With all the nature lovers we’ve encountered in WSB-land, we’re startled to hear that this local school program is low on volunteers. But that’s what Marieke Stientjes Rack from the Seattle Audubon Society reports – so we’re sending out the call:
Seattle Audubon has provided FUN for FREE at Sanislo Elementary School for 10+ years. FUN is a environmental education program for 3rd and 4th graders. The program introduces students to the natural world in their own schoolyard habitats through observation, discovery, and scientific inquiry. Seattle Audubon has been and is able to provide this high-quality program, including small group instruction, because of volunteers. Volunteers are trained and then work with small groups of 4-5 students for 4, one-hour lessons, over the course of 4 weeks.
FUN students spend over 8 hours getting to know their schoolyard habitat and, on average, showed a 13% increase in environmental science knowledge for the 2010-2011 school year. Here is a link to the program website; interested volunteers can contact Seattle Audubon’s Volunteer Coordinator at volunteerc@seattleaudubon.org.