month : 06/2011 381 results

Getting home to West Seattle: Tracking the pm commute

(Scroll down for updates, and use the comment section to let us know how your commute goes/is going!)

(Refresh for latest pic from WS Bridge; more on the WSB Traffic page)
4:16 PM: As promised, we are tracking the commute home, given the morning gridlock blamed mostly on the “Get Motivated” event at KeyArena, and the city’s warning of a possible rerun-in-reverse since that event gets out just before 5. No problems so far. This will stay atop the home page till we’re sure the commute’ s no worse than usual, so scroll down as we continue to add new news BELOW this story.

4:44 PM: Some trouble spots – in red – are starting to show up on the city Travelers’ Info Map, which you can also use to check the travel times you see on those overhead signs. Find the map here. We have multiple reports that southbound 99 is backed up – all the way past the Battery Street Tunnel, according to a text we just received.

(Refresh for latest pic from 11th/Spokane, low-bridge-bound; more on the WSB Traffic page)
4:56 PM: The low bridge opened during this past half-hour – if you don’t usually go that way, do note that it DOES open for vessels during commute periods. A possible alternative for getting out of downtown is 4th Avenue South, which you can use to get to the 1st Avenue South Bridge, which in turn will take you to exits you can use to get into West Seattle via Highland Park Way, or Myers Way up to Roxbury.

5:45 PM: No news is good news – so far still no major problems reported. Slow, but not catastrophic. We’re continuing to monitor scanner, TV, radio, maps, Twitter, Facebook, comments, e-mail for anything to pass along.

6:42 PM: Looks like the commute has passed without anything resembling this morning. Not great, but not horrific. Nothing on the radar for tomorrow morning … so far!

Update: West Seattle mom says missing son is back home

(Additional update on Wednesday night – Casey’s mom explains in a comment how he was found)

TUESDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Casey’s mom reports in the comment section that he is back home. Original story after the jump:Read More

11 ‘no insurance proof’ drivers cited in Highland Park Way patrol

Seattle Police have published another update on what the Aggressive Drivers Response Team has been up to. This one was a two-parter – one North Seattle, one West Seattle. For the latter, they worked on Highland Park Way yesterday – with the list of citations (see it here) said to include 11 uninsured drivers people driving without proof of insurance.

West Seattle Hi-Yu Festival: Another 2011 float award!

June 7, 2011 1:56 pm
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Congratulations to the West Seattle Hi-Yu Summer Festival team, whose 2011 float “Sparkling Seattle” has won another award! The first one came last month during its season debut, in Sequim; here’s the latest:

West Seattle Hi-Yu traveled to Shelton for another community festival parade this past Saturday. The Mason County Forest Festival – Paul Bunyan parade was held Saturday at 11:00 am. Under gorgeous blue skies and wonderful warm weather the WS Hi-Yu float brought home their 2nd award for the season – Mayor’s Award. The photos show the parental and community members helping out, and the gorgeous Junior court (Queen Taylor, Princess Kaitlin, Princess Riley) and Senior court (Queen Kelsey, Princess Victoria, and standin Princess Veronica) practicing their waves for the community.

Remember to attend some wonderful upcoming Hi-Yu events: For the ladies – moms, aunts, grandmas, sisters, young ladies, interested Junior Court Candidates, past candidates and royalty — The White Rose Reception, 7 pm, WS Fauntleroy Church hall, Tuesday, June 28th, $5 donation. Past royalty are encouraged to wear their tiaras!

For everyone – Pirates Landing, Saturday, July 9th, Alki Beach; Concert in the Park, Tuesday, July 19th, 7 pm; American Legion Parade, Saturday, July 23rd, California Ave., 11 am.

Special emphasis on the Junior Court candidates mention – while the timeline for choosing a new Hi-Yu Senior Court has changed this year, as first reported here in early May, there WILL be a Junior Court Coronation this summer as always, and Hi-Yu leadership tells WSB that applications will be available soon (including at the White Rose Reception event mentioned above).

West Seattle traffic alert: Official warning for later today

12:46 PM: Following up on this morning’s traffic nightmare (see our coverage and dozens of reader comments here), the city has issued this advisory for the afternoon/evening:

With major events occurring around Seattle Center, to include the Get Motivated Seminar at KeyArena, the City of Seattle warns travelers to expect higher traffic volumes around the campus area, and on nearby streets and highways from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Commuters are advised to consider an early departure or to delay their trip to avoid traffic related impacts.

Prior to departing their office or home, drivers are advised to check the Travelers Information Map for up-to-date information on citywide traffic flows and to view traffic camera images. If possible, the City recommends using alternate forms of transportation, such as light rail or commuter rail, to avoid roadway-related issues.

Here’s today’s entire Seattle Center calendar – in case you wondered about that first line.

ADDED 2:22 PM: SDOT often issues special alerts about traffic-intensifying events; in summer, they publish one before every weekend. So how did this not wind up on their advance-warning radar? we asked. Spokesperson Rick Sheridan explains:

The City of Seattle has a Special Events Committee that meets to review events that will impact city facilities, services and right of way. That body does take into consideration both large and small scale construction projects, and the scheduling of special events.

However, except for very large events like Bumbershoot, Seattle Center’s activities fall outside of this committee’s work and the center is responsible for them.

SDOT was not aware of the combined magnitude of this and other nearby events. But we will work with the center to ensure their events are appropriately announced to the traveling public.

Speaking of traffic: Alaskan Way Viaduct weekend closure reminder

Hate to bring this up while so many are still dealing with this morning’s commutemare, but WSDOT just sent a reminder about this weekend’s Alaskan Way Viaduct closure (we first warned you 5/26). It’s related to the south-end replacement project, and it’s planned for 11 pm Friday to 5 am Monday (unless work wraps up sooner, as it sometimes does). Details here.

West Seattle traffic alert: This morning’s eastbound gridlock

(Photo taken around 9:20 am, looking north on 35th SW by the Golf Course)
8:42 AM: More than a few WSB’ers have sent word it’s impossible out there this morning. There’s nothing on the West Seattle Bridge and no new closures, but apparently there is a problem somewhere north of on I-5 that has backed things up badly, and this is believed to be a spillover effect. 8:49 AM: Tracy Taylor from KING 5 is blaming – at least in part – the mega-celebrity motivational-speaker event at KeyArena for backing up the Mercer exit on I-5 but that may not be the only factor. So all we can say for now is, if you don’t know this already, it’s a snail’s pace out there. Seattle Times transportation reporter Mike Lindblom, a West Seattleite, tweeted that the signboard on Admiral said “45 minutes (to) I-5” as of about 15 minutes ago. 9:21 AM: Everything with motors and wheels is caught in the gridlock, though Water Taxi and bicycling are touted as running smoothly. Otherwise – Mike J says via Twitter that it took him an hour from WS to SODO, and that’s sounding fairly typical. We have an inquiry out to SDOT to see what the monitors in their traffic center are blaming for the reported mega-gridlock.

9:41 AM: And another potential wrinkle from the KeyArena event: Via Twitter, Joelle reported spotting a motorcade in the Seattle Center vicinity. Potentially for former First Lady Laura Bush, one of the participants? Seattle PD media unit’s Det. Mark Jamieson is checking but says she would definitely merit one (Secret Service protection). And the commute-nightmare stories keep pouring in, both via comments here and other channels like Facebook ( and Twitter, where Travis cites 1 hour, 13 minutes from Our Lady of Guadalupe to Chelan Café (by the low bridge).

10:22 AM: Cameras suggest that it’s finally eased. (Let us know if you experience otherwise.) We took a photo along 35th by the Golf Course after 9 am to capture some of the backup, and that is now atop this story, with the “live” (if you refresh) traffic cams moved down here in case you need a quick reference. No word yet from SDOT on analysis of this morning’s trafficmare. The KeyArena event is scheduled to end at 4:45 pm – so beware the EVENING commute.

(Refresh for latest pic from WS Bridge & eastbound Fauntleroy Way cams, more on the WSB Traffic page)

Update: Fire in West Seattle fourplex blamed on candle

(Video substituted 6:10 am for original photo)
5:03 AM UPDATE: Fire crews are at a multiplex building in the 5000 block of 38th SW (map). They report the fire is tapped. Neighbors who e-mailed us report lots of smoke. We are on our way to find out more.

(Photo added 5:44 am)
5:19 AM UPDATE: On scene. Still very smoky. No injuries; a medic unit has just been cleared from the scene, as have some of the engines originally dispatched. Investigators also tell us it’s a fourplex, and the fire was in one of the rear units. They say one man was home in that unit when the fire started, and got out safely. They’re working to figure out the cause.

10:11 AM UPDATE: Just checked back with SFD. Spokesperson Kyle Moore says investigators are calling the fire accidental – caused by an “unattended candle.” Damage totaled $75,000, and the Red Cross is helping residents who aren’t able to go back into their apartments right now because of the fire and its aftermath.

West Seattle restaurants: Bang Bar’s pre-opening party

(Photos by Bill “Hutch” Hutchison for WSB)
Competition? It was all friendly at the about-to-open Bang Bar Restaurant and Lounge in The Junction last night, as owners Kay Fuengarom and Aom Tiacharoenwat were joined by (at right) Buddha Ruksa‘s owner Anucha Onongard. Before Bang Bar’s planned Friday night “soft opening” (dinner only) to the public – first reported here on Sunday – the new “Modern Thai” restaurant hosted family, friends, and fellow restaurateurs for an invitation-only party. More photos ahead:Read More

West Seattle schools: Schmitz Park teacher farewell

Naheed wanted to share this far and wide:

Attention All Former and Current Schmitz Park Elementary Families – Come join us as Schmitz Park Elementary says Goodbye and Good Luck to a GREAT third-grade teacher, Mr. Japhy Whalen. Please join us to say goodbye, good luck and thank you to Mr. Whalen as he continues his teaching journey outside our school and West Seattle. The party will be in the Schmitz Park Elementary School cafeteria on Wednesday, June 15th, from 5:30 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. If you are unable to come but would like to send a message to him, please send your note via e-mail to Anne Weglin,, or Naheed Nizam, Also, please contact Anne or Naheed if you have any questions.

West Seattle wine: South Seattle CC event; Avalon dinner

June 6, 2011 9:42 pm
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Two notes for wine fans: South Seattle Community College has just announced its next Northwest Wine Academy wine-release event, and it’s a three-day party, noon-6 pm each day, this Thursday-Saturday, with six new wines available for tasting on Thursday, alumni wines featured for sampling during the second half of Friday’s session, and on Saturday, a wine-barrel-toasting demo (noon-3) followed by a food/wine pairing event featuring teams from SSCC’s renowned culinary program. SSCC is at 6000 16th SW … This Thursday is the deadline for reservations to be part of Avalon‘s next wine dinner (Monday 6/13) – and Avalon’s proprietors tell us a few tickets remain. The featured winery is Forgeron Cellars from Walla Walla; the wines and courses are listed here. Avalon’s contact info is on its website.

Election 2011: Two upcoming multi-candidate events in WS

checkbox.jpgIt’s filing week, which means that by the end of this week, we’ll know officially who’s on the August 16 primary ballot (here’s who’s filed so far).

If you like seeing and hearing candidates in person before making up your mind, here are two upcoming opportunities in West Seattle: Wednesday night, the 34th District Democrats have their endorsement meeting, always lively, 7 pm (or come early and mingle with candidates/activists), The Hall at Fauntleroy, agenda here. Then on June 22nd, the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s monthly luncheon is a “speed networking” event with City Council candidates, 11:30 am at the West Seattle Corporate Center (Delridge/Andover).

Both events are open to the public as well as to the respective organizations’ members (but there’s a cost for the Chamber lunch; call 206-932-5685 for info/reservations).

Alki and High Point included in Seattle Police late-night patrols

(Pete Spalding, Asst. Chief Mike Sanford, Chief John Diaz, Mayor McGinn pre-briefing)
Just back from the briefing at Don Armeni about this summer’s Seattle Police Citywide Late Night Public Safety Emphasis patrols. While the patrols will target what the announcement one-sheet refers to as “Designated Night Life Zones,” that doesn’t just mean places where you’ll find nightclubs: The two areas singled out in West Seattle are Alki and High Point (specifically, 35th/Graham and a one-block radius in all directions).

The new patrols – which Mayor McGinn and Police Chief Diaz repeatedly stressed will be taken from “on-duty resources,” not overtime or special call-ins – will start this Friday night, and continue Friday and Saturday nights through the summer, until a not-yet-determined date in September. Those on-duty resources, up to about 25 citywide on any given night, will come mostly from the Anti-Crime Teams, SWAT, and DUI officers who are on duty. They will not necessarily be in all the areas on the citywide “emphasis zone” map on each of those nights – if it’s raining, Assistant Chief Mike Sanford quipped, you won’t see them on Alki. And conversely, they might be deployed to areas not among the “emphasis zones,” if trouble seems to be brewing, Sanford said.

Pete Spalding of Pigeon Point has long been on the Southwest Precinct Citizens Advisory Council, and that was his reason for joining McGinn, Diaz, and Sanford in the brief speeches/Q-A event at a portable podium, set up at one of the lookout spots at Don Armeni’s north half, while numerous other SPD reps – including two Southwest Precinct Community Police Team reps on bicycles – looked on. “Extra officers patroling our neighborhoods is a good thing,” Spalding declared. (In the photo above, that’s the West Seattle section of the “emphasis zones” map – with Alki and High Point in red; full map added after the jump below.)

We asked Sanford why High Point, when it doesn’t have any conventional “nightlife.” He explained they are focusing on areas where “people are out,” not just places with nightlife-related businesses.

The point, Diaz said, was to meet one of his goals – to reduce fear of crime. While crime is down overall, he says, fear is up, and he believes seeing more officers on patrol can combat that.

(4:57 pm) The mayor’s office just sent the official news release – the text is after the jump (also, 5:57 pm, added our video of the entire briefing above, and the citywide map):Read More

New views of 42nd/Oregon project, & more time to comment

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

After learning the 42nd/Oregon project plan had changed, with 50 percent more apartments and about 80 percent less commercial space, Junction Neighborhood Organization president Erica Karlovits asked the new developers for the revised drawings.

According to correspondence she shared with JuNO members, they said they wanted to wait until they could show the drawings at the community meeting they had scheduled for June 15th.

That was a potential problem, as June 15th was also the deadline for public comments when the city sent official notice of the changes last week, but Karlovits says the city has just agreed to extend the deadline to June 29th.

If you want details sooner – including a look at a few of the new project-exterior renderings – hard copies are in the city files, so we went downtown to take a look:Read More

Speaking of marine life: White Center fish store forced to move

(Photo by Deanie Schwarz for WCN/WSB)
If you haven’t already seen this on our partner site White Center Now: An aquarium store in WC is under orders to move, fast, because its landlord says the building is being foreclosed on. They have thousands of fish – and nowhere to go. Read the story here.

Video: Birth of an octopus (and 49,999 more) off West Seattle

Got a few minutes to watch something amazing? Just off West Seattle shores, the hatching of tens of thousands of Giant Pacific Octopi was documented by diver Laurynn Evans. The video’s been on YouTube since last fall but it’s getting national attention because Laurynn sent it to NPR’s Robert Krulwich, who wrote about it today (we’ll forgive him the “Harbor Avenue in downtown West Seattle” reference) – WSB’er Lisa saw his story and suggested we share it here.

Update: He did it! Lou’s Make-A-Wish run at Pathfinder

11:21 AM: Somewhere around lap 37 of his 60 fundraising laps for Make-A-Wish (explained in our Sunday story), Pathfinder K-8 teacher Lou Cutler had to take a break. For a good reason – a KING 5 TV photojournalist had shown up to interview him and roll a little video as Lou and students ran/walked around the field during his annual fundraiser.

After that, “we’re going to be on channel 5!” was the buzz in the spectator gallery – but shortly, it was back to “How many laps has Lou done?” (There’s an easel where young assistants are diligently marking off each one and shouting his progress as he passes by during each lap.) He told the TV visitor he’s more than halfway to his $6,000 fundraising goal for this year’s run. (If you missed our story – Lou doesn’t just run to raise money for Make-A-Wish, one lap for each year as his 60th birthday approaches; he’s volunteered for them for 15 years and is on the team that grants “rush wishes” – for children who may be in their final days or even final hours, as was the case of little Gracie, to whom this year’s run is dedicated.)

12:26 PM: He did it!

60 laps equals 10 miles, by the way.

Ready for anything? Free SNAP preparedness class tomorrow

It’s one hour and 15 minutes of potentially life-saving information: Reminders are circulating today about the city’s next SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare) class, which is in West Seattle tomorrow night – 6:30-7:45 pm at High Point Library (35th/Raymond). Free, no registration required. You’ll find out about putting together a disaster kit and a household/family disaster plan, among other things. Be there – the city only offers these in our neighborhood a few times a year. (Another preparedness essential – familiarize yourself with West Seattle Be Prepared resources, including knowing your nearest Neighborhood Communication Hub.)

West Seattle Monday: Lou’s run; power project; more…

(Flowers along Beach Drive; photo shared by Tina Doherty)
LAPS WITH LOU: As previewed here on Sunday morning, Pathfinder K-8 PE teacher Lou Cutler hits the field this morning for his annual birthday run raising money for Make-A-Wish, joined by students, staff and community members. It starts at 8:45 am. You can make an online donation:
Just go here!

CITY LIGHT PROJECT MEETING: Community meeting at White Center Library (11220 16th SW) about an extensive Seattle City Light project that’s coming up, 7 pm (details in this preview we published last month).

DREAM DINNERS TASTING PARTY: Monthly tasting party at Dream Dinners of West Seattle (WSB sponsor), 5:30-7 pm – details here.

ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIET CLASS: Kathy Abascal will be starting a new 5-class To Quiet Inflammation (TQI) diet series at The Kenney, 6:30 – 8 pm (6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27 and 7/11. Register for class online

NIGHTLIFE: Trivia with Tom Hutyler at Christo’s on Alki, 7 pm … Karaoke with Kelli at Skylark Café and Club, 9 pm

TRANSPORTATION NOTES: The Melissa Ann is replacing the Rachel Marie on the West Seattle Water Taxi run (explained here) …

West Seattle Crime Watch: Denny damage, teen arrested

11:27 PM: We’d been waiting to hear back from the precinct after asking about a report of police at Denny International Middle School earlier. This new update from SPD Blotter is apparently the answer:

On June 5th at approximately 3:49 p.m. officers responded to a middle school in the 8400 block of 30th Avenue SW after school security received an interior burglar alarm trip. School security was able to hear banging and breaking glass, and eventually saw the juvenile male suspect inside the office area of the school breaking things.

After establishing containment, officers entered the premises and found fresh damage to the office area including smashed glass panels in the doors. Officers then saw the suspect running in an interior courtyard. When they cut off his avenue of escape, the suspect turned and ran in another direction through the complex. After a brief foot pursuit, officers took the suspect into custody.

Officers secured the suspect and finished searching the rest of the building complex. Officers then photographed and documented the damage and collected evidence.

The suspect, a 13-year-old male, was transported to the Southwest Precinct where he was released to the custody of his father.

There are no other suspects outstanding or believed to be involved in the burglary and property damage to the school. Southwest Precinct Burglary detectives will be handling the active and ongoing investigation.

No word on how/if this affects school tomorrow – we’re checking.

7:31 AM MONDAY: Principal Jeff Clark says the damage “is not extensive.” He adds, “The district facilities department did a great job replacing several broken windows in the library and main office last night. We are all set to have a normal student day here at school.”

6:35 PM MONDAY: We asked the school district about a dollar value on the damage done; spokesperson Teresa Wippel says the only damaged items that had to be replaced were broken windows, costing $732 for labor/materials.

More trouble for West Seattle Water Taxi vessel Rachel Marie

(WSB photo of Rachel Marie, from last month)>
7:53 PM: Just in from King County:

Over the weekend, the Water Taxi crew discovered a small crack in the hull plating of the Rachel Marie. The King County Marine Division has made arrangements to use another vessel, the Victoria Express, while the Rachel Marie is being repaired. The Victoria Express is a mono-hulled vessel of similar passenger capacity to the Rachel Marie and Melissa Ann, but it travels at slightly slower speeds and its length is better suited for the Vashon dock than the Seacrest dock in West Seattle. So beginning on Monday, June 6, the Victoria Express will be put into service on the Vashon Island/Downtown Seattle route, and the Melissa Ann will provide service on the West Seattle/Downtown Seattle route.

ADDED 8:09 PM: The issue of a backup vessel is one the county had been working on since other recent problems that pulled the Rachel Marie out of service, according to Michelle Allison from the office of King County Councilmember Joe McDermott (who is King County Ferry District board chair). We had also asked her recently about the status of the plan for the county eventually to have new boats built for the West Seattle and Vashon runs:

We recently wrapped up an expert review panel and expect the final report soon. This was an important step for us in discussing what elements our new boats should include – the number of passengers, technical specifications, etc. Once the Board receives the final report, they will spend some time reviewing and then they will develop the detailed procurement documents needed to secure a builder.

Background on the RM and its recent history of trouble, ahead:Read More

Mayor, police chief in West Seattle tomorrow to reveal new patrols

If you’re in the Don Armeni vicinity around 3:30 pm tomorrow and see a knot of activity, probably including TV trucks, here’s what it’s about: Mayor McGinn, Seattle Police Chief John Diaz, and other SPD leadership (among others) will be discussing a new plan for “citywide late-night public safety emphasis patrols.” The media invitation that arrived minutes ago describes this as: “City will promote uniformed police visibility in areas with high concentration of people enjoying Friday and Saturday nightlife opportunities.” What does that specifically mean for West Seattle? We’ll have details as soon as that’s available. (This time last year, the mayor and police chief announced these types of patrols for several non-WS neighborhoods.)

West Seattle restaurants: Bang Bar sets Friday opening for its ‘Modern Thai’ cuisine

Story and photos by Bill “Hutch” Hutchison
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The new Junction restaurant/lounge Bang Bar has chosen its opening date: Next Friday (June 10).

We learned that in an interview Saturday with Bang Bar owners Kay Fuengarom and Aom Tiacharoenwat and their chef, who goes by “Chef Jahn.”

As the owners of two other Thai restaurants (Zab Thai in Everett and Chaiyo Thai in Northgate), they were attracted to the former site of Tom Yum Koong (which closed in February) for a few reasons.

Read More