Christine wonders if anybody saw this happen:
I’m hoping because West Seattle is such a tight community that someone will have witnessed this event. I was driving west from downtown Seattle via Spokane Street at approximately 6:30 p.m. last night. Where the two lanes on Spokane street merge into one for a brief span for construction, a full size white truck merged into the side of my vehicle and then sped off up the Admiral hill. I got a partial license plate number and a hit-and-run report was filed but no one has been caught at this point. If you were a witness to this event or see a full size white truck with red paint down the passenger side and/or running boards, please give me or the SW Precinct any information. My family has called West Seattle home for a long time and we value the integrity and small-town care that is ever present. Thank you for any assistance in this matter.
The partial plate number starts with A4142, according to Christine.