More free West Seattle holiday music: ‘Wonder’ tomorrow

Tomorrow at Fauntleroy UCC Church, music director Bronwyn Edwards‘ new cantata “Wonder” debuts, and you are invited to come enjoy it, free. Here’s the story behind it, shared by Irene Stewart:

Wonder, a cantata celebrating the wonder of the season, is a new work by local performer, composer, and music director Bronwyn Edwards. Inspired by interviews with David Kratz, senior pastor at Fauntleroy Church, UCC where Edwards serves as music director, “Wonder” presents concepts and stories ranging from biblical times to modern day and includes personal reflections on the meaning and wonder of the season.

The work will be performed Sunday, Dec. 11, at 4 p.m. in the sanctuary at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California Ave SW). The program begins with a carol sing-along. A reception will follow in the church’s narthex. The concert is free and all are welcome to attend.

“The music is diverse in its mood and message,” says the composer.

“I wove familiar Christmas themes into new music to build a new repertoire of songs for the Christmas season. Our audience will definitely get into the spirit of the season!”

Wonder features the Fauntleroy Church Chancel Choir, with soloists Chris Chrisman, Nancy Nye, Laura Grit, Jeff VanGilder, Sarah Ackers, Kevin Finney, Irene Stewart and Megan Miller. Instrumentalists include Gretchen Rubesch, LeeAnne Beres and Laura Grit, flutes; Irene Stewart, violin; Greg Dirks, trumpet; and Kevin Finney, congas. David Yanacek conducts and the composer, Bronwyn Edwards, plays piano.

Edwards says choral music has become a consuming passion and she has dedicated herself to writing both secular and sacred choral music for performance, stage productions and worship. An Arbor Heights resident, Edwards has served as music director at Fauntleroy Church for almost four years, where she has established a comprehensive music program that ranges from church music (choral, instrumental and soloists) to community concerts featuring local musicians (the “Sweet, Sweet Music” concert series) to entrepreneurial efforts to bring well-known artists to entertain and delight local audiences.

In 2010, Edwards partnered with 90-year-old playwright Yvonne Belshaw to produce a hit musical entitled “Age Only Matters if You’re Cheese,” performing three sold-out shows at Fauntleroy Church Hall in February 2011. In April 2012, more of Edwards’ original music will be performed by the Vashon Chorale at their Local Composers Festival.

Edwards performs with Sarah Ackers and Betsy Boyer in the band Trillium Soul, and will be playing solo piano in the main terminal of SeaTac airport this holiday season for her fifth consecutive year. She has six CDs to her credit, is an award-winning songwriter, and has produced CDs for other musicians. She teaches piano privately in West Seattle and enjoys mentoring musicians of all ages, but especially teenagers.

For more information about Bronwyn Edwards, visit her Web site at and

1 Reply to "More free West Seattle holiday music: 'Wonder' tomorrow"

  • Marie M December 11, 2011 (5:53 pm)

    This was an awesome program! I am so happy I found out about it via the West Seattle Blog and that I made the time to attend. Beautiful. Inspiring. Uplifting.

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