West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this car, stolen late today?

Keep watch for Corina‘s car. She writes, “My black Nissan Pathfinder 1992 with a yellow ‘I’m a circa regular” sticker was just stolen from my house” a little more than an hour ago. 5300 block of 18th SW; call 911 if you see it.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this car, stolen late today?"

  • Aman November 9, 2011 (7:50 pm)

    Sooo sorry Corinasaurus! I’ll keep both eyes out for your vehicle.

  • Patrick November 9, 2011 (11:59 pm)

    You know I’m getting really tired of this crap and hearing about my neighbor’s cars getting stolen.

    I am always outside having a smoke between 2-5 am and I have on several occasions seen individuals acting suspiciously or engaged in criminal behavior and have called 911 repeatedly. I will continue to keep vigil over my neighborhood and make damn sure that my property or my fellow neighbor’s property is neither compromised r stolen.

    I’v been a victim of crime in the past and NEVER will be again.

  • Jim P. November 10, 2011 (12:49 pm)

    A pair of observant eyes is one of the things a criminal fears the most. Neighbors watching out for their neighbors is better than a wall of iron.

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