Famous ex-Scout visits West Seattle’s Pack 793

(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)
Last night was a big night for West Seattle Cub Scout Pack 793, families, and friends – the annual Blue and Gold Dinner at Holy Rosary. Enhancing the night, a high-profile guest: Former Cub Scout Dow Constantine, better known these days as King County Executive.

Not only did he talk about his Scouting past while at Schmitz Park Elementary, he also mentioned that his family goes way back with Scouting – his grandpa was a Scout leader and his uncle was an Eagle Scout. He talked about leadership and civic participation, something the Scouts are learning early:

(Thanks to Pack 793’s Jon Gerhardt for letting us drop by on the big night!)

1 Reply to "Famous ex-Scout visits West Seattle's Pack 793 "

  • Nathan Thomas February 16, 2012 (2:07 pm)

    Thank you Dow for attending our banquet! It was inspiring to show the boys how scouting values and work ethics that are learned as a youth can help them acheive their goals in life.

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