West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
Just last Saturday, we were up in the Easy Street Records loft, rolling video on local-musician-made-good Damien Jurado‘s packed in-store show. Tonight, from the same spot, we caught that view of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce After-Hours mixer. As members mingled in the café, a Junction power quartet paused to pose:
From left, West 5‘s Dave Montoure, who chairs the Chamber’s board; Elliott Bay Brewing‘s Todd Carden; Husky Deli proprietor Jack Miller; and the evening’s host, Matt Vaughan of Easy Street. Next up for the Chamber is the debut of its Young Professionals’ Network (explained here earlier this week), at West 5 next Tuesday – and looking all the way ahead to April 18th, you’re invited to come cheer the newly announced Westside Award winners (ticket info on the Chamber website).
Eight days ago, there was a frantic effort by many people over many hours to rescue a dog that was wandering in and out of traffic by Lincoln Park, around Fauntleroy and Rose. Animal-control officers and police reportedly even tried to capture it, but couldn’t. Gretchen e-mailed us the next day:
Any updates on the pit bull on Fauntleroy? I was out there for hours last night trying to catch him. So sad. But so many people stopped to help. I am sure everyone would like to know the status of the dog. It seemed as if someone had dumped him there and left, as he kept coming back to the same spot looking for something. Heart-breaking.
Now we know what happened to the dog – that’s her in the top photo, provided by Animal Aid and Rescue Foundation (AARF). Heather from AARF writes that a friend found the dog in the park a week ago, but the dog is in danger again because her “72-hour stray hold” at a shelter is expiring and she is “not considered adoptable … because she doesn’t like other dogs. … Unless we pull her, she will be euthanized.” And AARF can’t do that without finding a foster home. “The foster home would need to be a home without other animals. After she calms down from the stress of a week in the kennel, we can bring a trainer out to reassess her to judge how well she’ll do then.” Of course, Heather says they would also love to find the dog’s real owner, if somehow they are out there looking for her. If you can offer a foster home – or if you are/know the owner – e-mail info@myaarf.org.
5:23 PM: Police and fire have responded to a call listed as “assault with weapons/aid” in Highland Park, near HP Way/Holden. We’ve just arrived at the scene and are seeing one person, who appears conscious, being loaded into a private ambulance, and it appears one person is in custody.
5:35 PM UPDATE: Though this was reported as a potential “assault with weapons,” police tell us at the scene they can’t find any evidence of weapons – three people got into some kind of fistfight and at least one is hurt, though not seriously.
If you’re interested in helping the encampment that calls itself ‘Nickelsville’ pay for essential services – trash, portable sanitation, phone, generator fuel – here’s an easy way to do it: A pancake breakfast is planned this Saturday morning, 8 am-11 am, at the West Seattle Church of the Nazarene, 4201 SW Juneau. The price is whatever you can afford to donate. WSB Forums member JoB shared the announcement and says there’s also a donor who has committed to matching the first $500 raised at the breakfast.
As for the camp’s status, it remains in a sort of official limbo – the city isn’t evicting them, but it’s not helping them access services such as utilities, either. The Highland Park Action Committee, neighborhood council for the area that includes Nickelsville’s HP Way/W. Marginal Way site, has been talking with the city about how long it intends to let the encampment stay and whether it plans to change city rules regarding encampments. HPAC leaders have published an update on their new webpage, and will likely have an update at their next meeting (7 pm next Wednesday, February 29th, at HP Improvement Club, 12th/Holden).
Though SDOT has announced the Fauntleroy Expressway work will NOT require any more closures, there will be a detour under the bridge tomorrow, 10 am-4 pm for those heading northbound on Avalon, right at SW Spokane (the bridge). If you’re headed that way tomorrow, here’s how you will be detoured, according to SDOT’s announcement:
Northbound motorists traveling on SW Avalon Way will be detoured to eastbound SW Spokane Street. They will then be directed to perform a U-turn at 26th Avenue SW onto westbound SW Spokane Street and then north on Harbor Avenue SW. Northbound trucks and Metro buses traveling on SW Avalon Way will be flagged through the work zone.
You WILL still be able to get to the bridge from Avalon, Admiral, or Harbor, according to SDOT, which adds that “Intermittent interruption of traffic will occur in this area until construction is complete late this spring.”
Three West Seattle notices are in today’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin, all related to projects in eastern West Seattle. Two are for the 66-unit DESC Delridge homeless-housing project; as reported here previously, its second Southwest Design Review Board meeting is set for 8 pm March 8th, Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon). 1 week later, as the North Delridge Neighborhood Council previously announced, the city will hold a public meeting at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (6:30 pm March 15th) to hear comments about the environmental-review process for the project (“environmental” also includes issues such as traffic and noise). The third notice is for the first Design Review Board session (noted here 3 weeks ago) to be held at the Senior Center at 6:30 pm March 8th, immediately before the DESC project discussion – for a 3-story, 20-unit project at 9051 20th SW.
Four reports this morning in West Seattle Crime Watch:
(Wednesday afternoon photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
We took that photo yesterday afternoon on 39th just east of Fauntleroy, after tipsters told us police had converged on the area. All officers would tell us at the scene was that it involved an arrest warrant. This morning, SPD has announced they actually made two arrests, in connection with the armed robbery two weeks ago in the 9400 block of Delridge (WSB coverage here), the third and fourth suspects arrested in the case. More details via SPD Blotter.
Also this morning – three Crime Watch reader reports, a burglary and two thefts:Read More
After exploring non-elected roles in the 2 years since he left the Seattle Mayor’s office, West Seattle’s Greg Nickels is going before voters again. It’s just been announced he is indeed going to run for Secretary of State. Here’s the news release:
Former Seattle Mayor and King County Councilmember Greg Nickels, a Democrat, will run for Secretary of State. Nickels’ entry ends weeks of speculation and resets the fields in the race to replace retiring incumbent Sam Reed.
(WSB photo from February 15th meeting)
Eight days after a standing-room-only crowd attended the first informational meeting about West Seattle’s new public elementary opening this fall, K-5 STEM at Boren (WSB coverage here), the district has kept its promise to set a second meeting. Just in:
Families interested in the new K-5 STEM at Boren in West Seattle have a second opportunity to learn about this new school at an informational meeting 7-8:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 1 at Denny International Middle School, 2601 SW. Kenyon St. Interpreters will be available.
STEM stands for science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These subjects are an increasingly popular focus for elementary students.
Seattle Public Schools will be opening the new elementary program for fall 2012 in response to strong enrollment growth in West Seattle. The STEM program will be housed in the Boren building (5950 Delridge Way SW.). It will be a K-5 option program and open in September 2012 offering all six grade levels.
After a strong turnout at the first Family Information & Input night on Feb. 15, Seattle Public Schools is holding this second information meeting. It will be identical to the previous meeting, featuring a short presentation and a question-and-answer session.
Because STEM at Boren is an option program, it is open to any student in Seattle entering kindergarten and Grades 1-5 in September 2012. Bus transportation will be provided for students who live within West Seattle. Families who wish to apply to K-5 STEM at Boren can do so during the District’s Open Enrollment process from Feb. 27 through March 9, 2012. Families can also apply after Open Enrollment through Sept. 30. School Choice forms will be available at www.seattleschools.org beginning Feb. 27.
To learn more about K-5 STEM at Boren, visit http://bit.ly/K5STEM or send an email to K5STEM@seattleschool.org. Want to help shape the future of STEM? Applications for the Design Team are available at http://bit.ly/K5STEMdesignteam and due by Friday, March 2.
We are checking to find out (a) where at Denny and (b) which languages they’ll offer interpretation for.
ADDED 11:20 AM: From district spokesperson Lesley Rogers – (a) TBD, (b) Spanish, Somali, and Vietnamese, and an additional question we asked on behalf of commenter “String Cheese” – seeking the status of the promised answers to questions posed by attendees last week: “We hope to have an online FAQ by February 29th.” (Open enrollment starts Feb. 27th.)
(Eagle perched over the Alki boardwalk on Wednesday; photo by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
Notes for today, from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar and other sources:
NOTE – DESC FINANCING HEARING POSTPONED: For those following the DESC Delridge homeless-housing project, there is one public hearing left regarding its financing. Though an online “notice of public hearing” indicated it would happen today, Washington State Housing Finance Commission staffers confirmed late yesterday that the Delridge project will NOT be taken up by the commission today.
EARLY MORNING NATURE WALK: West Seattle naturalist Stewart Wechsler is leading a Lincoln Park walk at 7 am – details here.
VISIT THE MUSEUM: Running out of midwinter-break ideas? Noon-4 pm, you’re welcome to tour the Log House Museum (61st/Stevens).
ASHOKA YOUTH VENTURE SHOWCASE: As previewed here last night, teams from West Seattle’s 2 major public high schools are competing in this “social entrepreneurship” program, 5-7 pm – details, including non-WS location and how to RSVP, here.
WEST SEATTLE CHAMBER ‘AFTER HOURS’ AT EASY STREET: WS Chamber of Commerce members are invited to this month’s “After Hours” mixer, 5:30-7 pm tonight at Easy Street Records. But you need to RSVP online – go here.
WINE TASTING: West Seattle Cellars tasting, 5:30 to 8:00 – French Wines, from Bourgeois Family Selections, a small, family-owned importer of wines from small, family-owned estates in France. From the announcement: “All of the producers they select for their portfolio farm sustainably (often organically and/or biodynamically), and are truly passionate about their winemaking. Franck Mossenta, of Click Imports, will be joining us to pour the wines, many of which are new vintages of past favorites.”
COMMUNITY SAFETY COALITION: Live in the South Delridge area? You’re invited to the White Center/South Delridge Community Safety Coalition meeting, 6 pm in Greenbridge – details here.
COOKING CLASS: “Dinner for 2” cooking class with Amber from Freshy’s, 6:30 pm, at Mind Unwind (mindunwind.org – contact for registration info)
KNOW WHEN TO HOLD ‘EM: At The Bridge: free poker on Thursdays (generally two games, 6:30 pm & 9 pm).
BURLESQUE: “Anti-Valentine’s Day” burlesque tonight at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm – ticket info here.
4:13 AM: The Washington State Patrol is getting the word out around the region about a truck they’re seeking this morning – as they try to catch the man who shot and killed a state trooper in Kitsap County:
We are looking for a dark green Ford F-350 pick-up. WA license # B60564F.If you see that truck please call 911 immediately.
— Trooper Guy Gill (@wspd1pio) February 23, 2012
The shooting happened around 1 am in the Gorst area, along Highway 16 between Port Orchard and Bremerton. The Kitsap Sun says it was on the eastbound side (map), and since that’s not far from the Southworth side of the ferry run that ends in Fauntleroy, all the more reason to keep a eye out over here (though there’s no run from Southworth between 1:40 am and 4:30 am).
4:41 AM UPDATE: According to tweets from TV crews covering this in Kitsap County, the truck has been found near Port Orchard, but no one was inside.
2:53 PM UPDATE: Regional media, as well as the Kitsap Sun, have been updating this all day, but just in case you happened onto this story first – a man described as a “possible suspect” is dead, after, according to investigators, shooting himself. The murdered trooper is identified as 44-year-old Tony Radulescu.
That’s Kermit and Faye Franks on their wedding day 70 years ago. Preparing to help them celebrate the milestone with a party this weekend, their family shared that photo as well as this one taken in 2008:
And here’s the announcement they sent us to share with you:
Dr. Kermit Franks and his wife Faye, both 94, are celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary Sunday (Feb. 26) with a reception from 2 – 4 pm at The Kenney.
Kerm and Faye have been West Seattle residents since immediately after World War II. Kerm was a teacher, activities coordinator and the vice principal at West Seattle High School from 1945 until 1968. He retired from Seattle Public Schools as a central office administrator in 1975.
Kerm and Faye were married on Feb. 21, 1942, at her parents’ house in Clinton, Kansas. The war took Kerm to service in Alaska. When the war ended, the couple decided against returning to Kansas, and instead made their home in West Seattle, where their four children were born. All four of their children graduated from WSHS. West Seattle also is the home of two of the Franks’ granddaughters and three great-grandchildren.
Kerm and Faye together managed the Seabeck Conference Center from 1961 until 1975. Both have been members of Tibbetts United Methodist Church since 1960. They enjoy spending time at their Lake Cushman cabin with their extended family, including all seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.