Three West Seattle notices are in today’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin, all related to projects in eastern West Seattle. Two are for the 66-unit DESC Delridge homeless-housing project; as reported here previously, its second Southwest Design Review Board meeting is set for 8 pm March 8th, Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon). 1 week later, as the North Delridge Neighborhood Council previously announced, the city will hold a public meeting at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (6:30 pm March 15th) to hear comments about the environmental-review process for the project (“environmental” also includes issues such as traffic and noise). The third notice is for the first Design Review Board session (noted here 3 weeks ago) to be held at the Senior Center at 6:30 pm March 8th, immediately before the DESC project discussion – for a 3-story, 20-unit project at 9051 20th SW.
West Seattle, Washington
19 Sunday