(Don Brubeck photographed Alki sand work on Friday – discussed at the last Alki Community Council meeting)
Another mega-busy Saturday! Highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar:
PIGEON POINT SPRING CLEAN: 9 am-noon today in West Seattle’s northeasternmost neighborhood – details here.

(Thanks to Sharonn for the photo – the plants have arrived!)
WEST SEATTLE’S GATEWAY NEEDS YOU FOR JUST 2 HOURS: Give two hours between 10 am and 4 pm today and make a big difference as volunteers transform the landscape around a key element of West Seattle’s “gateway” – here’s how to pitch in and make a BIG difference. Today’s big focus is planting!
HEALTHY KIDS DAY: The West Seattle Y (WSB sponsor) hosts the annual celebration with an inflatable obstacle course, arts/crafts, dunk tank, face-painting, and more, Western-themed this year, plus the chance to become a member with joining fees waived. 10 am-1 pm, 36th/Snoqualmie.
FIRST FUNDRAISING CAR WASH OF THE SEASON: The Seattle Lutheran High School Booster Club and student athletes are hosting a car wash 10 am-2 pm at West Seattle Autoworks (WSB sponsor), 35th/Webster.
SPEAKING OF HEALTH … DRUG TAKE-BACK DAY: 10 am-2 pm, drop off your unneeded/expired prescription drugs at the Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster), no questions asked. (Here’s our preview from Friday.)
‘THINK OUTSIDE THE CAR’ KICKOFF: Kids’ bike rodeo, live music, food trucks, more at CoolMom‘s kickoff event for “Think Outside the Car” – all outside Westside School (WSB sponsor), 10 am-2 pm – and you can bike there if you join a ride from Lincoln Park (by SW Kenyon) at 9:30 am!
INTERESTED IN APPLYING FOR A ‘LARGE PROJECTS FUND’ CITY GRANT? Then you need to be at the special workshop at 10 am, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW).
FIGHT IVY AT THE SANISLO WETLAND: 10 am-1 pm, as previewed here on Friday (1812 SW Myrtle).
FREE YOGA! SoundYoga (WSB sponsor) offers a free class periodically, and today’s the day – 10:30 am-11:45 am.
CAMBODIAN NEW YEAR IN WHITE CENTER: The Cambodian community’s annual festival is full of music, entertainment, food, and more, 10:30 am-5 pm on SW 98th between 15th/16th in downtown White Center – here’s the Facebook event page.
THE KENNEY’S ANNUAL BRUNCH: Hopefully you’ve RSVP’d already – here’s your reminder, the fundraising brunch starts at 10:30 am today; details here (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW).
PUGET RIDGE GARDEN CENTER, SPECIAL ‘OPEN’! It’s the garden center you can only visit once or twice a week, and it’s open 11 am -3 pm today on the north end of South Seattle Community College‘s campus (6000 16th SW).
‘CASH MOB’ AT VILLAGE GREEN PERENNIAL NURSERY: The “cash mob” concept is to show up at a small independent local business and “mob” it with money to show your support. A local social entrepreneur announced a few weeks back that he wanted to organize one for Village Green Perennial Nursery (WSB sponsor), and today’s the day, be there at 2 pm (10223 26th SW). In the “cash mob” tradition, there’s also an afterparty – at Company in downtown White Center. And VG entrepreneur Vera Johnson is “paying it forward” by organizing one for next weekend (details here).
CYSTIC FIBROSIS FUNDRAISER: Dinner, Zumba, education, and support for a local family, all happening at Peace Lutheran Church starting at 5 pm – details in the calendar listing (39th/Thistle).
Even more, for today and beyond, on the calendar!