Happening now: ‘Gifted’ arts/crafts fair inside Feedback Lounge

Just look for the Airstream out front (it’s Caravan, featured in our West Seattle Art Walk coverage earlier this week) and the creative entrepreneurs inside the building, as the “Gifted” holiday arts/crafts fair/bazaar at Feedback Lounge (6451 California SW; WSB sponsor) continues till 6 pm. Unusual gift ideas abound, from the repurposed Frangos tin above, to star sketches, below:

And if you missed microphotographer Machel Spence at last weekend’s C & P bazaar, she’s at “Gifted” right now, and she can show you her photo spread in Natural History Magazine:

Other enterprises on hand include A Bit of Butter, seen in this photo tweeted by @bellwethr:

Almost three hours left to go check it all out in Morgan Junction.

1 Reply to "Happening now: 'Gifted' arts/crafts fair inside Feedback Lounge"

  • HelperMonkey December 11, 2011 (9:36 pm)

    this was a great event! way to go Feedback!

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