Video: West Seattle diver Laura James & ‘Battery Roundup’ on Evening Magazine

We mentioned it in today’s “West Seattle Wednesday” preview, but in case you couldn’t watch it on TV a couple hours ago, we now have video of tonight’s KING 5 “Evening Magazine” report about West Seattle diver/photographer Laura James and her “Battery Roundup” in WS waters. (Here’s our most recent report, from last week; here’s more background from Laura’s website.)

7 Replies to "Video: West Seattle diver Laura James & 'Battery Roundup' on Evening Magazine"

  • Marie M March 7, 2012 (9:15 pm)

    Thanks to Laura and WSB.

  • Diane March 7, 2012 (10:43 pm)

    I watched Eve Mag hoping to see this, but missed it; was it in the first few minutes? dang

  • Marie M March 7, 2012 (10:52 pm)

    Yes, it was the first story.

  • Angel March 8, 2012 (9:38 am)

    A beautiful woman doing something beautiful for the environment. Thanks Laura and thanks to your helpers.

  • Alex March 8, 2012 (11:02 am)

    I’m a little confused why there are so many batteries down there. My understanding was that old car batteries are actually fairly valuable, and can be recycled with a repayment cost (like how you get money for recycling bottles some places) of like $5.00.

  • Angel March 8, 2012 (2:37 pm)

    @ Alex, I’m no expert but I saw in an earlier story that boat owners in the pre environmentally concious age just dumped old or unwanted batteries overboard.. I guess there was no way to get cash for trade-ins, disposal was inconvenient or non existant, people were just lazy, etc..

  • Bill March 8, 2012 (4:08 pm)

    Yep, Angel, you’re right. Back in the day the modus operandi was, “Out of sight, out of mind.” Forty-five years ago as a crew member aboard a Coast Guard icebreaker here in Seattle, Elliott Bay wasn’t seen as too much different than the open ocean for discarding shipboard junk.

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