West Seattle holidays: First Lutheran Church’s St. Nicholas Faire fundraiser

Till 7 pm, First Lutheran Church of West Seattle‘s basement is aglow in white Christmas lights and good cheer for a combination gift-basket silent auction and wine-tasting event, the 3rd annual St. Nicholas Faire. There’s an admission charge, with funds raised benefiting West Seattle Helpline and West Seattle Food Bank. (We found board members from the former – the church’s pastor Rev. Ron Marshall – and the latter – Pete Spalding – on hand.) The 110-plus gift baskets were put together by Larraine King, who organized the event, with a bit of help:

The baskets have themes from cookies to toys to cuisine and beyond, even this beach “basket”:

The wine is courtesy of Rev. Marshall’s winemaking brother Rich Marshall of award-winning Maryhill Winery:

If you missed this and this weekend’s other bazaars/fairs, and giving opportunities, no worries – more next weekend – keep an eye on the WSB West Seattle Holiday Events and Info page!

1 Reply to "West Seattle holidays: First Lutheran Church's St. Nicholas Faire fundraiser"

  • Ron Marshall December 5, 2011 (12:44 pm)

    Thanks to everyone who helped put on this event — and to all who attended. We had a great time! But the big winners were the clients of the West Seattle Food Bank and the West Seattle Helpine — who were the sole beneficiaries of all the proceeds. See you all next year — and bring your friends. They’ll love it!

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