Followup: Amanda Knox returning to Seattle this afternoon

(Easy Street Records marquee, predawn today)
Hours after the Italian court decision freeing her after four years, Amanda Knox is reported to be on a British Airways flight headed back to Seattle, expected to arrive between 4:30 and 5 pm, after flying from Rome to London. Video/photos of her departure are in this British news report. As for what happens after that – regional (and beyond) media crews were already camped out at the airport as of today’s morning newscasts, hoping for a glimpse after her arrival, hoping even that her family might decide to have a news conference. National media reports that she sent a letter to the Italy-US Foundation, thanking the Italians who supported her. Meantime, the prosecution in the case has announced it will appeal the ruling canceling the murder convictions of Knox and Raffaele Sollecito.

4:56 PM: The Knox family’s plane is expected to land at Sea-Tac shortly, and regional-media sources including KIRO TV say they are planning a news conference around 5:45 pm, but they’re not certain if that will include comments from Amanda Knox. We’ll include highlights from Web coverage later, but if you want to watch live, multiple TV stations and cable networks have been set up at the airport for hours, ready to go (see Twitter photo links in the comment section below this story).

76 Replies to "Followup: Amanda Knox returning to Seattle this afternoon"

  • Jiggers October 4, 2011 (8:45 am)

    Italian spaghetti and meatballs made for homecoming dinner.

  • Keir October 4, 2011 (9:03 am)

    Having had to suffer life in Italy with spoiled, rich, white American kids who seem to think the continent is their personal playground, I was probably biased against Knox from the beginning. But the facts remain stubborn:
    1) She confessed. I know she claimed that she had done so under duress (again- this is in Italy, not China, and when are confessions not made under some degree of duress?) but the next day she rewrote her account over five pages.

    2) She blamed a completely innocent man who would now be in prison for life had he not had a cast-iron alibi thanks to a Swiss businessman coming forward after reading about the case.

    3) Neither she nor her boyfriend could agree on what they had been doing that night. She claims she spent the night smoking up with him before having sex. He couldn’t remember! He, a young red-blooded Italian. He did claim that he had downloaded movies on his computer at the time, but computer records don’t support this. Both had shut off their phones conveniently at the very time of the murder.

    4) And then, who was responsible for staging the break-in?

  • msc October 4, 2011 (9:05 am)

    Thank you Easy Street! It was really nice of you to welcome Amanda on your sign.

  • Amanda October 4, 2011 (9:06 am)

    If the prosecution appeals the ruling canceling themurder convictions…will Amanda have to return to Italy to serve jail time? They can’t forcefully come into our contry and take her, can they?

  • bwilson October 4, 2011 (9:33 am)

    Good work Easy Street. Nice sentiment for Amanda and a good shot at some international publicity.

  • Silly Goose October 4, 2011 (9:50 am)

    Thank You Easy Street for this kind gesture, we are so excited she is coming home!!!

  • NotMe October 4, 2011 (9:59 am)

    Didn’t I just read something recently about how the sign guy hasn’t been updating lately? And suddenly there is a new sign update? This is nothing more than a grab for some media attention, and quite frankly – this is pretty disappointing.

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (10:22 am)

      Re: ESR sign: The West Memphis Three sign was up for a few weeks. Then it changed to the more traditional ESR type of sign, promoting a few acts with new albums (Pink Floyd and I forget who else). Then this went up yesterday afternoon or evening. The sign often displays topical messages – Happy Summer Fest, for example. Didn’t strike me as out of character, as there was at least one music-community benefit for the Knox defense fund, although I don’t recall that it had as high-profile a name as Eddie Vedder, who advocated for the WM Three.

  • WS commuter October 4, 2011 (10:04 am)

    Keir … you should learn more; your “facts” don’t bear up with the objective truth. There was no – none – zero – physical evidence to link either her or Mr. Sollecito with the crime – and with the extremely bloody nature of this horrible crime, anyone in the room would have left trace evidence – and yes, in fact, I DO know exactly what I’m talking about.

    This case would never have been filed in the U.S. because of the lack of evidence. Moreover, you should learn the details about how the “confession” occurred. To call it such is moronic.

    Or just try common sense. Two young people who up until this crime had led normal, sedentary college lives (which included some pot smoking – big deal), suddenly choose to engage in sado-masochistic forced group sex, ending in murder? Really … really?

  • homesick October 4, 2011 (10:10 am)

    Thank you Easy Street for always being a class act!

  • WestSeattleBlogger October 4, 2011 (10:13 am)

    I was so happy and relieved for Amanda and her family and friends! What a nightmare..I have been totally disgusted with the Italian court system and hearing how they and the media assassinated her character. I heard/read that Donald Trump called for boycotting Italy until Amanda was released…well, I say boycott Italy and continue to boycott Italy. This is a cautionary tale to anyone considering visiting or studying abroad. I hope that Amanda will be able to heal from this ordeal and reclaim the joy in her life.

  • NotMe October 4, 2011 (10:19 am)

    Hey WSBlogger… did you feel the same about Casey Anthony? Did you boycott the USA until she became free, too? Donald Trump is irrelevent. Get a grip. You don’t ever leave the area, and Italy is better off without you. Peace.

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (10:25 am)

      Also in response to NotMe – The person who chose the screen name “WestSeattleBlogger” has nothing to do with the site – a reader/commenter. Assuming (sorry, we’re not supposed to do that) you’re thinking it was one of us, as otherwise how would you know they “don’t ever leave the area”? (Even we do, fwiw.) – TR

  • NotMe October 4, 2011 (10:30 am)

    No, I knew better. There was no way that came from you guys. It’s borderline.

  • Trick October 4, 2011 (10:38 am)

    Re WestSeattleBlogger (not WSB):
    That same disgusting court system set her free. Did you take that into account during your boycott of Italy and Donald Trump media bandwagon?
    Looking at past high profile cases in the U.S., I’m sure Europe probaby feels the same way you do about the U.S.

  • huh October 4, 2011 (10:39 am)

    @Amanda Italy would file an extradition request. The US could choose to comply with or deny the request.

    Troll food for @Keir: I’d like to introduce you to the ad hominem fallacy: “Amanda Knox is a liar therefore she’s a murderer.” I could confess to the murder right now yet that hardly proves I killed anyone. Sure, a confession with corroborating evidence is valid, but with zero evidence and zero motive where does that leave us?

    Also, can you honestly say how you’d react when questioned by police all night long in a foreign country in a language you don’t fluently speak? In the US police can lie to you about evidence in order to coerce (er, sorry, “prompt”, coercion is illegal) a confession. Would you start arguing with the police officers and tell them they’re liars? Or would you try to appease them and tell them what they want to hear?

    Hindsight is 20/20, it’s easy to say what you would have done, but then, you weren’t there, were you? Not many people are in full control of their faculties in extremely high stress situations.

    I can’t say what I’d do, but there’s a reason confessions and eyewitnesses are far less reliable than physical evidence. And for physical evidence? There was none.

    Welcome home Amanda.

  • money October 4, 2011 (10:51 am)

    Good lord people. Just leave her alone.

  • natinstl October 4, 2011 (10:52 am)

    I’m happy for her and her family, but can we let this story lie already. The PR machine surrounding this thing is getting annoying.

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (11:03 am)

      Nat – Speaking at least for WSB, we have studiously avoided incremental coverage of this case except for key events – like the decision yesterday afternoon, and the fact she’s arriving in Seattle today. No worries, we will not be on Knox Watch thereafter, unless, again, there is something major, like some kind of community event, and you won’t find us camping outside her house with the rest of the media mob (though if they cause a traffic jam we might have to issue a traffic alert) – TR

  • CCW October 4, 2011 (10:53 am)

    None of you know what happened that night. To pretend like you do immediately puts your judgment into question. What we know is that she was found not guilty, and that seems like the correct result under the law. The reason that seems like the correct result is that there was reasonable doubt. It isn’t as if the jury concluded she was innocent. It does seem to me that all of the celebration and support is a bit inappropriate, given what we know she DID do, i.e. throw an innocent man under the bus (among other things).

  • furor scribendi October 4, 2011 (11:22 am)

    Right on, Keir. The facts speak loudly on what may be our very own westside OJ. And thank you, TR, for concentrating on westside news and not amplifying this mess.

  • CandrewB October 4, 2011 (11:45 am)

    Hey Trick, Europe proved during the aupair case they feel exactly the same way about our judicial system (and she did it).

  • James October 4, 2011 (11:50 am)

    “This is a cautionary tale to anyone considering visiting or studying abroad.”

    Totally. If you don’t want to go to prison in a foreign country, don’t kill anybody.

  • WS RESIDENT October 4, 2011 (11:55 am)

    @natinstl – I agree 100% but sadly, we are in the “eye” of the story. Get ready for the news media from all over to set up shop here. Her poor neighbors!

  • Jiggers October 4, 2011 (12:13 pm)

    How come I can’t say what I really want to say about her?..:(

    The sad thing is that there is a dead girl and no justice for her. Don’t mke me say something that may get banned from here. The stories are such blatant lies by the “defense” it ain’t funny..

  • husky October 4, 2011 (12:19 pm)

    Hope I never get tried but a group of peers from the W. Seattle blog comment section. NO evidence + Italian media turning college girl into a savage killer vixen b/c of a nickname from playing soccer= guilty to some people on this board.

  • A WS mom & dad October 4, 2011 (12:34 pm)

    Thank You EASY STREET! We’re sure your sign will mean alot to Amanda and her family!

  • Bill October 4, 2011 (12:37 pm)

    I like that sign! I hope there are more of them.

    Otherwise, I hope everyone in West Seattle respects her privacy.

  • NicePerson October 4, 2011 (1:03 pm)

    West Seattlite and lurkers to the blog (which there seem to be a few) BACK OFF. The justice system did its thing. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE? Do you personally know Amanda? If she did something to you personally — state the facts. Otherwise you are ASSuming about this case. Freedom of speech is a liberty — but quit being so unbelieveably stupid. Let the girl alone. This kind of dribble gives WS, Seattle, and the US a really bad name.

  • Valerie October 4, 2011 (1:18 pm)

    Tracy, not only is your journalistic work top notch, but you also display a lot of CLASS. Thank you – keep up the great work!

  • Jiggers October 4, 2011 (1:37 pm)

    There’s no evidence of her being innocent either..husky. Don’t let the wool be pulled over your eyes.No one knows what happened except the dead girl.

  • Franci October 4, 2011 (1:40 pm)

    Umm.. I don’t know how people can keep saying that there is no justice for Meredith? There is someone in prison, sentenced for her murder, and his DNA was found all over the crime scene. It seems to me that the crime scene evidence speaks for its self.

  • clark5080 October 4, 2011 (1:40 pm)

    Just put up our welcome home sign and the first satellite truck rolled up.


  • Cowpie October 4, 2011 (1:53 pm)

    Jiggers, I understand that a young woman is dead and that’s absolutely horrible, but you’re wrong in saying there is no justice for her….if I understand what you’re saying.

    Rudy Guede is serving 16 years for her murder. They found his bloody finger prints on her pillow. He admitted guilt.

  • Aman October 4, 2011 (2:05 pm)

    Amanda Knox home today in West Seattle, YEA!!! Justice has been served. Welcome home neighbor…

  • NotMe October 4, 2011 (2:17 pm)

    I just can’t believe that Easy Street stooped to this level. I guess anything that gets you publicity “in this economy” is ok, right? Please.

  • clark5080 October 4, 2011 (2:32 pm)

    First Paparazzi sighting

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (2:56 pm)

      Thanks for the updates, Clark5080. We took a spin through AH a couple hours ago just curious if stakeouts were under way – and were glad to see they were not (of course there would be no point, while the flight is still a few hours out). We have other things (unrelated) to cover tonight and will NOT be adding to the mob (we will again have permission to use a Times photo). If you are interested in sharing a photo of your Welcome Home sign, send it our way … we also just heard the Admiral marquee has the same message, and Patrick will be photographing that shortly. Hope things don’t get too crazy in AH, since those are cozy little streets, without even sidewalks …

  • tk October 4, 2011 (2:35 pm)

    Wonder if she’ll ever travel to Europe again! This has made me never wan to visit Italy. lol

  • Anonymous October 4, 2011 (2:42 pm)

    Thank you Franci and Cowpie. She has nothing proving she’s guilty, she has nothing proving she’s innocent. BUT Rudy Guede has evidence proving he’s guilty. Leave Amanda alone. She’s had enough problems the past 4 years..

  • Rob October 4, 2011 (2:49 pm)

    I agree with NicePerson; assume that the Italian system did it’s job with all of the information available, and don’t try to make rash judgements based only on what’s been read here in the US.

  • Jiggers October 4, 2011 (2:52 pm)

    That idiot (Guede) should have never plead guilty if DNA evidence was that sketchy. They must have put him under a lot of pressure to confess and lie about how good the evidence collected was going to go against him then. That’s the only way I can figure it out. Regardless, maybe he did kill her because his conscience gave in. But Knox is no sweetie pie either.Don’t roll out the red carpet just yet. They are all habitual liars!

  • Westside J. October 4, 2011 (2:54 pm)

    Why do people keep saying “there’s no justice” for Meredeth or her family?? Rudy Guede- the only person positively proven to have played a role in the murder (as in: He did it)- is still in prison.

    All the which hunters seem to forget that.

  • Westside J. October 4, 2011 (2:55 pm)

    Cowpie, you beat me to it :)

  • Jiggers October 4, 2011 (2:59 pm)

    Really..stakeouts? Anyone have a life?

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (3:28 pm)

      Jiggers – you should see the photos going by on Twitter, from reporters who are IN the media mob at Sea-Tac. Actually I will add the URLs here since they are tweeted photos that have web addresses so anyone can view …

  • NotMe October 4, 2011 (3:09 pm)

    You know what? You are right, Rob and NicePerson. When they said she was guilty, I believed she was guilty. Now they don’t have enough to keep her, then I guess she is guilty but technically innocent. I can live with that.

  • clark5080 October 4, 2011 (3:29 pm)

    Three trucks now and two Paparazzi

  • GenHillOne October 4, 2011 (3:37 pm)

    I’m already so sick of the coverage. I really DON’T care to see “breaking news” of a map tracking her plane (reminds me of the NORAD Santa tracker). I’m hoping it will die down after tonight, but I suspect a WS invasion is coming.

  • Jiggers October 4, 2011 (3:38 pm)

    How ironic everyone cheers for her return but no remorse for the dead girl. Victims are all but forgotten. I’m done. Sorry Tracy, I don’t tweet or even have an account. Tweeting is to me a waste of time.

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (3:55 pm)

      Jig, no skin off my back. It’s a great place to get information fast, and that’s my business, so that’s what I’m doing on Twitter. Some people are into it, some not. Without Twitter reports, we wouldn’t have some of what we are able to report here – “My bus just passed a bad crash on the bridge” – etc. Or maybe the folks that tweet such things would just call (206-296-6302, 24/7!). We also get questions we’re happy to be able to answer most of the time (like “what is that (fill in the blank)”).
      GHO – I know the British link I included here had a flight tracker, which was indeed ludicrous, but please tell me you didn’t see somebody do the same thing on TV.

  • chris October 4, 2011 (3:49 pm)

    Not being able to prove it is far different than being proved innocent. I think I remember reading that bleach had been used at the crime scene by “someone” which would make finding credible DNA problematic. Her weird behavior at the police station, laughing and doing cartwheels, while not proving guilt, does show a different Amanda than the girl usually described by her defenders.

  • Jiggers October 4, 2011 (4:07 pm)

    Tracy, I understand it is part of what you do with your business. It is another form of communication.

  • Seattle66 October 4, 2011 (4:08 pm)

    Do we know where (Cross Streets), this media invasion will happen in W. Seattle, so that some of us can avoid the chaos?

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (4:22 pm)

      Seattle66 – none of the relatives whose names I know live on major arterials, so you don’t have to worry about accidentally bumping into chaos. But some may do live shots from other locations (last night I heard there was a crew at Explorer West of all places, a little ways east of Arbor Heights, not sure if that was because a family member lives there or because it was the most convenient place to get a good microwave shot, which has to be line-of-sight to the station’s receiver or to something that can bounce it to the receiver) … And of course Sea-Tac has to be a little nuts right now, and for at least the next couple hours (I’m sure some local crews will stay through the 6:30 newscast) …

  • A October 4, 2011 (4:11 pm)

    I heard that someone rented them a secluded home for a few months so don’t hold your breath that they are headed to West Seattle.

    • WSB October 4, 2011 (4:45 pm)

      By the way, latest word is that they will have a news conference at the airport at 5:45 pm – at least, the family will. Not sure if Amanda will speak. But you can bet that any local or cable TV station you prefer to watch will broadcast that live (online streaming probably too) – with all those trucks – TR

  • rw October 4, 2011 (4:23 pm)

    Jiggers, I and many other posters on WSB and elsewhere have expressed sadness for Meredith and her family, even while expressing happiness for the Knox family. At the same time, I was considering starting a thread with nothing but welcome back wishes, but after scanning this thread I can see what a bad idea that would be.

  • Speedy October 4, 2011 (4:38 pm)


    Bleach was not used to clean up the murder scene:

    Please do some research instead of spreading innuendo and outright lies.

  • Carl October 4, 2011 (4:43 pm)

    Attn: Seattle66, WSB has already told you that none of the arterials will likley be affected. I do not think people will want to state the adrresses (cross streets), as no one wants to add to the scrum.

  • KnowsBest October 4, 2011 (4:57 pm)

    There goes the Neighborhood!!!

  • Jonathan Blinn October 4, 2011 (5:01 pm)

    Hugs to you Amanda Knox….WELCOME HOME =)….many blessing to you, best wishes, & congratulations on being free. I believed in you all along & been praying for you =).
    ~Jonathan Blinn~
    Honolulu, Hawaii

  • Seattle66 October 4, 2011 (5:09 pm)

    I in no way want to be involved in the “scrum”, hoping to avoid it all cost while running errands this evening in West Seattle. I’ve seen some photos in the Seattle Times of reporters staked out at her parents house, I was a bit worried that the throng of media reporters from SeaTac would shift to her W. Seattle family home but since its not on any major streets, it shouldnt be a problem. Thanks WSB

  • OJ October 4, 2011 (5:10 pm)

    If the DNA don’t fit you must acquit.

  • GenHillOne October 4, 2011 (5:10 pm)

    Nope TR, I was referring to TV. I care so little, I won’t even bother following links for more details, lol, but I’m sure they are very helpful for those less cynical than I and I can appreciate that. I figure if I’m going to go anywhere to see how the circus will impact my life though, WSB is the place to check!

  • neighbor and friend October 4, 2011 (5:18 pm)

    WOW – as much a travesty as the original trial was, i guess she was better off than if she were tried in west seattle. FYI – at least in our country you do not have to prove you are innocent. The prosecutor made a mistake. She did not confess, she did not accuse, she did not leave any dna evidence because she was not there. There is the tragedy of a dead young woman and there is a guilty man in prison. Welcome back to the knox family. You set a great example of how to support your loved ones through a long horrible ordeal and I am sure you also will be glad when this dies down.

    Can we please all be nice?

  • Katherine October 4, 2011 (5:59 pm)

    Is there a way to contact her – so send well wishes, cards, ect.?

  • chris October 4, 2011 (7:09 pm)

    @Speedy Bleach was used to clean the murder knife but still had some residue DNA of Meredith’s on the tip and Amanda’s DNA on the handle.

  • Steve October 4, 2011 (8:47 pm)

    Hey WS Commuter how is it that you know exactly what your talking about? were you hiding under the blankets when it all happened?

  • Steve October 4, 2011 (8:58 pm)

    I know where the house is and there isnt really much of a chance that you would be driving through. I really hope people just leave her alone and let her chill.

  • Noelle October 4, 2011 (10:15 pm)

    Very nice Welcome Home! I hope Amanda can enjoy some rest and peace now!

  • Leave it to Beaver October 5, 2011 (4:09 pm)

    @money – no better use of 7 simple words have I ever read on the WSB. Thank you. My sentiments exactly!

  • DF October 5, 2011 (9:12 pm)

    ROCKSTAR!! MEEEEER dont think so.

  • Speedy October 6, 2011 (6:29 pm)

    Bleach was not used to clean the “murder” knife.
    “What (the Italian forensic experts) found was that the knife recovered from Raffaele’s apartment not only did not have traces of human blood, but it had not been cleaned in the way the prosecution said. They had said that Amanda bleached the knife. Instead, what experts appointed by the judge said was that the blade had potato starch on it. It was a typical kitchen knife. It was found in a kitchen drawer with other knifes. It wasn’t well cleaned and it wasn’t used as a murder weapon.”

  • Allen October 21, 2011 (9:38 am)

    I would like to explain what people refer to as “The Gospel” or “Good News”. In this explanation, I will discuss God’s grace, which unfortunately so many people do not understand or have never been clearly explained.

    Unfortunately, many people attend a Christian church regularly (or attended one in the past) but have never been clearly taught what the Bible stresses as the most important decision that one could ever make. It is only in making this decision that one actually becomes one of God’s children and is “saved” from His eternal judgment. This decision deals with what is referred to as “The Gospel”. If you have never heard “The Gospel” before, here it is. Around 33 AD, Jesus Christ, who is God incarnate, paid the price for every single person’s sin in history by dying the death of crucifixion at the hands of the Romans. He willingly died for every person’s sin that has ever lived and every will live. That includes both you and me. He willing died a death that we deserve for our moral failures in life. Jesus was brutally beaten, whipped, mocked, spit upon, nailed to a wooden cross, and then died. Three days later, He rose from the dead, as He foretold His disciples (group of followers). Jesus then ascended into heaven forty days later. He currently lives with God, His father, in heaven today. During Old Testament times (times prior to the birth of Jesus Christ – B.C.), people had a keen awareness of their moral guilt, as any honest person still does today. I know that I have wronged many people and have felt a deep-seated guilt within many areas of my life. Many people during Old Testament times sacrificed animals to God as a form of limited atonement for their immoral actions. God often accepted these sacrifices, but only in a temporary and limited way. Over time, God changed this extremely limited form of atonement, as He had planned from the very beginning of time. Moreover, God sent His one and only son Jesus Christ down to the Earth. Since Jesus was both sinless and blameless, He willingly died on the cross as an unlimited atonement. It was in God’s will for His son to die in this way. This unlimited atonement is available to any person who whole-heartedly repents of their sins (moral failures) and then asks God to personally apply Jesus’ undeserved death and resurrection as a payment for their sins. It is imperative here that one believes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was ultimately an act of God’s grace. God did not have to offer an escape from our moral guilt and eternal punishment. However, God is gracious. He has a compassion and love for people that is indescribable. God wants to “wipe the slate” clean for us, in regards to our moral failures. Through this action, we could then enter a personal relationship with His son Jesus Christ and escape his eternal judgment. The Bible refers to moral failures as ‘sin’, or missing the mark of God’s perfect standard of morality. “Sin” is an ancient archery term for an arrow that missed the target. God is loving in the purest sense of the word and would like to grant us victory over the sins that still haunt us from our past. All we have to do is accept this gift of grace from Him. It is free.

    God promises us a way to become morally blameless and gain entrance into heaven after living our physical live here on Earth. Here is what we must willingly do on our part. First off, we must truly believe that God is gracious and extended His grace by allowing His one and only son to die as a ransom for our sins on the cross. We must admit to God that we have failed morally during our lifetime and that Jesus Christ’s brutal death on the cross is the only sacrifice that could ever forgive our sins. After making this decision (accepting God’s grace), we are immediately forgiven of all past, present, and future sins. In addition, we would be guaranteed entrance into heaven after our physical death here on Earth. We would then live with both God and His son Jesus forever. We would be guaranteed to see all of our loved ones who had made this decision during his or her physical lives on Earth.

    You could make this decision today. Please do not wait for the “perfect time”. You could ask God for eternal forgiveness through applying the death and resurrection of Jesus to your life within the quietness of your bedroom tonight. This is the most important decision that you will ever make.

    So you might be asking, “Where in the Bible does it explain what has just been summarized?” Here are some passages clearly stating that Jesus seeks a personal relationship with us:

    “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
    – Romans 10:9-10

    “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; “
    – Acts 3:19

    “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
    – John 3:16

    As long as you repent of your past sins (moral failures) from the heart, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and apply Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross as a payment for your sins, you are guaranteed eternal life with God in heaven. You can make this decision at any time, anywhere. You can make this decision alone with God or within a group setting.

    Please know that one cannot sit the fence on making this decision of accepting God’s gift of grace. If one chooses not to decide, he or she has still made a choice. This would be like receiving a check (hearing “The Gospel”) but never endorsing and cashing it in at the bank (personally applying Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection towards one’s sins).

    “He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
    – John 3:18

    The result of not choosing to accept Gods gift of grace, which offers eternal life with both Him and Jesus in heaven is clear. You will live the remainder of your life here on Earth apart from Jesus Christ and His empowerment. You will then follow your life plan and not His plan for you. After you physically die, you will then be brought to a dark place where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth”. It is a place of eternal regret. Here, you will remember this very letter and how you were told the truth but chose not to repent and begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Remember, if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice. You could be diagnosed with a terminal illness tomorrow or be the recipient of a head-on collision while returning home on that all too familiar, two-lane highway this Friday night. If you are considering starting your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, please do not wait to make this decision. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

    The following passage outlines the only requirements Jesus Christ has set to both gain eternal life and begin a personal relationship with Him while you are still alive here on Earth. He makes it crystal-clear in the Bible what is required…

    “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
    – Romans 10:9-10

    God has a plan for your life. You can watch this plan unfold once you accept His gift of grace. This great plan involves your life experience while here on Earth and continues after your physical death on into heaven.

    “For I know the plans that I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”
    – Jeremiah 29:11-13

    Please consider what I have said here. I am not sure if you have ever made this decision before, but I needed to make sure that you had the facts. If you should decide that you want to learn more about the life of Jesus and gain a better understanding of authentic Christianity, I strongly recommend reading the book of John within the Bible (NASB or NIV translation).

    In closing, here is a verse that someone once shared with me that finally brought me into a relationship with God during an extremely low point physically and emotionally. The understanding of Jesus’ desire to know me personally changed my life forever. Here it is:

    “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.”
    – Revelation 3:20

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