from Debra Salazar Herbst:

As for today – the forecast suggests rain will return, though not before afternoon/evening.

7 Replies to "West Seattle weather: Sights in the sky, and what's ahead"

  • K-witty June 28, 2012 (2:30 pm)

    Love the photos!

  • Random June 28, 2012 (3:33 pm)

    So sad. I wish you all knew that those are CHEM TRAILs ruining our chances at having blue skies and spraying the air with aluminum.

  • LTF June 28, 2012 (9:41 pm)

    Agreed, Random.

  • agreed random June 28, 2012 (10:40 pm)

    Pretty in the sky not so pretty for us and the environment. You can add Barium to that Aluminum. Chem trails people!!! http://educate-yourself.org/ct/

  • tim butler June 29, 2012 (2:35 pm)

    That is pure poison in the skies. Used in conjunction with Haarp in Alaska to manipulate the weather, this is happening in our skies with INCREASING regularity. It is highly toxic to all living matter and beings. PLEASE watch the documentary on youtube entitled ‘What in the World are they Spraying’ as a beginning point to this covert campaign under the guise as ‘geo-engineering’.

  • WSB June 29, 2012 (2:49 pm)

    A note for visitors: You can’t use multiple handles to post in a single comment thread. You are welcome to post multiple comments, as long as they don’t violate our rules, but one of those rules involves, whatever handle you use for your first comment on a particular post, that’s what you use for anything subsequent, lest people be fooled into thinking those comments with multiple handles are by multiple people. Thanks! – TR

  • Mars July 16, 2012 (8:28 am)

    Chem Trails? I think not. To have “chem” trails, there need to be – – -trails. These are pretty clearly cirro-stratus and strato-cumulus formations, just like in the pictures from my WWII Navy Weather Guide. I don’t think they were spraying chemicals in the air back then. At least, not to change the atmospheric reflectivity index. Alas, if you don’t want “them” spraying stuff in the air to reduce the warming effect of burning fossil fuels – stop burning fossil fuels. If you drive to work and to the store – you are the reason for the spraying. Like Mister Jackson said – “the man in the mirror.”

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