West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen despite anti-theft device

Out of the WSB inbox tonight, from Beehive:

My car was stolen from my alley access driveway with bedroom windows overlooking it. I also had a club on it at Fauntleroy and Edmunds. 1995 teal Honda Civic with low profile. I’m pissed off! Please warn others to take additional measures.

18 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen despite anti-theft device"

  • phil dirt October 11, 2011 (6:52 am)

    My wife and I had our Honda stolen from in front of our house about two months ago. We had a club on the steering wheel, too. When we went to recover our stripped down car at Lincoln towing, our steering wheel, with the club still attached, was laying on the floor board. The thieves had brought their own steering wheel with them! They simply removed our steering wheel and then attached their own and drove our car away.

    • WSB October 11, 2011 (7:44 am)

      To the person who wanted to add a theft report from last night – please either e-mail it to us (editor@westseattleblog.com) for a separate report, or if you’d rather just post it here, please repost a comment without the suspect’s name – we do not publish names or other identifying information about people not (yet) charged in crimes – thanks. – TR

  • Dunno October 11, 2011 (7:56 am)

    Feel your pain!!! Sucks! You mentioned taking measures. Get a car alarm everyone, I had one installed for under $200, I forget the name of the place, but it’s located at about 152nd and Ambaum on the West side of street. About 2 blocks south of Marty’s tires, same side of Ambaum. Well worth the investment.

  • Norsk Girl October 11, 2011 (11:13 am)

    Friends of mine had their older model Subaru wagon stolen over the weekend. It was parked in front of their house on a dead-end street in Genesee Hill area.
    Seems such an increase in car theft and home burgleries of late. Beyond frustrating. These thieves obviously have no moral compass, or perhaps one that earns them a place in an alternate looser universe. They certainly do NOT belong in our universe/society.
    Shut ’em down. Shut ’em up. Put ’em away. Throw away the key.

  • ng October 11, 2011 (12:28 pm)

    My subaru was stolen last night (however it was recovered just down the street) in the admril area. The thieves knew what they were doing, they unplugged my alarm, got into my car with no broken glass and ripped the steering colum to shit. This happened around midnight and the cops found the car on the side of the road, im guessing they couldn’t get it started and gave up. There’s not much you can do about smart car theives, but my car will now be sporting a club and a clutch lock at night.

  • Rick October 11, 2011 (12:35 pm)

    My ex had her accord stolen 4 times in 18 months. With the club! I put a battery kill switch in it. Screwed up the clock but it worked. Thieves usually won’t take the time to trace the wiring.

  • Jim P. October 11, 2011 (12:39 pm)

    “Get a car alarm everyone, I had one installed for under $200, ”

    A car alarm is just about the most useless piece of tech ever invented.

    Other than annoying the **** out of your neighbors when it goes off every time a truck goes by or the dew falls and a switch gets damp they don’t do much. Certainly don’t deter thieves. They’ll just pop the hood and disconnect the wiring.

    Nobody even bothers to pick up a phone if one goes off and the police treat a report of a car alarm as slightly lower in priority than a report of a dead coyote in the street.

    I hope this wasn’t a thinly disguised advertising attempt.

  • Robert2715 October 11, 2011 (1:45 pm)

    My additional measures would be clear the CR*P out of your garage and start parking in it – As the Creator of the Universe intended. :-)

    • WSB October 11, 2011 (1:50 pm)

      Some may unfortunately face a situation like ours – despite the fact so many cars were ginormous back in the first half of the last century, the basement garage is approximately the size of a go-cart. Wouldn’t even hold our dinky 9-year-old car. We often wonder what went into the concept of small garages and narrow roads back in the day … AFTER the heyday of the not-so-big Model A and company … TR

  • austin October 11, 2011 (1:49 pm)

    A properly installed car alarm connected to a kill switch will prevent anybody who doesn’t have a tow truck from stealing a car. Combined with a lojack system it is unbeatable. People who only identify car alarms with the fleamarket models that go off randomly are uninformed.

  • Alki Girl October 11, 2011 (3:01 pm)

    So sorry! What losers. Screw the club and get a gun! My Dad had his ’94 Honda Civic stolen a few years back right in his driveway. It was found – totally stripped and was located out in the sticks by a forest ranger. I can’t believe a Subaru Outback was stolen – that’s what I drive and I didn’t think thieves cared about Subaru’s!

  • Cowpie October 11, 2011 (3:31 pm)

    Take my word on this…the Club is useless. All you have to do is take a hacksaw and cut through the hard plastic steering wheel. You then bend out the sterring wheel, at the cut,and slide the club out. Simple!

  • blueemerald October 11, 2011 (3:55 pm)

    It would seem that Subarus have become a target for theft; I know of 2 in the last couple months that have been stolen in Genesee Hills area. Could well be more that were not announced on WSB.

  • blueemerald October 11, 2011 (3:56 pm)

    The “Club” does not guarantee anti-theft. It is, however, typically a good deterrant. BTW Cowpie..thanks for the instructions.

  • MAS October 11, 2011 (5:03 pm)

    Many Subarus are the right size for a portable meth lab, which happened to a friend of mine. If that happens, you DON’T want your car back.

  • Eddie October 11, 2011 (7:12 pm)

    Revisit the question of “is there really more crime now than there used to be or are we just more aware” (due to the amazing micro-reporting phenom that is WSB)?

    And – how come on every other theft story (e.g. the mailbox theft above) someone always makes some attribution to “tough economy” – but when we read about cars stolen for joyriding or stripping parts – the “tough economy” doesn’t get mentioned?

    I believe there isn’t more crime, we are much more aware of it. And I believe that the poor economy has little to nothing to do with the crime levels. Drugs and sleazy, moral-less people are responsible for the bulk of the stuff we read about, not some poor, down on his luck blue-collar guy just trying to feed his family.

  • Dunno October 11, 2011 (9:14 pm)


    You have a better idea or place to get this done let er rip. My alarm works great and it’s not triggerd by trucks going by. If I rememebered the name of the place I would have put it in here. If you had a problem with that, who cares!

  • Cinertang October 12, 2011 (12:49 pm)

    Does any body know by chance how much time some one gets for stealing a car? should be like in the old west,get hung for steeling a horse.As far as getting a gun , you cant shoot some body over stealing your stuff, you cant even shoot it in the air to scare them off,if it wasn’t such a hassle I would just take the battery out every night.

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