Are your recyclables ready? Dropoff event Sunday in Fauntleroy

(WSB photo from April 2011)
The trucks from 1 Green Planet return tomorrow to the Fauntleroy Church parking lot at 9140 California SW (map), 9 am-3 pm, and you are invited to bring your recyclables – as long as they are items on this (long!) list of what will be accepted. Just drive up and drop off, free! (P.S. One week from tomorrow, that same lot will be abuzz with activity for the annual Fauntleroy Fall Festival, as will the schoolhouse across the street, so make a calendar note for the festival, too.)

2 Replies to "Are your recyclables ready? Dropoff event Sunday in Fauntleroy"

  • Amy October 9, 2011 (3:00 pm)

    Thank you! Recycled 2 trips worth of stuff that’s been sitting in my office. Found an old laptop from 1999 – weighed about 15 lbs. :)

  • Bonnie October 9, 2011 (6:28 pm)

    Yay! I got rid of the little tv I had sitting around that I bought in 1987!

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