From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER’S LAST DAY: Last day for West Seattle Junction Neighborhood Service Center, 4205 SW Alaska, 9 am-5 pm, closing because of midyear city-budget cuts.
LAST DAY OF OPEN REGISTRATION FOR WEST SEATTLE SOCCER CLUB: After today, no guarantee of team placement, per WSSC – more details on their website, where camp info is available too.
SAFETY DAY AT LAFARGE: 10 am-2 pm, Lafarge‘s annual Safety Day includes tours (wear long pants and closed-toe shoes) and demonstrations, plus snacks and treats for the kids. 5400 W. Marginal Way SW.
SHOP LATE THURSDAY, SECOND EDITION: It’s the second week for Shop Late Thursdays in The Junction, till 9 pm – participating merchants are listed here, including WSB sponsors JF Henry Kitchen and Tableware (closes @ 8) and Click! Design That Fits.
ART ON DISPLAY: 35th Avenue Chiropractic invites you to an event showcasing the artwork of Stephanie Savidge, 6 pm, 9455 35th SW, Suite E.
‘RACE TO NOWHERE’: The much-discussed documentary about education in America will be screened tonight at Peace Lutheran Church (8316 39th SW), 7 pm. Tickets: $10 in advance or $15 at the door, available online here.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM West Seattle history is there for the viewing at the Log House Museum (61st/Stevens), noon-4 pm today (and all Thursdays-Sundays).
WINE IN THE WOODS: Nature Consortium fundraiser – wine, hors d’oeuvres, and music in the West Duwamish Greenbelt, 7 pm. Here’s our preview from earlier this week. RSVP ASAP, to or 206.923.0853.
BURLESQUE: Westside Burlesque Review at Skylark Café and Club (3803 Delridge Way SW). 21 and over. Doors at 9 pm, cost is $7.
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