day : 20/01/2012 5 results

Getting back to normal: Some of what’s up Saturday

We’ve been working to update the WSB West Seattle Events calendar, to catch up with changes and postponements that happened during Winterstormapalooza 2012. (Substitute your favorite storm name; we’re trying to think of a hybrid that covers both the snow and ice.) And we’re getting a few notes about events that ARE definitely still on for TOMORROW. Here are three, for starters:

REMODELING/CUSTOM HOMEBUILDING WORKSHOP: Anne at Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor) says this is still on for tomorrow. Free workshop, with construction and design experts on hand, no obligation, 2 pm at Ventana HQ, 5458 California SW. RSVP to

LACROSSE: Organizers of this free clinic also e-mailed to say it’s still on.

The Seattle Metropolitan Youth Lacrosse Association, in conjunction with Supersonics Lacrosse, is holding a free lacrosse Clinic on Saturday January 21st from 10am to 1:00 pm at Chief Sealth Stadium.

When: Saturday, January 21st from 10 am-1 pm
Where: Turf Field at the Sealth Complex (Across the street from Chief Sealth International High School)
Who: 2nd to 8th grade boys and girls
What: Learn to play lacrosse, beginners welcome.

Contact: Scott Pattison
Phone: 206-979-0167

MUSIC/ART: This came in during the height of the storm:

Come celebrate the arts during a live-music art show opening Saturday, Jan. 21 at Skylark Cafe & Club in West Seattle. The party begins at 7 p.m., music at 9 p.m. with special guests The Fuzz, The Navins and If Bears Were Bees. The art show, which features photographs documenting the Seattle music scene, runs through Feb. 27.

Anything else definitely ON for tomorrow? E-mail us or post a comment so we know for sure. Thanks!

West Seattle Crime Watch: Sled stolen; mail theft

Judging by the city’s online “incident-response” map, the snow and ice kept most burglars home. But the latest West Seattle Crime Watch reports indicate thieves haven’t taken time off. They did take a unique sled, as Lynda reports:

I wanted to get word out that our sled was stolen from in front of A Terrible Beauty (Wednesday) night between 6:30 and 7:00. It is not an ordinary sled. This is a beautiful, custom, handcrafted wooden box sled that my husband built about 20 years ago. It’s a one of a kind and we had gotten numerous compliments on it all day yesterday. We are crushed that someone would have taken this, it has so much sentimental value. We are offering a reward for the return of this family treasure.

She is checking for a photo, which we’ll add if and when we receive one. One more theft report – this one, from Erin in Seaview:

At 3 pm today we had our mail stolen out of our mailbox by a couple in a dark-colored Subaru outback with a light panel on the bottom. The license plate was 273-H_W … They backed into our driveway and the female passenger got out and took the mail. She was wearing a white puffer jacket. They have been reported to police. If you have seen them or have had your mail stolen today too, let me know. We are in the Seaview area near the church.

West Seattle Weather Watch: Friday p.m. melt-off edition

(NEW WEATHER ALERT: Wind advisory in effect starting at midnight)

(Latest bridge and Viaduct views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
12:50 PM: Just back from touring part of the peninsula, tweeting photos along the way.

(Looking south on 35th from Myrtle Reservoir Park vicinity)
The weather is dicier now than earlier – fog has rolled in (at least on the south side), and the rain continues to slushify the snow/ice – with some of the latter now coming off trees, cars, etc. in chunks and sheets. Just happened to us as we stopped on a downhill to turn – what had been frozen solid on the car roof suddenly slid down onto the windshield. And we just heard the Tacoma Narrows Bridge is closed because ice is coming off the cables. So be mindful of new (albeit temporary) hazards. Afternoon notes, ahead.

12:58 PM UPDATE: Seattle Public Schools has announced that next Friday will be the first snow make-up day (was supposed to be a no-classes day).

1:31 PM UPDATE: Darren sent the photo with word a tree took out a wire near 34th/Findlay on the north side of High Point. No outage associated with that, according to the City Light system-status map, but the possibility continues to loom throughout the afternoon as chunks of ice keep falling off roofs, trees, poles, etc. (we just heard another mighty “thud” on the side of WSB HQ). The forecast hasn’t changed – rain, warming temperatures, and the wind picking up later.

2 PM UPDATE: Still a good idea to avoid non-arterial hills. Like Yancy (off Avalon, by WSB sponsor Stor-More), as Judy‘s photo shows. And if you really haven’t seen those windshield/car ice sheets yourself – they have an artistic application too, seen in this photo Brewster took in the Admiral District:

P.S. Puget Sound Blood Center has said they’re running way low because of the snow. If you are able to donate, please let ’em know.

4:23 PM UPDATE: Trouble near Jefferson Square:

Mike says that Safeway truck is currently blocking 41st SW on the center’s east side. We also received a note from Martha warning about the condition of the parking lot inside the center: “No plowing, no drains have been cleared, standing water is a good 4-6″ deep, shopping carts cannot be maneuvered…” She says she complained to center management, but no response. And now a WIND ADVISORY is in effect, starting at midnight tonight – we had mentioned earlier that the forecast mentioned the possibility of wind but it’s been upgraded to an alert.

4:51 PM UPDATE: Metro issues the reminder that it’s on snow routing at least through the end of today, but hoping to start returning to normal operations over the weekend. Meanwhile, it’s getting dark fast, and if you haven’t taken a look recently at your sidewalk/storm drain, you might go out one more time (assuming you’re home) – Jeff sends this photo from 48th/Edmunds west of The Junction, where he says he is trying to stay ahead of “Slush-mageddon”:

After 6 pm or so, we’re planning go back to a more normal story flow, and the weather coverage will not necessarily be atop the main WSB page unless something major is happening. However, important notes (like the Wind Advisory) will be linked from the BIG STORIES list on the sidebar.

5:10 PM UPDATE: Traffic advisory in comments – lots of ferry traffic on Fauntleroy Way, and the slush/snow on the roadside is forcing it into the street. Here’s a webcam at Cloverdale:

We’re thinking Southworth-bound ferry traffic might be up because the Tacoma Narrows Bridge remains closed following the earlier problems with falling ice. (Added: Via Twitter, Maggie points us to the WSF Bulletin saying exactly that – longer waits on Southworth/Bremerton runs from this side.)

7:04 PM UPDATE: Thanks to Kirsten for this photo of the backup last hour at Fauntleroy/Myrtle:

We were out in that time frame traveling between Fauntleroy and The Junction, and lots of people are out and about. The complications include the fact the parking “lanes” alongside even the otherwise-cleared arterials are still full of slush, half-melted ice, and puddling. Good news is, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge’s center lanes have reopened, so the backup should start to … well, melt away.

10 PM: Desiree says the drama of two semis stuck in the vicinity of the east side of Jefferson Square continues. Another tow truck just showed up for the stuck Safeway semi:

West Seattle snow/ice: Friday non-school changes/closures

Newest update 10:52 am – here’s what we’re hearing today:

West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor):

West Seattle Y Facility is open.
Fauntleroy Y Facility is open.
Some classes running at each locations.
Expect Family Programs 9am – Noon at West Seattle.

West Seattle Golf Course closed

Young At Art
in The Junction opening at 10 am
Giannoni’s Pizza in Westwood opening at noon and will offer a free cheese slice with food purchases
The Little Gym of West Seattle closed
Fleurt closed

No Seattle Public Utilities trash (etc.) pickup. Otherwise, they’re on one-day delay – if you have Friday pickup, put yours out TOMORROW.

West Seattle snow/ice: Friday morning updates

(TOPLINES: Metro still on snow routing … school closure list here … other changes/closures listed here)

(Latest bridge and Viaduct views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! The great warmup appears to be under way, with the Boeing Field temp up to 34 degrees at the top of the hour. Morning traffic/weather updates to come, and thanks again for sharing firsthand road reports – whether you’ve traveled it yourself, or can just see it from your home. Almost all schools are closed; no trash/recycling pickups today (if you were missed this week, the city says you can put out double on your regular day next week at no extra charge – but if you are a Friday customer, put it out tomorrow); and there’s one big city request: Clear your storm drain to prevent flooding as this all melts off and new rain arrives.

6:51 AM UPDATE: In comments, Tony provides the first road-condition report: 35th to the West Seattle Bridge to the 4th Avenue exit: “Bare and wet.” Metro buses ARE still on snow routing but warns that could change as conditions improve, so check before you go.

7:13 AM UPDATE: TV report just now from our friends at KING 5 issues a reminder that’ll be valid for much of the day: The melt-off comes with ice/slush sliding off roofs, branches falling off trees, and other new risks to be aware of. We’re starting a “non-school changes/closures” list again today – for one, the West Seattle and Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) facilities ARE OPEN – here’s the list; please let us know if you have info to add.

7:25 AM UPDATE: Traffic alert – Jason tweets that a tree is down across one lane of Marine View Drive heading northbound downhill toward Fauntleroy.

7:52 AM UPDATE: From Twitter – a short SOUTHBOUND closure in the Battery Street Tunnel coming up: “SDOT to close southbound lanes of Battery St Tunnel to clear icicles. Will start at 8 AM, end around 8:15. NB lanes not impacted.”

8:19 AM UPDATE: Just went out for that photo looking toward northbound California SW from Thistle. Both are arterials, both plowed to the pavement. The melt-off is quite easy to hear, and see, outside. But the snow underfoot won’t go away immediately, since it included the layer of ice from yesterday morning’s storm.

8:29 AM UPDATE: The Battery Street Tunnel work is done, SDOT says. New problem: Northbound I-5 ramp to the West Seattle Bridge is blocked by a spun-out car.

9:04 AM UPDATE: The I-5 ramp problem is cleared. Speaking of clearing – above, that’s the storm drain near our corner. Some kind soul has already cleared it. The city (as mentioned earlier) is begging everybody to do the same.

10:18 AM UPDATE: The forecast is still suggesting more rain later, and potentially some wind late tonight into tomorrow. (added) P.S. From the WSB Forums, another reading alternative if you’re getting bored with the weather narrative here (we HAVE reported some non-weather stories this week – see the sidebar), read the story of the West Seattleite seen on TV and WSDOT cameras this morning in the I-5 ramp spinout. Meantime, we’re heading out to check on what’s happening around the peninsula.