West Seattle Summer Fest 2011: Friday evening

The first evening of West Seattle Summer Fest 2011 is under way and we still have sunshine here in The Junction – lots of people, too. Everybody’s asking about The Fastbacks – they play at 8 pm at the main music stage, California SW just south of the post office (between Genesee and Oregon). Except for Caspar Babypants at 6:30 pm, right here at California/Alaska by KeyBank, all the music acts are on that stage. (After The Fastbacks, it’s The Cops at 9 pm.) The spot where CB will play in an hour is hosting a jump-rope demonstration by champion jumper René Bibaud and her Ropeworks business, right now (video added):

6:25 PM UPDATE: Big crowd already before Mr. Babypants even starts playing.

If you’re coming to the festival tonight, bring a sweater – there’s a bit of a breeze. P.S. Looking for the trash cans? Keep an eye out for the Zero Waste stations first and foremost – this is one in the middle of the Alaska-to-Oregon block:

If you don’t make it here tonight, Summer Fest revs up at 10 am Saturday.

7:02 PM: Caspar Babypants is still playing. Here’s a bit of video:

Every 10 seconds or so, someone stops by to ask us where The Fastbacks are playing. 8 pm, the main stage up by the beer garden/Eagles aerie/post office. See you there!

8:26 PM: Hanging out just north of the stage. Here’s a quick clip of The Fastbacks (we’ll substitute a longer one when we get back to HQ, music takes a while to upload in the field):

The Cops are up around 9 pm, and that’s the last scheduled music for the evening, though the party will go on at some of The Junction’s regular venues.

9:50 PM: Here’s the long Fastbacks clip, including their intro by Easy Street Records owner Matt Vaughan (joking that he was filling in for Dow Constantine, a nod to the King County Executive’s famous intro for Mudhoney at Summer Fest two years ago):

*NOTE – Even if you don’t see a screengrab, we tested, and the video DOES play, just click the arrow* Wondering about tomorrow’s music? Schedule’s here. It’s *all* on the one stage on the north end of the festival zone, California between Genesee and Oregon – Caspar Babypants was the only performer scheduled for the “informal” area in the heart of The Junction.

9 Replies to "West Seattle Summer Fest 2011: Friday evening"

  • Sue July 8, 2011 (6:30 pm)

    Why on earth do they close up the vendors at 6pm on a Friday night? I’d love to have gone today, but by the time I got home from work, and then get over there, it would’ve left me 30 min. to look at booths. Seems like a lot of potential lost sales.

  • d July 8, 2011 (7:59 pm)

    Agreed Sue. Boo.

  • lookingforlogic July 8, 2011 (9:11 pm)

    What street food is available at the street fair?

  • kate July 8, 2011 (9:19 pm)

    The street fair food selection is pretty great. Gyros, noodle plates, teriyaki (aka teriyucky). I had the corn dogs and garlic fries and strawberry lemonade and they were super duper. I was at the info booth and several people wanted kettle corn and cotton candy but I don’t think either of those staples were available. I saw lots and lots of ice cream wandering around. I also saw DEEP FRIED PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY SANDWICHES! Gotta go back for that tomorrow.

  • j July 8, 2011 (9:26 pm)

    I thought the same thing about vendors closing at 6pm. We went down to eat around 6:15 and I only saw a few packing up. By the time we left the restaurant we ate at, it was 8:15 and only a handful of vendors were open yet there were many people still walking the streets. Makes no sense.

  • jissy July 8, 2011 (10:04 pm)

    Kate — I saw Cotton Candy being sold in the booth next to the Ticket booth for the kids inflatable activities (on Alaska, across from Wells Fargo). There is also a booth at the south end of the festival (corner of Edmunds & Calif.) that is giving samples and selling KettleCorn.

  • Mike July 8, 2011 (10:29 pm)

    they need to put more garbage/yard waste/recycle containers NEAR the food vendors. We never saw one that was not overflowing and it was only 7:15 PM.

  • Lori W. July 9, 2011 (7:33 am)

    I was also disappointed to find most of the arts & crafts vendors closed up by the time we got there at 7:00. I had planned to peruse their offerings on my way to see The Fastbacks. Oh well. The Fastbacks were awesome!

  • sam-c July 9, 2011 (8:23 am)

    another +1 for staying open a little later- til 8 or so. I am sure the vendors were tired after being there all day, though.. while a lot of us were still at work, it was still pretty crowded during the day (that’s what I heard). like the extended ladder truck. my son, who didn’t want to join the CB toddler mosh pit, actually did want to climb that ladder, even asking the fireman for permission. thanks goodness it was out of the question, lol.

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