Gordon Prinster shares that photo and this report:
My 11-year-old son, Callum Prinster, pedalled out of our Admiral driveway with me on July 5th. On Sunday, 1732 miles and 28 campsites later, we arrived at the Mexican border. When asked what he’s going to do when he gets home today, he said “Sit on the couch, make YouTube videos … and NOT ride my bike.”
We sent Gordon a few followup questions and will add to this story if/when we receive replies!
We’ve done shorter trips the last couple years – BC’s Gulf Islands and down to Portland – but nothing like this. We initially set off for San Francisco, and we did spend a couple days there, but then we sorta just did a Forrestt Gump and kept on going. It’s probably obvious what a proud dad I am.
This was really a selfish pleasure trip, but if anybody is at all compelled we encourage them to visit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation at pbtfus.org and make a little pledge. If they do that, and let us know they did (gprinster@yahoo.com). We’ll send them a link to the dumbest videolog ever!