month : 06/2011 381 results

Update: Another Chinese teacher seeking a local home

This morning, we received and published the call for a host family for the new Chinese teacher arriving to work with students at Chief Sealth International High School and Denny International Middle School. This afternoon, the principals of West Seattle High School and Madison Middle School say theirs needs one too:

Host a College Board Chinese teacher and help support the Chinese-language program at West Seattle High and Madison Middle School. In addition to making Chinese language accessible to students, it will also give your family the opportunity to experience firsthand the Chinese culture. The home stay commitment will run ideally from late August and last thru late June; shorter stays may be possible. The home stay would consist of providing a room, meals and access to laundry. The schools will pick up lunch and possibly breakfast during the school year. Our guest teacher, Zhao (Cathy) Ping, will be in her second year working at Madison and will begin her first year at West Seattle High. Cathy is an easy house mate, she is independent, has a great personality, and is outgoing.

For more information, please contact West Seattle at 252-8800 or Madison at 252-9200. You may also e-mail the principals directly.

Henterson Carlisle
Ruth Medsker

Weekend traffic reminder: Viaduct closure and citywide events

June 10, 2011 4:32 pm
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Before you hit the road – one more reminder of this weekend’s traffic alerts. First, the Alaskan Way Viaduct closure, now scheduled to start at 5 am Saturday and continue till 5 am Monday (we’ll publish an update if it’s reopened sooner, as it was last time); second, here again is the citywide list of events that might affect traffic (originally published here on Wednesday). You’ll probably want to check the city’s travel-time map before heading off the peninsula. And if you do spot any UNSCHEDULED major problems, please let us know – we’ll be on duty as always and ready to share the alert.

Sutherland Creative Landscape Design: Welcome, new WSB sponsor

June 10, 2011 2:25 pm
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Today we welcome a new sponsor, Douglas Sutherland, who owns Sutherland Creative Landscape Design. Here’s what he wants you to know about his business: Douglas brings his skills as a graphic designer to each landscape project he takes on, as he says, “Unlike many designers today — I can actually draw, and I will create a custom, hand-drawn landscape design for you. I prefer to work with the contours of your yard and its existing trees and shrubs. As much as possible, I like to use what already exists on the property. By designing in this manner, I can keep the installation costs down. I find it amazing how the aesthetics of your yard can be improved just by manipulating what you already have.”

He adds that Sutherland Creative Landscape Design clients trust him and the passion he brings to his work: “My last client told me ‘I just love what you did with my ‘Plain Jane’ yard, I like coming home and just looking at it!’ I have seen it happen many times — once people see their ‘yards’ turned into gardens, they take more pride in them. They want to be in their garden more and tend to spend more time outdoors enjoying it. It gives them a good feeling when they see it from their windows, when they walk through it or relax in it. That investment is something they can enjoy now and something more tangible when they decide to sell their home, because a nice yard is the first thing a potential buyer sees.”

Douglas is a West Seattle resident and a student at South Seattle Community College. He’s a member of Plant Amnesty and the APLD, Association of Professional Landscape Designers. You can reach him through or at 206-550-5501.

We thank Sutherland Creative Landscape Design for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Overnight trouble in 2 neighborhoods

Busy late night/early morning for residents and police in two West Seattle neighborhoods. The Crime Watch reports, ahead:Read More

Memorial today for longtime Admiral Safeway staffer Barb Fuda

(Sorry for the short notice. We only found out about this because WSB’er Diane was at Jefferson Square Safeway late last night and told us about the announcement she saw posted on a wall.)

The funeral Mass is at 3 pm ***today*** at Holy Rosary for Barbara Ann (Barb) Fuda, a longtime Safeway employee who had been looking forward to going back to work in Admiral when the new store opens in two months – but lost her battle with cancer last Saturday. The notice up at Safeway says she worked for the company for almost 41 years, starting at the old Admiral store at age 15. We don’t have an electronic copy of the posted announcement but transcribed this from a photo:

… Barb was one of the most dedicated and loyal Safeway employees to grace the Metro District. Barb and one of her lifelong friends Karen White were the first female courtesy clerks to be hired in the old south district. She always greatly cared for not only the Admiral store, but every employee and customer in it. She went above and beyond the regular work duties in volunteering for things like writing the store newsletter to participating in fundraising efforts. Barb was also a major planner in all the store parties, from celebrations to the many goodbyes that occurred over 40 years … She will be missed by all who worked with her and the thousands of West Seattle customers whose lives she touched with her caring heart and mischievous smile. She managed all this while tirelessly being the ultimate mother and wife.

The closing of (the Admiral store) was an emotional time for her and her loyal customers who waited more for the “return of Barb” than they did for the opening of our new store … Barb’s passing is a great loss to Safeway and the entire West Seattle community.

The screengrab with Ms. Fuda’s photo is from an obituary in the Seattle Times (WSB partner) earlier this week. You can read it here.

Countdown to Morgan Junction Community Festival: A preview!

The next big summer festival in West Seattle is just two weeks away – the Morgan Junction Community Festival on Saturday, June 25th. We’re proud to co-sponsor the Morgan Community Association‘s signature public celebration again this year (the full list of sponsors is on the official poster), and MoCA’s Kate Gill de la Garza has just shared new details, including the “Bite of Morgan” food-sample lineup and kids’ activities. The music lineup, Kate says, is “near-final” – one act just canceled (they’re looking for a replacement). And a really big addition: The festival is expanding around its Morgan Junction Park (6413 California SW) epicenter, with vendors/exhibitors on both sides of California – not just behind Zeeks/Feedback Lounge, but also alongside Washington Federal Savings. Read on for more festival details:

Read More

New details about Mayor McGinn’s June 23 West Seattle Town Hall

The time and agenda are now set for Mayor McGinn‘s June 23rd Town Hall meeting in West Seattle (first reported here last month). The location is indeed Hiawatha Community Center (2700 California SW), the date still Thursday, June 23rd, and the time breakdown is as follows:

5:30 to 6:30 pm: Community information fair
6:30 to 6:40 pm: Performance by local artists
6:40 to 8:00 pm: Open Q&A with Mayor McGinn and City staff

His last West Seattle Town Hall was at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in December (WSB coverage here), though he’s been here more than a few times since then, including this past Monday at Don Armeni for the SPD Late Night Emphasis Patrols announcement (which is when we took the photo above).

West Seattle Crime Watch: Seen this Civic?

Out of the WSB inbox, from Andy – a stolen car to watch for:

My wife’s car was stolen from in front of our house in the 4000 block of 50th Avenue SW [map] during the early morning of June 9th. It has been reported to the police, but I’m hoping that WSB readers can help. It is a 1991 red Honda Civic two door hatchback, license number 589 PDW. If it is seen, please call 911.

Here’s hoping it’s spotted (maybe even by a good neighbor like Margaret, whose Twitter-car-theft-solving tale appeared here Wednesday, and she got a TV spotlight that night).

Teacher visiting from China: Do you have a place for her?

(WSB photo from April 2010 Confucius Institute celebration at Sealth/Denny)
From Chief Sealth International High School principal John Boyd:

As you may know, Chief Sealth and Denny have hosted Chinese Guest Teachers through an exchange program with the College Board for the last three and a half years. This has been a great experience for both of our schools, led to the creation of a K-12 Mandarin Chinese program in SPS, and helped us make the connections that resulted in our schools hosting the Confucius Institute for the State of Washington.

Our current Guest Teacher, Mr. Yang Dawei, is returning to China this year after two years of service to us. We are very excited to be welcoming Ms. Xilong Zeng, who also uses the English name of Celine. Ms. Zeng has been teaching English to Chinese secondary students since 1998.

We are in need of a host family for Ms. Zeng to stay with starting on July 28. Ms. Zeng would stay with the host family for all of the 2011-2012 school year. This is a great opportunity to learn about Chinese culture and pick up some Mandarin Chinese, while doing a great service for our schools. Hosting the Guest Teacher is much like hosting an exchange student, families are responsible for providing the teachers with a room of their own, including the teachers in family meals, and providing them access to things like a washer and dryer. The teacher will receive a modest salary through the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Confucius Institute, and will be provided a insured car from the schools as transportation.

If you are interested in serving as a host family, or know of someone in West Seattle who would be interested, please have them contact the Chief Sealth Main Office at 252-8850.

West Seattle Friday: Relay for Life; SLHS graduation; ‘Dirt’…

(Photo by Todd Hobert, from the WSB Flickr group pool)
From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

WEST SEATTLE RELAY FOR LIFE: Tonight is the biggest cancer-fighting-fundraiser event of the year in West Seattle, Relay for Life. Even if you are not participating, you are welcome to come watch and/or cheer at West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW) as teams walk the track overnight, with special ceremonies including opening at 6 pm, luminarias after dark, and the Saturday morning closing. This year’s co-sponsors include WSB; watch for an update later today. (You can donate online any time by going here.)

GRADUATION SEASON BEGINS: From the WSB list of West Seattle high school/college graduations – Seattle Lutheran High School graduation ceremony, 7:30 pm.

SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE FILM SERIES:Sustainable West Seattle presents “Dirt! The Movie” at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), 7 pm, admission by donation, suggested $5. Inspired by William Bryant Logan’s acclaimed book Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, Dirt! The Movie takes a humorous and substantial look into dirt’s history and current state. A discussion around soils and composting will follow the film, hosted by Certified Master Gardener Fred Wemer.

SPEAKING OF FILMS: Third-to-last day/night for SIFF (WSB sponsor), and there are three films scheduled at the Admiral Theater in West Seattle, at 4:30, 7, and 9:30, from the U.S., U.K., and South Korea. Schedule and film details are here.

DONATIONS ACCEPTED FOR TORNADO SURVIVOR FUNDRAISER YARD SALE: We previewed the sale here; until 8 tonight, you can drop off donations at the sale site (look for the tent) – details on this Facebook event page.

SSCC GARDEN CENTER: Puget Ridge Garden Center at South Seattle Community College open 12:30 – 2:30 pm. Also open tomorrow 11 am – 3 pm. Supports the students in the Landscape Horticulture program. Plants available for purchase: Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and other edibles, as well as small trees, shrubs, perennials, ground covers, shade-loving plants, and more. Located on the north end of the campus at 6000 16th Ave SW.

WINE TASTING/AUCTION BENEFIT: Auction and Wine Tasting Event for Musica Sacra Chamber Chorale at the Sanctuary at Admiral (2656 42nd Avenue SW), 7 pm. The evening will include boutique wines to taste, a silent auction, food, and entertainment including organist Maryann Lee. Tickets include the auction, two wine tastings, food, and entertainment. Call Cathy or Bob Ingalls at 425-277-0809. This evening helps Musica Sacra in its formation and to help in our mission to provide benefit concerts to help children in medical need.

OTHER WEST SEATTLE WINE EVENTS: 2nd day of Northwest Wine Academy event at South Seattle Community College, 12:00 – 6:00 pm, with alumni-wine sampling, 3-6 pm … Italian winemaker tasting at Bin 41 in The Junction with Enrico Marcato, 6-7:30 pm (details here).

GIRL SCOUTS’ CELEBRATION: Girl Scouts West Seattle Service Unit 550 “Bridging Event” at Camp Long at the Fire Circle from 6 – 8 pm. Organizers invite all Girl Scouts, their families and friends as well as any Girl Scout supporters to come witness this event. It’s a potluck so everyone is encouraged to bring their own meat as well as a side dish or dessert to share with all. No alcohol is permitted. If you have any questions, would like to volunteer to help with this event, or temporarily donate equipment to use at the event, please contact Danielle Otey, Troop 43034 Leader at (206) 850-1791 or


COLLEGE CHOIR: South Seattle Community College Community Choir Concert. This show is free and open to the public. 8 pm at Olympic Hall Auditorium OLY (lecture and recital hall) room 120, north end of campus.

LIVE MUSIC AT SKYLARK: Mary and the Giant, Jubilee, The Good Luck Number, 9 pm, $5 cover, 3803 Delridge Way SW.

NEW RESTAURANT OPENS: Bang Bar in The Junction (California SW, east side just north of SW Edmunds) “soft opens” tonight for dinner only

REMINDER – POLICE LATE-NIGHT EMPHASIS PATROL: If you see extra police along Alki or in High Point late tonight (weather-dependent), it might just be because it’s the first night of the city’s Late Night Emphasis Patrols, as announced in West Seattle (though the program is citywide) on Monday.

REMINDER – VIADUCT CLOSURE TIME CHANGE: As noted here last night, the Alaskan Way Viaduct closure is now scheduled to start at 5 am Saturday, instead of late tonight.

West Seattle students: Nick Barnecut to Coast Guard Academy

As a week of graduations begins for West Seattle high schools, our area’s young adults are getting ready for the next steps into their future. Among them, Nick Barnecut, whose family shares the official announcement that he is on his way to the selective U.S. Coast Guard Academy:

The United States Coast Guard Academy announced that Nicholas J. Barnecut from West Seattle has been recognized for superior academic achievement and leadership potential. Nicholas, who attends West Seattle High School, has accepted an appointment to attend the Coast Guard Academy and will be sworn-in as a member of the Class of 2015 on June 27th.

The United States Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut is an accredited college educating future Coast Guard officers. The smallest of our nation’s five military service academies, the Coast Guard Academy’s Corps of Cadets represents the nation’s best and brightest students, ready to serve and lead their country. Admission to the Coast Guard Academy is highly competitive and less than 400 appointments are offered annually from a pool of over 4,000 applicants. Cadets receive a full tuition scholarship and monthly stipend for a five year service commitment to the Coast Guard upon graduation. All graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree and are guaranteed a position of leadership as a commissioned officer in the United States Coast Guard.

Nicholas is the son of James and Jamie Barnecut; grandson of Richard and Dolores Barnecut and Gerald and Rosita Wong, all residents of West Seattle.

(Photo provided by Nick Barnecut’s family)

Election 2011: Two more West Seattle school-board candidates

checkbox.jpgThe day after Marty McLaren received the 34th District Democrats‘ endorsement for West Seattle’s seat on the Seattle Public Schools board, over incumbent Steve Sundquist, two more challengers filed to run against him. Today is the final day for candidate filings in the August 16th primary races, and Joy Anderson and Charita Dumas have joined McLaren and Sundquist in the race for the District 6 seat. Both are West Seattleites who were involved in the legal fight to stop the closure of Cooper Elementary School (here’s a story from two years ago). Three other school-board seats are on the ballot this year, and each incumbent in those races has at least two challengers so far.

Denny-Sealth music news: Disney success; instrument donations

(Photos courtesy Denny/Sealth music programs)
The “Happiest Place on Earth” must have been the “Most Melodic Place on Earth” last weekend – and student musicians from Denny International Middle School and Chief Sealth International High School were part of it. Denny’s principal Jeff Clark forwarded this detailed report about their big trip to Southern California:

Congratulations are in order for the students of the Chief Sealth International High School Concert- Marching Band and Sealth Jazz II as well as the Denny International Middle School Marching Band, Jazz Band, and Orchestra, who traveled to Anaheim, California, this past weekend to participate in the Disney Magic Music Days and Music in the Parks Festivals.

At the Saturday Music in the Parks competition, the Sealth Concert Band earned a rating of Superior, the highest rating possible, and the 1st place trophy in the high school band AA division. The band had perfect scores in rhythm and technique and a near-perfect score in tone quality. One judge commented, “Fine reputation of school and community.†The Denny String Orchestra, Denny Marching Band, and Denny jazz ensembles earned ratings of Excellent, as well as the 1st place trophies in their respective divisions.

On Sunday morning, the Denny Orchestra participated in a Soundtrack recording session at the Disney Magic Music Days sound studio in which they recorded music to Disney animation. Still later day the Denny marching band kicked off the afternoon Disney Main St. Parade with a pre-parade march through the park, followed by Sealth being similarly honored as the featured band for kicking off the evening Main Street Parade.

Read on as the report continues – and you’ll also find out about instrument donations for the student musicians:Read More

West Seattle Tool Library: Ask-An-Expert move; 1st-anniversary invite

June 10, 2011 12:55 am
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 |   Sustainable West Seattle | West Seattle news

News x 2 from the West Seattle Tool Library at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center:

On Thursday night, while making the rounds for West Seattle Art Walk, we checked out the new day/time for Ask-An-Expert coaching at the Tool Library – second Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm, to coincide with WSAW nights. On hand during our visit were (photo from left) Solar Epiphany‘s Eric Thomas, Mighty House Construction‘s Laura Elfline, visiting Realtor Alice Kuder (of Savvy Seattle Women fame), Mighty House’s Doug Elfline, and Tool Library boss Patrick Dunn. Ask-An-Expert is an informal drop-in arrangement, free, so watch for the next one on Thursday, July 14.

Before then – this Saturday, in fact – you are invited to help the Tool Library celebrate its first anniversary. Here’s the official announcement:

From a few donated tools in a storage closet at SSCC to a new dedicated space at Youngstown complete with a full tool storage area and a 500 square foot community woodworking shop, the Tool Library has come a long way in a short time with the help of dedicated volunteers. More than 230 members have signed up to use the collection of more than 1,000 tools, most donated by the community.

Tool Library First Anniversary schedule:

10:00 am: Community Welcome with Coffee & Pastries
10:30-11:30 am: Beyond the Basics: Power Tool Tips and Safety ( link)
11:30 am-12:30 pm: One-on-One Large Shop Tool Instruction (For Class Attendees)
1:00 pm-4:00 pm: Fixers’ Collective, Inaugural Meeting ( link)

In celebration of its one-year anniversary, the Tool Library has special offers on the use of the new community woodworking shop.

Click ahead for details on those offers:Read More

“Bite at the Point” Community Potluck on June 22nd

June 9, 2011 11:19 pm
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The High Point Community Center (Seattle Parks and Recreation) is holding a Multicultural “Bite at the Point” Community Potluck on June 22. This diverse community represents cuisines of many cultures and a potluck in High Point isn’t to be missed.

The event will be held at the High Point Community Center (6920 34th Ave. SW), 6 – 7:30 pm. The potluck is an opportunity to share the many cultural cuisines represented in the neighborhood, so community members are invited to make and share a dish that represents their cultural roots. Enjoy food and fun, and celebrate the High Point Community through succulent sensations from around the world!

The potluck will also feature jumpy toys and field activities for the child in everyone.

Please submit recipes to High Point Community Center by fax to 206.684.7402, email to, or send using the US Postal Service to
High Point Community Center
6920 34th Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98126.

Seattle Parks and Rec asks for the recipes in order to make diners aware of any allergens a dish may contain.

The objective of this event is to encourage diversity exchange and communion among several cultures and to provide a space to engage families in fun.

For more information about the potluck, please call High Point Community Center at 206.684.7422.

Helicopters Fly-In for American Heroes Air Show June 18th

Museum of Flight
Military and civilian choppers descend for free family event, special guests include Capt. Keith Colburn and Edgar Hansen from “Deadliest Catch” reality TV show

June 18 is a day of heroes and helicopters at The Museum of Flight. The admission-free family-friendly American Heroes Air Show and Code 3 public service recruitment fair features static displays of a wide variety of helicopters, vehicles, special presentations, helicopter rides and entertainment in the Museum’s parking lot from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Special guests include crab fishing boat Capt. Keith Colburn and crabber deckhand Edgar Hansen from the Deadliest Catch reality TV show. The two fishermen will be available to meet Air Show visitors.

The annual event demonstrates how helicopters play an important role in law enforcement, fire service, public safety, communications, national defense and homeland security.
Representatives from organizations including local flight schools, Border Patrol, search and rescue units, federal agencies and the U.S. Army, Navy and Coast Guard will be on hand to answer questions. Rides in civilian helicopters will be available for $50.

New Permanent Helicopter Exhibit Opens
The day also marks the opening of a new helicopter exhibit in the Museum featuring a former Coast Guard helicopter, the classic Sikorsky HH-52 Seaguard. This helicopter was last stationed at Port Angeles, Wash., and was retired in 1982. There will be a dedication ceremony at 11 a.m. with representatives from the Museum and the Coast Guard. Speakers include Museum President and CEO Doug King, HH-52 restoration leader Coast Guard pilot Lt. Mark Haines, and Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles Commander Richard Hahn. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Gary Blore, Thirteenth Coast Guard District Commander and “Ancient Albatross of the Coast Guard,” will speak about the significance of the HH-52 during its operation in the Northwest. The ceremony is open to the public, and free with admission to the Museum.

Helicopter Book Signings
The Museum is hosting an all-day book signing party with some of Northwest’s top aviation writers including Jay Spenser and Steve Vermillion. Spenser is the author of “Whirlybirds: A History of U.S. Helicopter Pioneers;” Vermillion’s autobiography, “”Dustoff – No Compromise! No Rationalization! No Hesitation! Fly the Mission,”
is about helicopter medivac flying during the Vietnam War. The event is free and located in the Museum lobby, with books available for purchase.

Here is the official schedule of events:

Schedule of Events
7:30 a.m.
Aircraft begin arriving. The public is welcome to come early and watch. Complimentary coffee and pastries will be available to early visitors.

8:30 a.m.
Capt. Keith Colburn of the Fishing Vessel Wizard arrives to meet with fans and crews before the show opens.

10 a.m.
Gates open and helicopter rides begin.

11 a.m.
Dedication ceremony of the Sikorsky HH-52 helicopter exhibit in the Museum Side Gallery.

1 p.m.
Edgar Hansen, deckhand on the Fishing Vessel Northwestern, presents the U.S.Coast Guard with a certificate of appreciation in the Museum’s Allen Theater. Accepting for the Coast Guard are flight crews from USCG Air Stations Port Angeles and Astoria. Included in the program is a Discovery Channel video of actual Coast Guard helicopter rescue operations at sea. The audience is encouraged to ask questions of the Coast Guard personnel in attendance.

2 to 2:30 p.m.
Edgar Hansen meets and greets fans at the show.

For more information on the event, visit

Beach Access Opening Celebration at Jack Block Park June 24th

You might want to plan ahead for the Beach Access Opening Celebration at Jack Block Park June 24th. Port of Seattle has extended an invitation to all, you can register online or email or call 206.787.3009

Here’s the details:

Where: Jack Block Park (2130 Harbor Ave. SW / Seattle, WA 98126-2033)
Get Driving Directions

Friday June 24, 2011 from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Add to my calendar

Here’s the official invitation:

Please join us for a Community Celebration as we commemorate new public beach access at Jack Block Park Friday, June 24, 5:00 – 7:30 pm. Ribbon Cutting and Native Canoe Launch at 6:00 pm. Salmon BBQ and hosted beer, wine RSVP requested by Tuesday, 6/21.

Join us on June 25-26 for the first annual Northwest Paddling Festival at Jack Block Park featuring on water demonstrations, instruction, a paddle sports market, music, food and fun.

Register Online Now

About Jack Block Park

Jack Block Park is located on the Pacific Sound Resources Superfund Site, a former creosote wood treating facility that operated from the turn of the century. During its course of operation, until listed on the EPA National Priorities List, the wood treating facility released hazardous contaminants into the soil, intertidal and deeper marine area. The Port of Seattle purchased the upland portion of the site as part of the redevelopment and expansion of the Terminal 5 cargo-handling facility and implemented cleanup actions for the uplands under EPA oversight. EPA later placed a protective sand/gravel cap in 58 acres of the marine area that also created the intertidal beach. The Port developed the park as a community benefit and today, the park encompasses 13 acres of landscaping, viewpoints, pedestrian and bicycle paths and shoreline access. The EPA recently has determined the shoreline area suitable for public access and the Port is proud to add this exciting feature to one of our 22 “hidden gems” on Seattle’s waterfront.

Traffic alert: Alaskan Way Viaduct weekend-closure time change

(WSDOT June 3rd photo of south-end Viaduct construction work)
For your Friday night planning, if you’re going to be off-peninsula: Both the Alaskan Way Viaduct project website’s home page and the city’s weekly roundup of road-construction traffic alerts are now showing a change in the start time of this weekend’s Viaduct closure (for south-end construction work): 5 am Saturday, instead of 11 pm Friday night. (Ending time still set for 5 am Monday; the northbound section will reopen later Saturday from the stadiums northward, but that still means no access from the West Seattle Bridge or 99 south of downtown.)

Triangle tidbits: ‘Hole’ deal; Trader Joe’s, Les Schwab progress…

June 9, 2011 9:26 pm
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 |   Development | Triangle | West Seattle news | West Seattle Trader Joe's

All quick notes, all from the same area of West Seattle, all businesses, so here’s the roundup:

‘THE HOLE’ SETTLEMENT: After breaking the news Friday that the longrunning legal fight over the stalled Fauntleroy Place project, alias ‘The Hole,’ had been settled, we had expected to discover the details by now. So far, no luck with any of various parties to the case. So we checked back today with the bailiff for King County Superior Court Judge Susan Craighead, who has been in charge of the case, to see what they’d heard. Jennie Cowan says the August 8th trial date technically is still on the books but, “It is likely the parties will file a notice indicating settlement and striking the trial date within the next week.” We’ll be watching for that.


The construction work is proceeding inside 4545 Fauntleroy Way, as the above photo (from Wednesday) would suggest, but never fear, outside work has now gotten the green light too (we reported the indoor permit back on May 21). The city has now granted ALL the requisite building/land-use permits listed on the official project page. And Trader Joe’s has applied for its West Seattle liquor license, too (for beer/wine tasting as well as beer/wine grocery store) – the online records yield a tiny tidbit: West Seattle will be TJ’s Store #157. (Its next new Northwest store, in the Kitsap County town of Silverdale, is scheduled to open one week from tomorrow.)


Thanks to Celeste for the tip that, after the fence went up May 28th (she was one of the tipsters then too), crews are in view outside the future Les Schwab Tires location at 38th and Alaska. We first reported the plans in late January; the company has yet to publicly discuss its West Seattle location-in-progress, but we have yet another inquiry out and hope to hear back.

Happening now: West Seattle Art Walk, June 2011 edition

A few scenes from along tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk – which continues till 9, so you have time to get out and see the sights! – Above, artist Jessica Creager is at Wallflower Custom Framing and Shooting Gallery on the ground floor of Mural Apartments (WSB sponsor) with Wallflower proprietor Courtney Sievertson, who’s celebrating the second anniversary of her business! They’re right across 42nd SW from Jefferson Square, between SW Edmunds and SW Alaska. Also in The Junction:

James Lobb is curator of “Made in Seattle,” a pottery exhibition opening at Twilight Artist Collective (on SW Alaska just west of Easy Street Records). One more Junction stop:

Larine Chung is exhibiting work this month at Seattle Real Estate Associates (WSB sponsor) on 44th SW. Heading north to the Admiral District:

Shanti Salon and Spa (WSB sponsor; 2138 California SW) is showing the whimsical work of Narboo. Again, the Art Walk continues till 9 tonight – with venues listed on the official website – but many of the shows are up for the entire month, so you can still visit the participating venues over the next few weeks and enjoy the work showcased for June.

West Seattle Little League ready to cut ‘Snack Shack’ ribbon!

West Seattle Little League had hoped this would happen as the new season begun … but the stars just didn’t align. Now, they have, and the long-awaited “snack shack” dedication date has been set. From WSLL president Mark Terao:

The day has finally come.

Along with the Seattle Parks Department, we at West Seattle Little League will perform our official dedication and ribboncutting ceremony celebrating the completion of our new concession building and storage building at Bar-S Playfield.

Please come and celebrate with us as we give a big Thank You and show our appreciation to all of the people and companies that helped this dream of over 50 years come true.

Through the help of many, we were able to construct a first-class facility that will be enjoyed by thousands of families throughout the Seattle area for years to come.

The dedication will be held at 3:00 Saturday, June 18th, at Bar-S Playfield.

WSLL has been chronicling the project – photos and more – here.

West Seattle beverage news: The Cask going up for sale

The news just broke on Washington Beer Blog (published by West Seattleites Kendall and Kim Jones): The Cask in the Admiral District is going up for sale. WBB quotes an e-mail announcement saying its owners are moving out of state. It’s been open eleven months. (Thanks to tipster Jennifer for pointing us to this story.)

ADDED FRIDAY MORNING: For those who asked, the listing is up – thanks to Larry Nitkey for sending the link.

Registration now open for this year’s ‘Night Out Against Crime’

It’s one of the most fun nights of the summer – hundreds of neighborhoods around West Seattle, and thousands elsewhere, celebrating community and crimefighting as part of the annual Night Out Against Crime. Despite cuts in the Seattle Police crime-prevention-coordinator staff, Night Out is on, according to word just in from Mark Solomon, who’s the coordinator for precincts including ours. He says Night Out this year is on Tuesday, August 2nd, and you can register your block party (which means you get to close the street, as long as it’s not an arterial) right now! Just go here. There’s a Night Out page on Facebook, too – find that here. And as we say every year, we would love to feature your party as part of WSB coverage – if you wouldn’t mind a photojournalist stopping by, please let us know the address (here’s how to reach us) before party night! (And if we don’t make it, please share a photo, as it’s great to show everyone in West Seattle as many of the neighbors and friends they just haven’t yet met!)