West Seattle schools: WS High School Band @ open house

No school today for Seattle Public Schools students – but last night was big for at least two schools here on the peninsula, high-school Open House night. We stopped by both; at West Seattle High School in the early going, we found principal Ruth Medsker out in the courtyard with the band, ready to serenade arriving parents. Then we got the student musicians on video:

Tomorrow (Saturday) is WSHS Homecoming, with a barbecue in the courtyard starting at 2:45 pm, followed by a caravan to the stadium at 4:15, and the game at 5, with the Homecoming Dance (at the school) afterward.

7 Replies to "West Seattle schools: WS High School Band @ open house"

  • Dean October 14, 2011 (6:55 am)

    The kid playing the cymbals stole the show.

  • DonaLuisa October 14, 2011 (11:55 am)

    Heh, as Dean may know, that “kid” is the WSHS Music Director, Ms. Rutherford. Nickname “Coach.” Apparently the school’s music program has taken some hits lately with regards to cuts, number of kids allowed to enroll in the music classes, etc. Hope they can beef up funding for the program!

  • GAnative October 14, 2011 (12:19 pm)

    @Dean – LOL!

  • WSHS Dad October 14, 2011 (1:50 pm)

    I attended the WSHS open house last night. I was not much of a WSHS cheerleader, as my son was one of the 80 or so kids on the Chief Sealth waiting list that never opened up. I will say this: I now think I was wrong, WSHS is turning a corner and heading in a very positive direction. I was impressed with both the administration and the faculty last night and so far my son’s experience has been very good. I look forward to West Seattle having two strong public high schools, though we are not there yet. I hope we all do what we can to make it happen.

  • westsider October 14, 2011 (6:46 pm)

    dean- that “kid” playing the cymbals is coach the music teacher!

  • DonaLuisa October 14, 2011 (7:30 pm)

    I attended the open house, too. Visited the band room, and Coach (the symbol masher in the vid) let us know that the music program has suffered some cuts that affect the number of classes and kids she can have attend. Hope the community can do more to support and beef up the WSHS music program!

  • SpeakLoud October 14, 2011 (8:04 pm)

    I could have written what WSHS dad wrote. A change it is a brewin…..and I for one could not be more surprised-or happy about that!

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